Arena Standard - Thirst for Blood

9 40
24 10 1 25
Midrange Combo

This is a straight forward Vampire leech deck, with a bit of a twist utilizing Epicure of Bloodimage for a 5th turn drop to double the damage. Impassioned Oratorimage used to combine with Epicure of Bloodimage, but I found that (in this deck) it was hindering the curve.

Cruel Celebrantimage, Vindictive Vampireimage, Epicure of Bloodimage, and Vampire of the Dire Moonimage are the main cards in the deck using Bloodthirsty Aerialistimage and Thirsting Bloodlordimage for defence. Ill-Gotten Inheritanceimage with Oath of Kayaimage are the life gains in the deck, combined with Epicure of Bloodimage allow for damage wtih life gain, ending the game with a sacrifice of 2 Ill-Gotten Inheritanceimage on turn 8-10.

How to play? Going down to 6-8 health (Shock Land usage for first or second turn drops, taking blows from creatures) within the first 5-6 turns is no problem for me while I build up mana and the base of the deck, sacrificing creatures to block only when it is an absolute must and the flow is still in effect. Building up the Bloodthirsty Aerialistimage is a great defence as well as Icon of Ancestryimage. Oath of Kayaimage is your direct damage with life gain card so do not be afraid to throw out duplicate to kill a target when needed, but there are 3 so be selective.

Throwing out the Celebrant (I wait for 2), Vindictive (again, I wait for 2), and Epicure (I usually have 2-3 on the board unless killed) creatures, backed up by a Icon of Ancestryimage and a few more creatures from early game, allow for an all out attack to zero out the life total of the opponent when they kill your creatures.

3 lands in your opening hand 31% of the time with 2-4 lands averaging 25% of the time.

1st turn: Vampire of the Dire Moonimage - take 2 from a shock land

2nd turn: Cruel Celebrantimage - take another 2 from a shock land if no regular land to drop

3rd turn: Icon of Ancestryimage or Bloodthirsty Aerialistimage - take 2 from a shock land

4th turn: Cruel Celebrantimage+Vampire of the Dire Moonimage or Thirsting Bloodlordimage or Ill-Gotten Inheritanceimage

5th turn: Epicure of Bloodimage

This is based on your draw of course, but can easily tick their life down as it builds.

This deck favors a Timewipe, Ritual of Sootimage, or any other mass wipe cards, but having them in the deck is counterproductive, as once Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage is on the battlefield, you can create and sacrifice creatures at will.



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Last Updated: 20 Sep 2019
Created: 15 Aug 2019
424 182 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (10)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (1)

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