Arena Standard - Gyruda Bant Busted

25 30 8 13
18 13 4 25

So, heres what is what seems to be played through out day 1-3 in the format. Gyruda seems abosolutley broken ( even without its Companion ability ). This version has the tempo needed to make it to turn 5+ to start the shenanighans with Gyruda, Thassa and Charming Prince to flicker those ETB's.. I have a lot of fun at insta crafting this deck. First deck I uploaded so thanks in advance and all credit goes to BadBoyGaming for showcasing the deck.


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Last Updated: 20 Apr 2020
Created: 20 Apr 2020
20 46 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (22 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (13)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (4)

Sideboard - 2 cards (1 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
14 3 39 4 0
0 0 2 0 0