Traditional Explorer - Rakdos Midrange

33 17
16 16 4 24

        Rakdos midrange is one of the most important decks on Arena. It is currently number one in the metagame. Today I hope to convince you that investing your wildcards in this deck is a good choice.

        The main central idea of all midrange decks is to generate value and two for one at a cheap and efficient cost. This allows midrange as a whole to have a positive matchup against control while also being able to play fast enough to compete with aggro. Rakdos is particularly good against aggro because of the cheap 1 and two mana interactions such as fatal push and heartless act. These cheap spells give you the ability to fend off aggro long enough to generate value with cards such asFable of the Mirror Breaker, Bloodtithe Harvesterimage and powerful Planeswalkers such as Chandra, Torch of Defianceimage. Another previously mentioned benefit of having this deck is its matchup against control. Powerful card advantage goes a long way against control if you can resolve it and Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage seems like a card specifically designed to beat control.

        The decklist that I choose to run is simple yet effective. I run 4 Thoughseize to mess with my opponent's hand. This, in addition to messing with your opponent's hand, provides information such as if your opponent has removal you can make sure they use it before playing a bomb such as Sheoldred. Fatal Pushimage, and Bloodchief's Thirstimage are cheap removal spells that can function in the early game against their one and two drops while functioning okay in the late game. Fatal push is interesting because blood tokens, treasure tokens, and Fable of the Mirror Breaker transforming are all ways to trigger the revolt keyword without losing a creature.

        Infernal Graspimage is my removal spell of choice. The unconditional removal with minimal life loss is what I prefer to other removal spells. Of course, the life loss is a real downside and some players run Go for the Throatimage or Heartless Actimage. Bloodtithe Harvesterimage is one of the two mini-combo pieces along with the flipped Fable of the Mirror Breaker The Harvester token can immediately generate a blood token and then blow up a creature every single turn clearing the board if removal is not instantly used on one of the cards. It also is efficient because it can stall the game of your bombs or be an incredibly efficient body as well as a filter for your late-game lands. Tenacious Underdogimage is another efficient creature with post-mortem recursion. This also generates cards making it a phenomenal card. Unfortunately, this deck has so many great cards fighting for a spot in the deck it can only be one of to improve the curve. 

        As for a two and three drop is Bonecrusher Giantimage. Stomp is an instant speed burn spell at worst and removal at best neither of which can compete with the giant itself. A 4/3 for 3 mana is already a positive but the ability to burn your opponents when they are forced to remove this monster is another positive. Graveyard Trespasser // Graveyard Gluttonimage is a great card. A 3/3 for 3 mana is actually not that good by this deck's standards but it has enough upsides to justify use. Ward-discard a card means that this is always a two-for-one if your opponents wish to remove it from play. 3/3 is also a better stat line than you think against fast aggressive decks. Transforming into a 4/4, while not always possible, makes this card even better. The reason this card sees play though is the fact that it is mainboard graveyard hate. This means that you no longer have to win two games in a row against Greasefang decks. Liliana of the Veilimage is our first Planeswalker of the deck. Her +1 is to have us both discard. This isn't actually always symmetrical though. You can -2 her if you don't have a spare card to discard or even skip activating her at all. Also against slower decks, you might have dumped your entire hand onto the field and this is not something you even have to worry about at all. Her -2 is only good if they don't have a little guy to sac but Fatal Pushimage, Bloodchief's Thirstimage, Bonecrusher Giantimage's stomp, and Bloodtihe Harvester all make that incredibly easy. Her Ultimate (-6) is almost certainly a game if you can reach it. You can give them the choice of a 1 sided board wipe or all of their lands gone and they are pretty much forced to pick the former. Since her +1 will have them top decking this is probably a game. Saving the best for last is Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jikiimage. This is hands down the best card in the deck. The goblin token produced will both ramp and color-fix you. The faithless looting can get rid of land that you don't need as well as filling the graveyard of Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage, and its flip side combos with Bloodtithe Harvesterimage to clear the board and generate infinite filtering. 

        The first 4-drop is actually a two-drop but is played as a  4-drop. Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage is an easy card to discard for Fable of the Mirror-Breaker and for blood tokens because it will come back as a game-ending threat if you can fill up your graveyard which most of the time is not too much of a challenge. This is control's worst nightmare as it will recur and is one of your biggest and best bombs. Next up on the bomb list is [[Sheoldred, the Apocolypse Every time your opponent draws they lose 2 life and puts your opponent on a 10-turn clock. This makes it very easy to beat Izzet Phoinex decks as well as other decks that cycle. The life gain is also far from useless because you have ways to draw extra cards through blood tokens and Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jikiimage. The final bomb in this deck is Kalitas, Traitor of Ghetimage. This has lifelink which can help win damage races and that is even easier since it gets bigger. A neat little trick you can do is to sacrifice a token to trigger revolt on Fatal Pushimage and then get another zombie off of the triggered ability. 

        The mana base of this deck is relatively simple. It is 4 of the shock lands and four of the path lands for obvious reasons. We also have one of each of the Kamigawa lands because there is no drawback whatsoever. Two of each of the D&D lands because there is a very few drawbacks and basic lands for the rest. 

        The final piece of the puzzle that puts this deck so high above others is its ability to adapt with the sideboard against certain matchups. My sideboard runs cards such as Chandra, Awakened Infernoimage and Go Blankimage to defeat control. Anger of the Godsimage, Extinction Eventimage, and an additional copy of Kalitas, Traitor of Ghetimage to best aggro. 


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Last Updated: 10 Apr 2023
Created: 18 Jan 2023
401 63 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (24 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


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