Standard - !nResponse's RW "Can't Touch This" Aggro

  • Deck contains 11 invalid cards for this format: Deafening Clarion (GRN), Sacred Foundry (GRN), Gideon Blackblade (WAR), Brought Back (M20), Planar Cleansing (M20), Flame Sweep (M20), Tibalt, Rakish Instigator (WAR), Devout Decree (M20), Leyline of Sanctity (M20), Leyline of Combustion (M20), Grafdigger's Cage (M20)
Main 60 cards (15 distinct)
Creature (12)
Planeswalker (4)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (18)
Land (26)
Side 15 cards (5 distinct)

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While this deck is very easy to build around, the simple fact is that no one is building around it. From where I'm sitting this list looks incredibly well poised to tackle the current meta, while also being vastly pleasurable to pilot and oppose, and retaining a very memey core concept. Though there is a lot of nuance to proper piloting of the deck, its overall gameplan is very simple and straightforward:

1) Establish strong, annoying-to-remove threats such as Haktos the Unscarredimage and Lavabrink Venturerimage

2) Give these threats lifelink via Heliod, Sun-Crownedimage's ability, Gideon Blackbladeimage's +1, and spells like Deafening Clarionimage

3) Cast wrath effects like Shatter the Skyimage, Clarion, Storm's Wrathimage, etc to clear the board of any blockers while retaining a commanding board presence

4) beeg hoomanz smash face

Most of the nuance is introduced with the distinction between the indestructible and protection keywords. Indestructible prevents all damage to the permanent such as from Clarion, and prevents the permanent from being affected by destroy effects such as those of Shatter and of Planar Cleansingimage. Protection on the other hand, comes with it's own extra perks over indestructible which are important to keep in mind (such as that they cannot be blocked by creatures against which they have protection and that they cannot be targetted by such spells or by abilities of such permanents), however they have one massive relative weakness, the understanding of which is crucial to the proper piloting of this deck: protection does not prevent "destroy" effects from affecting the protected permanent. This distinction is crucial to knowing when which wrath effects should be used, as one may intuit, for example, that if they control a Lavabrink Venturerimage with protection from even CMCs and wish to cast a Shatter, that their Venturer would survive as it has protection from the Shatter, HOWEVER since protection does not protect from "destroy" effects, their Venturer would be destroyed.


As for the deck's sideboard, it is geared heavily to hate on the list's hardest matchup, Rakdos aggro lists popularized by crokeyz, running cat-oven and other grind-y attrition-y methods of chipping away at the opponent's life total, with Lurrus of the Dream Den as a companion. The 3 of Devout Decreeimage helps to find the needed answers and threats while dealing with theirs cheaply and without hope of recursion. The 4 of Leyline of Sanctityimage will often produce very deterministic results in the matchup when in the opening hand as while it does nothing to prevent the attrition of Cauldron Familiarimage and Serrated Scorpionimage, it does disable their main engine, Priest of Forgotten Godsimage. The playset of Grafdigger's Cageimage is present to not only shut off cat-oven, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hungerimage's escape, and Lurrus's own ability, it also demolishes a variety of other decks rising in popularity, such as decks built around Gyruda, Doom of Depthsimage and Winota, Joiner of Forcesimage.


I present to you: the aggro deck that flies under control and gives them no chance to stabilize with wrath effects, has strong tools against typical aggro decks, has answers to most of the meta, is resilient to the removal of midrangey decks, and still dies to Embercleaveimage. Have fun!

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Last Updated: 26 Apr 2020
Created: 26 Apr 2020
729 204 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
51 17
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
20 2 30 8 0
0 5 10 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.21
Recommended Lands: 26