Commander - Braids

36 28 0 35

Let's take a look at the list.

The Deck

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As you know, the deck's core strategy is to put out the biggest, nastiest creatures and artifacts possible. So, we have a ton of massive creatures to cheat out with Braids, including a handful of Eldrazi. We've also got a lot of ramp and cost reduction to make casting spells possible even without the commander in play.

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The next key thing for the deck is dealing with the things that opponents are going to cheat into play. Of course, your deck will have the biggest stuff, but they'll also have threats. We do have a lot of removal (mostly mass bounce spells) to deal with them, but what we'd rather do is have them for ourselves. So, we've got an entire package of spells devoted to stealing the best of what they play. Of course, these can be used to copy your own bombs, too!

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Aside from the ones pictured above, we also play:

Not only will these be very annoying for your opponents and reduce their threats, but they will also mean you can beat them down with thier creatures, which is always fun. Cards like God-Pharaoh's Statueimage also put a damper on what they can play naturally. The last thing I want to mention is protection. You'll want to protect Braids and the big stuff she cheats out.

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The spells pictured above (and the decks' many counter spells) help keep your creatures safe. If you want to pull cards from the Dimir deck, you can add in Mana Drainimage and Cyclonic Riftimage.

Possible Upgrades

The deck is pretty budget right now (very powerful, though), and you mentioned wanting a list of more expensive stuff for upgrades later. Here is what I would consider:




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Last Updated: 29 May 2024
Created: 28 May 2024
61 19 0

Commander - 1 cards (1 distinct)


Mainboard - 99 cards (68 distinct)

Creature (36)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (28)
Land (35)

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