All decks with Youtube videos

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Simic Profile
Standard BO1

27 Apr by pere_chapi

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Rakdos Go Straight
Standard BO1

27 Apr by pere_chapi

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Ugin's Walkers
Standard BO1

27 Apr by MTGJeff

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Amass Midrange
Standard BO1

27 Apr by Jacob89

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Jace's Saltai Self Mill WAR
Traditional Standard

27 Apr by AKA_Syx

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4c Bolas Citadel
Standard BO1

27 Apr by Jsnowgaming

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Oketra Reanimator
Traditional Standard

26 Apr by Santosch

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Tricksy tempo
Standard BO1

26 Apr by Flonyme

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Liliana's Zombie Army
Standard BO1

26 Apr by DrSpilikin

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Jund Dreadhorde Aggro
Standard BO1

26 Apr by MTGJeff

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Sorin's invading Army
Standard BO1

26 Apr by majin_shinsa

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I Life U Lose

25 Apr by Heyden89

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Dimir Mill
Standard BO1

25 Apr by Jacob89

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Citadel of Mack [WAR]
Standard BO1

24 Apr by craigmack378

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Abzan Ajani
Standard BO1

24 Apr by MTGJeff

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Gatewalkers Stream
Standard BO1

24 Apr by MTGJeff

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Jund Goblins [WAR}
Standard BO1

24 Apr by craigmack378

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Mack Mill [WAR]
Standard BO1

24 Apr by craigmack378