Commander - Vorthos Temur Slimes

8 8 39
6 49 0 44

Alright, some credits to Commander Mechanic here for giving me ideas to make infinite Mana which can help us go a little bigger on our spells and some other combos besides just SaH.

WARNING not sure how budget this is it just includes a lot of stuff I have/ can obtain fairly easily. Your wallet has been forewarned.

So the basic gist is still the same cast Slime Against Humanity as much as possible and watch your opponents deal with it usually with our wincons being Simic Ascendency or making infinite Mana and doing shennigans there using Cloudstone or Archeomancer.  Vorthos is just there to literally give us Temur mana and look pretty.  You can replace her with literally any Five Color you want I am reasonably sure. Vorthos does have some synergy if you lean more on Ooze creatures though if you want to cast them but that's why I didn't put in a lot of proection....we don't care about them XD They are expendable after we sit down.

Some Combos: Thrumming Stone + out crazy amount SaH for a small price.  

Mizzix + Sah pretty self-explanatory especially with it not caring if the card is in exile so we're actually ensuring we get a huge number of them and fueling another if it's in our hand.

Mwonvuli Ooze + Tangle Root + Vanquisher's Banner = Bounce Draw infinitely and you even get infinite mana! Maybe consider this if you want to make Aeve work as Commander Mechnanic pointed out but I like inifnite Temur Mana better for the future stability of the deck more than just Mono Green.

Future Ideas: Hotsprings and I know I need to stop brewing around it but damnit since Wizards made "modifications" to how couunters, equips and ect work I can't help it and it will give the SaH tokens haste but also compete with it would be Rising of the Day. I'm torn on which one and want both but I'm not sure if it'll be too much as we don't have much else we want to give Haste to. Like it can be cool with our other oozes but then I need to add Impact Tremors effects and that starts to make it less of SaH deck even if burn is a nice wincon.  I also might add more Izzet copy enablers but honestly, we'll have to do more research there. 

Anyway enjoy and if you have ideas or feedback please tell me!


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Last Updated: 16 Feb 2024
Created: 16 Feb 2024
9 10 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (42 distinct)

Creature (6)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (49)
Land (44)

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