Historic - Scoop you L8r - Coco Angels w/ Control

41 6
29 8 0 23

Updated Historic CoCo Angels - Strix

  • Use Reidane and Elite Spell binders to delay board wipes and stall out control decks, use the orb form against other agro decks or decks that use alot of cheap removal spells. 
  • A play set of apparitions and settle the wreckedge for exile and easy wins vs other agro.
  • Radiant fountine allows you to trigger Resplendant Angel on entry with a single bishop or valk in play.
  • Toski and Heliod also add staying power through board wipes and alot of cheap removal, put counters on toski when able. 


Essentialy we are replacing the stop gap angel of vitality with Elitespell binder which is a cleric, nearly the same amount of damage output, but allows us to see our opponents hand early and delay big spells. Adding Reidane gives us the option to further increase the cost of other win condition non-creatures. Alternatively when facing agro or heavy creature removal play the shield side increasing the cost of spells and reducing damage. 

The Deck adds in a viable plan if the games is going long in Heliod and Toski as scaling damage and card draw. Place your counters onto the Toski whenever able as he will survive most board wipes. 


Use collected company to flash in blockers or on the end of control opponenets turns to gain board precence. 




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Last Updated: 12 Jul 2021
Created: 21 Apr 2021
142 454 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (19 distinct)

Creature (29)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Land (23)

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