Modern - Red, White, And Blue Soldier Tribal

Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Creature (25)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (9)
Planeswalker (3)
Land (23)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

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This is a Jeskai (Red, White, And Blue) Soldier deck I build for a customer on Fiverr. If you're interested in having a deck built you can find me on Fiverr as genoslugcs.

The Deck

Ok man, this one proved to be a little challenging. That said, I have quite a few different versions of the deck if this one isn't what you had in mind. However, this one did play pretty well. To elaborate, it was hard because I didn't want to send you a boring or straight aggro list, since I know you have a few of those. So, I was trying to get creative but sometimes creative lists don't win games. Some of the other options didn't have a very good curve. So, here's the list that I landed on, which is pretty aggressive but I have some others I can show you as well.

For this version, we're focused on the Soldier creature type with lords like Field Marshalimage and Preemminet Captain. The captain's best target to cheat into play is Captain of the Watchimage but there are some other good options as well. Other than that, there are also payoffs for the Human creature type as well with Thalia's Lieutenantimage.

The Creatures


One Drops

If you're playing a creature-based deck you gotta start with the one drops.

Thraben Inspector


This is one of the cards that I added in to give the deck more top-end and take us just a touch away from aggro. Don't give me wrong with a +1/+1 and First Strike she still makes a great attacker. That said, she's mainly here because she produces clue tokens to help keep the threats coming in the mid/late game and make sure that no mana goes unused.

Kytheon, Hero of Akros


This card is really cool both from a gameplay perspective and a flavor one. And I've spent enough time playing against it (it's in my brother's Legendary Themed deck) to tell you it's good. He comes down and is a nice 2/1 that you can grant indestructible to, which can come in quite handy. Then when you attack with enough creatures he transforms into Kytheon, Hero of Akros // Gideon, Battle-Forgedimage. This Gideon is great on both offense and defense and that's exactly where we want to be.

Two Drops

Moving up the curve here are the two mana creatures.

Thalia's Lieutenant


As mentioned above, this is a creature that benefits from playing Humans. It grows bigger as the game goes on, which is always good, and can also grow some other key creatures. This combination makes her a great early-game play but not a horrible late-game top deck either.

Swiftblade Vindicator


I like this card. It has a plethora of keyword abilities and when you add First Strike to the list, this thing is a nightmare in combat. This is what we want - To be able to win on the frontlines through advantages like First Strike. However, it's a card we could replace too. If you don't like this you could swap it for Thalia, Guardian of Thrabenimage for a less aggressive more tax-oriented card. If you do like the Vindicator we could swap a few four drops around for Odric, Lunarch Marshalimage if you want.

Three Drops

Field Marshal


For obvious reasons, this is one of the premier creatures in the deck. Three-mana lords are usually a little slow but giving First Strike as well as a p/t boost is quite good.

Preeminent Captain


As mentioned, this is here to cheat out some of the more expensive cards a turn early. If you can manage to put Captain of the Watchimage right into play attacking your opponents are in for a lot of damage out of nowhere and this can be a winning play in a lot of circumstances.

Brutal Cathar


This is here as a one-off for some extra removal and a way to round out the curve. Let me know if her being a werewolf on one side bothers you from a theme standpoint.

Four Drops

Fallaji Vanguard


Fallaji Vanguard is a card that generates value as soon as you play it and that's what we want out of the higher CMC spells. Having to hope you untap with an expansive play in order to use it is never where you want to be. The vanguard pumps the team when he enters and when another creature enters. So, he stands to generate a lot of damage.

Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis


The first of our Planeswalker (other than Kytheon) is Elspeth, Sun's Nemesis. The curve in the deck is very important and being able to follow up a Field Marshalimage or Preemptive Captain trigger with the 1- here is a huge boost. The second ability helps to create a board if she comes down when you don't have one; Making her good when you're ahead and behind. The -3 can help breathe a little life into you if you're really behind and can be back-breaking against some decks.

You'll notice she has no way to + herself but you can cast her again from the graveyard in the late game. Again, not exactly an aggro or control card but does lend herself to both at times.

Gideon, Ally of Zendikar


This one, however, is all aggro. He turns into a 5/5, or makes a 2/2, or permanently gives your team +1/+1 and he can do any of the three as soon as you play him. It may feel bad to minus him to death the turn he enters but man, creating that emblem is nasty and there's really no way for them to remove it. If you've got a board when he comes down or a lot of creatures in hand don't be afraid to take the emblem.

Five Drop(s)

Elspeth Tirel


This is our lone five-mana spell. And it's a good one. If you have any of the above-mentioned four mana spells in play and drop this, the -2 is a KO punch most times. Have a lord out? Those are 2/2 tokens now. Did you -4 Gedion the turn before? Well, now they are 3/3 tokens. Sometimes her plus ability is needed but you'll mainly be wanting tokens.

Her ULT is a nice backup plan to have too. However, most of the time if you are being outdone on board by someone it will usually be by tokens, unfortunately, so it can miss.

Six Drops

Captain of the Watch


Six mana spells need to be powerful and this is. As mentioned, you're wanting to cheat this out but even naturally cast, it's very good. However, due to the high CMC I only added two. With more copies, they tended to get stuck in my hand. At two copies though, it was fine. Regardless of how it makes its way onto the field, it is hard to deal with. If it comes down onto an empty board, all alone, it brings nine power and toughness! If you've got even a few other creatures, it's even more.

The Removal\Interaction

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I've found that around 10 interaction spells to be the right number for a Tribal deck. Here we have nine. four Lightning Boltimage since it's the most versatile, three Path to Exileimage to remove bigger threats, and two Twiddleimage for some spice. You can use this thing for everything from untapping your creatures after you attack, to tapping would-be blockers, to manipulating either player's lands. I thought this was a lot more useful to the strategy than other spells blue had to offer. Like Counterspellimage and such.

The Mana Base

I tried to keep the mana base as budget-friendly as possible but the deck is three colors after all. Let me know if it's too expensive and I can make some tweaks. As of now, there are 23 total lands. Of those lands we have:

  • 21 Lands That Can Produce White
  • 18 That Produce Red
  • 10 That Produce Blue

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There are a few lands worth mentioning: First, is Marsh Flatsimage which is here because of the way I added the lands, each color combination has white attached. For example, if you need to fetch Blue you can because of Hallowed Fountainimage. If you need Red grab a Sacred Foundryimage.

This means Marsh Flats can be used to get all of the colors. The reason I did this was to save you some money as Marsh Flatsimage is the cheapest fetch. It can also grab the two copies of Raugrin Triomeimage which tap for MERICA colors. These are best fetched for turn one since they enter tapped.

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We have a total of six of these effects that will produce all three colors when casting the soldiers.





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Last Updated: 19 Mar 2023
Created: 19 Mar 2023
1214 90 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
402 9
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 12 30 6 0
3 3 9 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.27
Recommended Lands: 23