Arena Standard - Golgari Gyruda

6 24 28
22 11 0 27

An updated Gyruda deck for Kaldheim.  Focuses on 3 mana turn 4 plays, and 6 mana turn 4-5 plays.  Has a spread of potential Gyruda hits, instead of focusing too hard on any one effect.

The traditional "ramp ramp GYRUDA" will sometimes get interrupted by the need for removal, but Binding can keep the ramp going anyway.  

You ALWAYS want to have at least 1 ramp in hand, preferably Caryatid or Florahedrin.  Mulligan if you don't have it.

  • Mana base has few taplands because hitting that early 6 mana monster is very critical, and even a 1 turn delay stuck at 5 mana can lose games.  This particular mix gives me almost no trouble with mana.  (Koga and turn 4 Rankle/Nightmare Shephard are the main color restriction concerns.)
  • Keep in mind that Ilysian Caryatid taps for 2 mana if you have a 4+ power creature in play, so ideally you tap it after a big monster enters the battlefield.
  • Rankle/Nightmare Shephard are flex slots, you need a real 4 mana threat there to draw removal.  Toski was in the original version, but I rarely got the card draw off him. It may be better to just do more Questing Beasts, but Rankle/Shephard have specific combo potential that keeps them in there.

The maybeboard has some options that didn't make the cut, or can be swapped in for alternate cards (like replacing Return to Nature with Wilt, exchanging graveyard exile for the option to cycle).


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Last Updated: 18 Mar 2021
Created: 17 Mar 2021
75 145 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (11)
Land (27)

Sideboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Maybeboard - 5 cards (5 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
26 9 18 7 0
0 0 1 0 0