Historic - The Agnostic Approach

Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (25)
Creature (11)
Land (24)
Side 7 cards (4 distinct)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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First off, things you should know playing this deck:

You very much want or even need the bottom of your deck to have Approach of the Second Sunimage and Irencrag Featimage in it. This means keeping a few things in mind: 1 - You do not want your opponent to force you to shuffle. 2 - You do not want to put anything underneath those two cards. 3 - When using Valakut Awakeningimage, always remember to order the cards properly.

At least, that's part of the "plan." Namely, you want to cast a spell, have (those) 2 cards left in your deck, and then cast Mind's Desireimage, so that you can cast your Approach -> Feat -> Approach all in one go (This requires having one Approach in hand as well). Because of how Mind's Desire works, it doesn't matter that it shuffles, as long as eventually both cards are chosen.

Something that many people may know but you definitely need to know is, copying Approach does not help you.

It's definitely worth going very slowly through this last play to make sure you do it in the right way.


OK so, anyway.

There's proooobably some lame way of winning like "actually casting Approach two times from your hand" or "dealing a lot of damage with Cavalier of Flameimage" but who would want to do that?

I've playtested a slightly earlier version of the deck (not on MTGA) without an opponent, and it seems to take around 9-10 turns to get through the whole deck. This deck can probably survive at least most of the way there, considering it has some nice-sized creatures, recurring fliers, and learn-able removal. Also, considering I've changed it, it will probably take less turns; you can postpone a portion of one of your later turns for Bag of Holdingimage, put a bunch of cards into your hand on your opponent's turn (so you don't discard them all when you have no mana) and then cycle a ton with Neheb, Dreadhorde Championimage, Cavalier of Flameimage, and/or Illuminate Historyimage

Good couple of interactions with having cards in the graveyard, but it's essentially just discarding as a means of getting through the deck really fast, hence the copies of Bag of Holdingimage.

Note: the Epitaph Golemimage is a means to solve emergency situations where you screw up, or are really out of options and *need* to use Valakut too many times on not-combo-pieces, or *need* to discard them in order to go fast enough.

Oh, and good luck if you're playing this in paper. It's probably pretty doable, but a little pesky.

(Alternate deck title: Race to the finish. I thought Agnostic was a funny word to describe it because of "Faithless" Looting, and I think I've heard of like "agnostic" something or other having to do with computing)


P.S. I will admit, I wasn't planning on putting Vadrik, Astral Archmageimage or The Celestusimage into the deck, and only decided to because I'm hyped to see some MID cards. They were going to be the cost-reducing (modal double-faced) Rowan. I think it's a fine change though, since Vadrik is functionally similar, and Celestus has draw/discard going for it, plus it's another multi-color mana source, which is important to have by the very end, and for Vadrik as well. Besides, with this many cards, it might be nice to have Celestus able to pump up Vadrik for bigger cost reduction.

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Last Updated: 25 Sep 2021
Created: 15 Sep 2021
297 119 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
24 37
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 11 26 3 0
1 2 4 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.44
Recommended Lands: 27