Arena Standard - Mono Red Burn

18 18 0 24

This is my first attempt at creating my own deck from scratch.  I kind of used what I learned from running Merchant's Budget Mono Red Steamkin deck ( kept things I liked, and then switched in some premium stuff that made sense, without looking at the meta and seeing what experienced players actually play.  It works pretty well, it wins a lot, and I've gotten pretty high up in the best-of-one the rankings with it.  It's pretty boring to play because it's just mono red.  My advice when playing this kind of deck is to just burn to the face even if you're tempted to kill a creature, unless that creature is integral to the deck you're playing against.  For instance, I find it very satisfying to Shock a mono blue deck's Mist-Cloaked-Herald or Siren Stormtamer after they've buffed it with a Curious Obsession, which will just destroy their expected tempo; however, if you count how much burn you *didn't* put into someone's face during the average match, normally at some point you realize they would have been dead a long time ago if you had just ignored their creatures.

You should definitely get rid of the Memorial to Wars and replace them with basic lands (or dual lands if you're splashing something in.) They just slow down your mono red tempo, and out of however many zillion games I've played with this deck there hasn't been a single time that the "destroy land" ability has been even the least bit pertinent.  I just kept them in here in rememberance of my very first effort at brewing something.

There are probably a lot of ways to make this deck better, as I did not study the mono red meta game at all before building it.  It still works really well though, and it was a fun exercise in building my first deck.


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Last Updated: 30 Apr 2019
Created: 29 Apr 2019
39 92 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (15 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (24)

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