Historic Brawl - Rakdos Reanimator

34 20
16 17 2 24


Reanimator, again? Damn straight we're doing this again, this is Brawl and making big, inefficient plays is what this mode (well, at least EDH) was made for! We're forcing reanimation once again with the big boy himself, Rakdos! An unreliable board clear with flample, he won't win the game if we do get to play him, but together with our other very large creatures we can come in with some really powerful surprise damage swings.


Did you know, by the way, that this is my 31st deck? Is it starting to show that I'm running out of ideas and just trodging out a rehash of one of my favorite and easiest-to-build decks of the past couple of weeks? Oh god this is what they meant talking about impostor syndrome isn't... Uh, never mind. Look, coin flips! Randomness! Reanimation! Let's go!

Trying to ramp without green:

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Black and red usually have quite a few ways of getting a ton of mana in one turn, and while Irencrag Featimage is definitely a legal card for brawl, it really didn't feel like it did jack in this deck, so we're stuck with these artifacts. Arcane Signetimage is the reason Brawl is a 58-cards-plus-your-commander format, and Mana Geodeimage is usually just solid all around. Rakdos Locketimage gives us the mana we need while being some very necessary card draw later on, and we run Firemind's Vessel because Gilded Lotusimage is gone and I MISS IT SO MUCH! BRING IT BACK! REPRINT IT! PLEAAAASE!

Interacting, what Rakdos does best:

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Well we are in black and red so let's get as much removal as we can. We have Legion's Endimage and Cry of the Carnariumimage to deal with tokens, and Massacre Girlimage as a reanimation target that can clear the board. As targeted kill spells we have Price of Fameimage and Cavalier of Nightimage for creatures and Angrath's Rampageimage, Bedevilimage, and Murderous Riderimage for those annoying planeswalkers. We also run a Karn, the Great Creatorimage to animate our pretty big artifacts, as well as letting us shut off opponent's stuff like mana rocks, or our Wishclaw Talismanimage

Discard and Draw:

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YES, I WILL TRY TO KEEP MAKING Wishclaw Talismanimage HAPPEN IN BRAWL. I love tutor effects, and this one is quite powerful especially in a deck that can has as much closing potential as ours. We run a lot of rummage or wheel effects, with Thrill of Possibilityimage and Rix Maadi Revelerimage as cheap ways to ditch a big guy looking for spells we can cast, and it only gets better from there. Rankle, Master of Pranksimage lets us get a lot of value by forcing discards and draw, and the enormous Neheb, Dreadhorde Championimage, Cavalier of Flameimage, and Dragon Mageimage to go "WHEEE" with our cards and hope to draw better ones! DO YOU LIKE RANDOMNESS? RAKDOS DOES! Oh right, there's a Rotting Regisaurimage to try to get our opponents early in the game, as well as forcing us to ditch our huge creatures to reanimate them later.

Reanimation Engines:

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Oh look, there's a couple new ones here! The black reanimation package is something I've written about twice before, but red doesn't have many extra amazing ways to bring guys back, so we also run Gravewakerimage and Command the Dreadhordeimage! Yes, Gravewakerimage is slow and is here solely for extra redundancy. And yes, Command the Dreadhordeimage is probably going to hurt you. A lot. BUUUT even though it's not highlighted here we do run one Crashing Drawbridgeimage to be able to make that spell actually do some damage. There's a lot of redundancy here so don't worry about casting an early Finale of Eternityimage to control the board, this deck isn't good enough to play it cool.

The Targets:

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Alright, so apart from all the big reanimation targets mentioned before, we also have some pretty juicy monsters left to talk about. Ilhard, the Raze-Boar can help us get some of our ridiculous creature from our hand to board, which can help if we don't draw the discard or the reanimation sides of our deck. Skarrgan Hellkiteimage is an absolute unit that puts Shivan Dragonimage to shame. and Doom Whispererimage can help us pay more life to throw our big creatures into the graveyard. Paying life, by the way, is what Vilis, Broker of Bloodimage wants you to do, and of course he's in here, as is Drakuseth, Maw of Flamesimage, the most awesome monored dragon printed in the past 5 years, easily. There isn't much else to it, really! These are ridiculous big dudes we reanimate. That's the deck! WE'RE DONE!

The Lands:

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Oh no... you can't make me... Ah fuck it. We run the lands above. I have no idea why I put Castle Emberethimage in there, it's probably just to swag on opponents with our one single swinging creature. We have card draw lands, Field of the Deadimage, Mobilized Districtimage, and a buncha other nonsense. The sacrifice lands have some nice extra value for Cavalier of Flameimage but, eh... Our commander might be a board clear? Sometimes? I don't know try to enjoy the deck. Have fun :)


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Last Updated: 26 Nov 2019
Created: 26 Nov 2019
1187 321 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 59 cards (51 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (2)

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