Arena Standard - [ELD] Glory all day

23 30 2 16
13 19 3 25

To obtain GLORY you need to:

1. Put a stop at end step (or go full control)
2. Have 11 mana or 7 and a Wilderness Reclamation
3. Have the combo pieces: a Scholar of the Agesimage, Chance for Gloryimage and 2x Repudiate // Replicateimage (spells can be in graveyard)
4. ???
5. Profit!


Have a Scholar of the Agesimage on the board or play it and use it to get Repudiate // Replicateimage and Chance for Gloryimage back from the graveyard. Then cast your first Chance for Gloryimage.

In your extra turn use the Repudiate // Replicateimage (Replicate) on Scholar of the Agesimage to regain Repudiate // Replicateimage and Chance for Gloryimage and use it again to regain both Repudiate // Replicateimage. Then don't forget to go into control mode or set stop. Go to end turn and use Repudiate // Replicateimage (Repudiate) to counter the Chance for Gloryimage Trigger (you can use Wilderness Reclemation mana for this) and cast Chance for Gloryimage again.

Continue this, every time you create more 3/3 Scholar of the Agesimage tokens that are indestructible, and able to swing each extra turn untill you win (you can still lose by decking yourself)


Since the combo can be used from the graveyard, because we need to start it of using a Scholar of the Agesimage which will fetch them from the graveyard (you need 4 combo pieces: Scholar of the Agesimage, Chance for Gloryimage and 2x Repudiate // Replicateimage), you can use the combo pieces to try and gain advantage.

Chance for Gloryimage is hard to use, but can sometimes be used to gain an extra turn (and hopefully make some creatures indestructable) if you have a Repudiate // Replicateimage and he can't counter it (has no mana).

Repudiate // Replicateimage (Repudiate) can be used in many cases, you can Repudiate // Replicateimage the triger of Lotus Fieldimage on turn 3 (tap mana before droping the Lotus Fieldimage and then cast Repudiate // Replicateimage to ramp 2 mana.

Repudiate // Replicateimage (Replicate) can also be used to copy a creature, Risen Reefimage for card draw/ramp or Deputy of Detentionimage for removal (note that Deputy of Detentionimage can be awkward with board wipes such as Time Wipeimage if you have multiple on the board, but you can target tokens for free!) or Cavalier of Dawnimage




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Last Updated: 29 Dec 2019
Created: 17 Nov 2019
86 70 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (26 distinct)

Creature (13)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (19)
Land (25)
Planeswalker (3)

Maybeboard - 8 cards (8 distinct)


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