Historic Brawl - Fear the First Sliver

10 12 23 9 24
29 34 0 36
Midrange Combo

Hey Y'all BPRadiant here with another Dech Tech. 

If you want to see a verbal version or any gameplay with the deck please watch the youtube link attached to the Dech. As always I also appreciate any feedback or suggestions you may have on the deck. 

So we're going to do the second biggest hyped up commander of the new Historic Jumpstart with The First Sliver. This one is pretty straight forward with going for sliver tribal and trying to go off with a big board the turn after you play the commander. For those of you who don't know how it works cascade lets you exile off the top till you hit a card with a lower cmc then cast it for free. So for instance if I cast a 3 drop sliver I can hit any 2 or 1 drop in the deck. And if that card is a sliver then we can repeat this process. This can lead to some explosive board states. 

First I want to start with letting everyone know that the deck is limited primarily by how bad the slivers are currently. We are missing a lot of our repeat effects that we'd want as well as just some of the higher powered slivers that exist. Because of this we do have some slivers that I think are at least a little sub optimal if I had access to the full amount of them. So this deck will just get stronger the more and better slivers we have in Historic. 

Aside from running most of the sliver cards we do have a few other tech pieces in the deck that I think are fairly unique. So the first is going to be Citywide Bust. This card is a house in the deck as no sliver we have except The First Sliver is going to get hit by it. So it can really turn the tables on some games to be a one sided board wipe. This is the same reason that we chose Crux of Fate because we have enough Changelings and Maskwood Nexus that this leaves us with something on our board while removing our opponents. Same store with our third board wipe in Crippling fear. So you can see that we actually have a lot to leverage off of these with our big turns. 

Another card that I put in for flavor and pop off potential was Sunbird's Invocation. Our commander is gonna eat removal. Thankfully Sunbird's is our backup effect for redundency when he gets too expensive. It also can allow us to really go hard when we have both in play by basically letting us cascade multiple times off one card. This has led to some really ridiculous swing turns. We also include Whir of Invention to allow us to tutor out our Maskwood Nexus, Vanquisher's Banner, or Herald's Horn. This can give us a lot of flexibility with the card depending on if we are trying to storm out slivers, draw cards to refill, or help with a tough mana shortage. 

Another thing you'll notice is I tried to keep our non sliver cards to primarily 2 colors so that we could limit how frequently we get mana screwed. We focus a bit on Green for the best way to get more lands. Black for the best removal with green. Then we limit the rest of our colors spells to things that we don't need early in the game so that we can be flexible with our mulligans. 

Cards that have overperformed so far have to be Moritte of the Frost coming in as a copy of Sunbird's or Reflections to double up on those effects has been absolutely nutty by far. And then giving him the option to double up any of our offensive slivers as well has been strong. In addition Shaper's Sanctuary has been incredible since you'll often eat single target removal to your commander and getting that card draw has never proved to be a bad thing. 

Underperformers so far are The Great Henge since it can actually be difficult to reduce the cost that much. But we are so creature dense that when it works it works well. Deathsprout is another that has been underperforming. At first I really liked the idea of removal that ramps me and fixes my mana but the double black and green cost makes it difficult with some hands to cast early when you'd want to do it on turn 4 to secure a turn five The First Sliver. 

Overall I think that the deck is reasonable in power level. I don't think that the First Sliver is as oppressive as other 5 color options but it lends itself to that sweet spot between absolute jank and tier 1. I'd personally put it at Tier 1.5 to Tier 2 depending on what the field looks like as matchmaking adjusts. 

Thanks for reading this far I really appreciate you taking the time to check this out. Hope you have a great rest of your day and as always,

Be Radiant!


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Last Updated: 02 Sep 2021
Created: 02 Sep 2021
2089 390 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (97 distinct)

Creature (29)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (34)
Land (36)

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