Arena Standard - Budget Mono Red (1-Drop, No-Rare, WOE)

20 22 0 18

The fastest mono-red budget deck ever, having 38 1-mana spells! Kill the opponent on turn 3!

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This is a budget mono-red aggro deck mainly made of excellent common and uncommon 1-drops. The deck can be surprisingly dangerous, being able to kill the opponent on turn 3. The deck has no rares or mythic rares in it.


  • The deck is for the Standard format, as of October 2023, with Wilds of Eldraine being the last legal set.
  • The deck is probably Tier 1.5 or Tier 2 caliber.
  • The deck can be played in Bo1. The deck benefits greatly from hand smoothing.
  • The deck is pretty fast, and thus it's suitable for quickly grinding a large number of wins in the MTG Arena ladder.


This is my own brew.

Price on MTG Arena

The price is based on the wildcard bundle prices: $9.99 for 4 rare wildcards and $19.99 for 4 mythic rare wildcards. Uncommons and commons are counted as being free.

  • Main Deck: $0.00
  • Sideboard: $0.00
  • Total: $0.00


Overwhelm the opponent with cheap creatures and spells before they can get their act together.

Specific Card Strategies

Reinforced Ronin


Reinforced Ronin goes around sweepers, which can be nice at times.

Voldaren Epicure


You usually don't want more than three or four lands, wherefore you can use the Blood tokens from Voldaren Epicures to discard additional lands.

Main Deck Synergies

Embereth Veteran and Phoenix Chick

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The Young Role token of Embereth Veteran is great on Phoenix Chick, allowing the bird to grow up to 4/4.

Mirran Banesplitter and Phoenix Chick

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Mirran Banesplitter is great on Phoenix Chick tripling the damage caused by the bird.

Mana Base Statistics

  • Total of 18 lands
  • All 18 lands produce red mana

Starting Hand Probabilities

Bo3 (No Hand Smoothing)

  • At least two lands: 68.57 %
  • 2–3 lands: 57.35 %

Bo1 (Hand Smoothing)

Ranked Queue (Best of 2 Hands)

Hand smoothing in the ranked queue takes the best of 2 different starting hands (of 2 different deck shuffles).

  • 2–3 lands: 81.81 % (approximately)
Play Queue (Best of 3 Hands)

Hand smoothing in the play queue takes the best of 3 different starting hands (of 3 different deck shuffles).

  • 2–3 lands: 92.24 % (approximately)

Land Probabilities

Probabilities are for on the play / on the draw.

Land Count

With 2-Land Starting Hand
  • At least 3 lands by turn 3: 46.55 % / 61.30 %

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Last Updated: 02 Nov 2023
Created: 28 Oct 2023
432 98 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (12 distinct)

Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (18)

Sideboard - 15 cards (4 distinct)


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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
32 28 0 0 0
7 8 0 0 0