Arena Standard - Gruul Fast Dinosaurs (LCI)

21 32
28 7 0 25
Aggro Midrange

It's Dino Time!

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This is my Gruul dinosaur deck, which attempts to be an aggro deck, rather than a ramp deck, wherefore the mana curve ends at 5 mana. Bonehoard Dracosaurimage and Palani's Hatcherimage are used as top-end creatures. There's no Trumpeting Carnosaurimage, because discover is not so great with so many small creatures.


  • The deck is for the Standard format with The Lost Caverns of Ixalan being the last legal set.
  • The deck is probably Tier 1.5 caliber.
  • The deck can be played in both Bo1 and Bo3.


This is my own brew. I tried several net decks, but didn't like them too much. So, I decided to build my own brew.

Mana Base Statistics



  • Total of 25 lands

Mana Creatures

  • 4 1-mana creatures, which provide any color mana for dinosaurs.
  • 2 2-mana creature, which provide any color mana for anything.
  • 1 3-mana creature that fetches a basic land card to your hand.

Starting Hand Probabilities

Bo3 (No Hand Smoothing)

Note that color probabilities are counted as Cavern of Soulsimage and Mirreximage providing colorless mana. In practice, they often produce colored mana, wherefore the real-life probabilities are usually much greater.

  • At least two lands: 87.75 %
  • 2–5 lands: 86.02 %

Bo1 (Hand Smoothing)

Ranked Queue (Best of 2 Hands)

Hand smoothing in the ranked queue takes the best of 2 different starting hands (of 2 different deck shuffles).

  • 2–5 lands: 98.05 % (approximately)
Play Queue (Best of 3 Hands)

Hand smoothing in the play queue takes the best of 3 different starting hands (of 3 different deck shuffles).

  • 2–5 lands: 99.73 % (approximately)

Land Probabilities

Probabilities are for on the play / on the draw.

Land Count

With 2-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 3 lands by turn 3: 68.43 % / 82.67 %
  • At least 4 lands by turn 4: 39.96 % / 58.75 %
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 21.17 % / 37.28 %
With 3-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 4 lands by turn 4: 80.81 % / 89.26 %
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 55.48 % / 69.96 %
With 4-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 87.72 % / 92.98 %
With Any Starting Hand
  • At least 3 lands by turn 3: 81.90 % / 88.05 %
  • At least 4 lands by turn 4: 67.54 % / 76.56 %
  • At least 5 lands by turn 5: 51.74 % / 62.38 %

Creature Probabilities

Probabilities are for on the play / on the draw.

  • At least 1 1-mana mana creature on turn 1: 39.95 % / 44.48 %
  • At least 1 2-mana mana creature by turn 2: 25.09 % / 27.97 %
  • 1 3-mana mana creature by turn 3: 15.00 % / 16.67 %

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Last Updated: 02 Feb 2024
Created: 22 Nov 2023
2043 285 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (28)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (25)

Sideboard - 15 cards (9 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
5 13 28 14 0
2 5 8 0 0