Historic - 3 Colour Dredge

8 27 23 8
18 25 2 15
Aggro Combo

Welcome to dredgeless dredge. I have been trying variations of this since historic came out. Finally after the most recent historic anthology and historic horizons I think the deck is in a fairly good place; Dragon's Rage Channeller and Grisly salvage are some of the biggest new cards for the deck. Before that it was a phoenix hybrid deck.


No changes from innistrad surprisingly enough.

*About mulligans*

mulligan aggressively because narcomoeba, silversmote, creeping chill basically do not count as cards in your oppening hand, and having a 5 card hand without them is often better than a 7 card hand without turn one plays.


*Notes about card choices*

*Mill Package*

Stitcher's Supplierimage, Grisly Salvageimage, and Ashiok, Dream Renderimage, all give you 5+ cards flipped off your deck into your grave. Witherbloom Commandimage gives you 3, but also offers you additional reach in a drain 2, removal (that you can point at your own stitcher's supplier to mill more), and helps you fix for mana, you will virtually always pick mill 3 + another option. 

Dragon's Rage Channelerimage: Regularly flips over 4+ cards a game in my experience, and 1 or 2 hits with this is often all you need in combination with our Creeping Chillimages. Because we run both an enchantment and a planeswalker hitting delerium is fairly easy.

*Sifting Package*

Faithless Lootingimage and Cathartic Reunionimage let you turn lands, Narcomoebaimages, and Silversmote Ghoulimages into more gas. Ox of Agonasimage is one of the best cards in the deck, but we only run 1 because you'll probably flip it into the grave where it is far better than in your hand.

*Dredge Payoffs*

Silversmote Ghoulimage is a body that comes back with Creeping Chillimage for free. Creeping chills give you around 9-12 points of burn a game, so you're only looking for another 8-11 points of chip damage somewhere.

Narcomoebaimage is literally uncastable, but helps fill out the chip damage you need to close out the game. Do not hesitate to discard this to our sifting package.

Demonic Embraceimage is in here to sneak in 4 points of chip damage or occasionally to give your ox evasion and chunk opponents out for 8. 

Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage; good enough that it's hard not to play, but it is tangental to our primary gameplan: It doesn't come back for free, it doesn't enable anything else, and it empties our graveyard (which we don't want). But it does help close out games and gives us plays if our hand runs dry.


*Land notes*

Our high end curve tops out at 3 mana, everything above that we don't intend to ever cast, so we run as few lands as possible; 15 + 4 Shatterskull Smashingimage. Do not hesitate to pay life for lands because we drain 9+ life every game, so paying down to 10 regularly isn't much of a concern.


Sideboard is a big WIP so ignore it entirely for now.


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Last Updated: 30 Sep 2021
Created: 29 Sep 2021
633 468 0

Mainboard - 60 cards (20 distinct)

Creature (18)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Land (15)
Planeswalker (2)

Sideboard - 15 cards (6 distinct)


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