Explorer - Glorious Exiles | Shell Game Flicker ☀️

Main 60 cards (19 distinct)
Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (22)
Side 7 cards (3 distinct)
Maybeboard 6 cards (5 distinct)

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Glorious Exiles


The adjusted version of my historic deck but more focused for Explorer, Glorious Exiles is a deck with an emphasis on the Flicker mechanic, which requires some additional mana investment compared to its Historic version. The strategy is centered around creating a shell game for our opponents by exiling and returning creatures for our benefit.



Lunarch Veteran // Luminous Phantomimage is an excellent 1-drop that not only gains you life but also has the potential to be brought back into play for just 2 mana. With this ability, it's almost like having an immortal creature, as it can easily return from exile to continue providing you with valuable lifegain.

Charming Princeimage is a versatile addition to our deck, helping to trigger some of our flicker effects while providing much-needed card selection through scry. It also doubles as a safety net with its life gain ability. Unfortunately, due to limited space, we had to settle for just two copies.

Corpse Knightimage is the key win condition of the deck and justifies the black splash. By using the flicker mechanic on this creature, we can deal direct damage to our opponent and potentially win the game.

Dawnbringer Clericimage is a handy tool is designed to take care of pesky enchantments that can make your game difficult, as well as troublesome cards in the graveyard. And if you find yourself in need of a little extra life, this card has you covered with its life gain ability. It's a versatile and practical addition to any deck

Professor of Symbologyimage allows you to access your sideboard, giving you the chance to retrieve important spells when you need them the most. Additionally, Reduce to Memoryimage is a standout option that can get rid of troublesome cards, making your battles easier to win.

Spirited Companionimage is an adorable little dog that never fails to fetch your next card. With this loyal companion by your side, you'll never fall behind in your gameplay. This card is the perfect addition to our deck as a reliable source of card draw

Skyclave Apparitionimage Looking for a way to get rid of troublesome cards on the battlefield? Look no further than this powerful card, which can eliminate any cards with a CMC of 4 or less. With its ability to remove key cards from your opponent's deck.

Vizier of Defermentimage is a true gem, with a surprise ability that can be triggered multiple times with the right planning. And with its flash ability, you can use it to mitigate big hits from your opponent, catching them off guard and giving yourself the upper hand. It's so good that you'll wish you could fit three of them in your deck!

Glorious Protectorimage At the heart of this deck lies its namesake and key card - the ultimate powerhouse that everything else revolves around. With its foretell ability, you can cast it for a lower cost when mana is scarce, while its flash ability allows you to wait for the perfect moment to strike, potentially wasting your opponent's targeted spells on other creatures. And let's not forget its impressive 3/4 flying stats - this card is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. The real magic happens when you trigger its flicker effect, which can happen multiple times with proper planning. Remember to attack before triggering the effect for the turn, if possible, to maximize its impact.



Justiciar's Portalimage With its powerful flicker ability, it allows you to bring your creatures in and out of play, while also granting them first strike, reducing the pressure from your opponent's creatures. Its versatility and dynamic abilities make it a must-have card for this deck.

Doomskarimage is a quick and effective way to clear the board in case of emergencies. With its powerful board wipe ability, it can help you gain the upper hand in even the toughest battles. And with the added bonus of Glorious Protector, you'll likely still have creatures in play even after using it.


Other Stuff:

Portable Holeimage Its ability to quickly and easily remove opposing creatures from the battlefield can give you a critical advantage in the early stages of the game. And with its great synergy with Teleportation Circle, it becomes even more powerful, particularly with tokens.

Mace of the Valiantimage looking to turn your creatures into massive threats on the battlefield? With its ability to quickly gain size, this mace can turn even the smallest creature into a deadly force to be reckoned with. So for a possible kill card, this mace is a great choice.

Touch the Spirit Realmimage has the ability to get rid of big threats on the battlefield and is essential for players looking to gain the upper hand in tough battles. But it also has an added bonus with its channel ability, providing an uncounterable flicker that can save a creature from certain doom.

Teleportation Circleimage to utilize flicker effects on a regular basis. Its ability to trigger these effects every turn with ease adds stability and consistency to this deck, making it more powerful and effective in battle.


The Gameplan:

This deck is a unique and unconventional choice, catching many opponents off-guard with its unorthodox strategies. To truly master this deck, it's important to keep your mana open whenever possible and play with a control-oriented mindset. By exiling your creatures in response to threats and aiming to get Glorious Protector out with enough spells to protect it, you can ensure that you always have a powerful ally on the battlefield to help you dominate your opponents. With careful planning and strategic play, this deck has the potential to be a true force to be reckoned with.


Feel free to comment if you'd like to see more of my themed decks, and please link here and give me a shout out if you use this deck and have fun.

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Last Updated: 21 Feb 2023
Created: 24 Jan 2023
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