Historic - Hammer Time (T2 Kill)

15 24
16 22 0 22

Get a creature out. Put a hammer on. SWING!!!!

This deck features several warriors that benefit from the second ability of Resolute Strikeimage allowing you to bypass Colossus Hammerimage large equip cost. The ideal play is as follows:

Turn 1; Mountainimage, Cacophony Scampimage

Turn 2; Colossus Hammerimage (with mountain), Plainsimage, swing with Cacophony Scampimage, cast Resolute Strikeimage when no block is assigned to attach Colossus Hammerimage and giving it +2, Cacophony Scampimage hits for 13 then sacrifices self to first ability, on death it deals damage equal to its power (13) to any target (player), 26 damage to opponent on turn 2.

Should the opponent avoid this you also have Kemba, Kha Enduringimage that can grab the hammer on entry, or Bruenor Battlehammerimage that can put it on any of your creatures for free.

Opponent has a wall of chump blockers? Sack your Cacophony Scampimage or Fireblade Chargerimage with a hammer on it using Thudimage and deal double the damage straight to their face.


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Last Updated: 26 Feb 2023
Created: 26 Feb 2023
256 75 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (23 distinct)

Creature (16)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (22)
Land (22)

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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
29 24 7 0 0
0 0 0 0 0