Commander - Kess Combo

41 21 10
4 64 1 30

Welcome to Kess Combo 101


This is not a cedh deck but its power level is slightly higher than most casual group's liking. Play it if you enjoy combo for the win and is okay with people teaming up against you like a true boss.

How to win with this deck?


A good starting hand is the most crucial part of this deck. Optimally you'd want to have a 2 land hand to guarantee your engine going as most mana rocks are at cmc2 so you would not be mana screwed even if you're land stuck.

Tutors & Draws

Cantrips and wheels are the draw engines. Most of your main phases you'll be spending mana tutoring or cycling through your decks for your win conditions. Optimally having starting hands full of mana rocks and [Wind Fall] would guarantee a win within 5 turns.

Notable [Bonus round] tutor trick:

Bonus Round + Dark Ritual + Demonic Tutor -> 4 mana spent for 2 search + net 4 black mana

Search for Cabal Ritual + Dark Petition -> 2 mana spent for 2 search + 11 net black mana

Win Conditions

Deminic Consultation/Tainted Pact + Thassa's Oracle - Main win con

Isochron + Dramatic reversal - Inifinte mana/storm for [Comet Storm]/[Aetherflux Reservoir] finish.

Bolas Citadel + Sensei's Divining Top + Aetherflux Reservoir - Draw & Storm


Lacking removal spells, counter spells are the only tool to stop opponent aggression, be prepared at all time to stop a win con

Should I play this deck in my play group?

This deck is overall optimal for a consistent turn 5 win con but not efficient enough for cedh level. Play this deck only if your play group is capable of responding fast. 


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Last Updated: 06 Mar 2020
Created: 04 Dec 2019
141 96 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (99 distinct)

Creature (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (64)
Land (30)
Planeswalker (1)

Maybeboard - 1 cards (1 distinct)


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Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
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0 0 0 1 0