Commander - Massy 'Em Gurrrl

  • Deck contains 2 invalid cards for this format: Blacker Lotus (quantity), Bounty Board (quantity)
Commander 1 cards (1 distinct)
Main 99 cards (59 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (49)
Creature (12)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (36)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
(Simplified, true algorithm in MTGA not revealed by Wizards yet)


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So two things: The Blacker Lotus are stand-ins for when the rest of the Assassin's Creed stuff  releases on here and I can brew with the actual cards and Chaos Confetti is just for lols/flavor wins.

This deck aslo has a special Play Rule: Massy is a assassin so we take pieces of paper and give them to our pop and tell them they may intone "Valar Morghoulis" and hand us one of these pieces of paper with a target's name on it but it must be one at the table this includes even insane permanents like a basic Mountain to a player themselves! 8D But they must make us an offer in something other than made up currency. How inventive will they be? Who will use us as the tool we are? It spices up games but also might not be possible to do this every game night unless you're insane like me. 8P 

it also goes without saying we are honorbound to destroy our target BUT should we feel we're being played for chumps then we can revoke the contract and take the loss. **Smiles** We're Masacare Girl after all. We're known for slaughtering for fun as well as profit right? Right. So use us CAREFULLY.

Rules for Contracting Massy:
You must write the words in lettering we're familiar with. It must be a valid target at the table you can see, spell out and or draw for us to recognize. You specify the target ONCE and we alone decide if we accept the job by passing you back the paper with some cryptic and or poetic text. You then make an offer and others may attempt to sway us to their side, after all we're a contract killer it's not like we're besties. ;) We work for the highest bidder. Offers can be anything you decide to put on the paper. Be creative.

Hey if you use the Paper what are the Bounty Counters for: Two purposes: we use them to increase our coffers and help take out targets we're contracted for. Nothing you need to worry your head over. **Smiles** as long as you pay us.


For Killing Players: Our creatures suffice. Same for Commanders since we can grant Wither or other nasty effects. So much fun to watch creatures turn to puddles of sludge! 

For Killing Various Permenants: You might think inhuming a land is impossible but you my dear friend might not realize turning it into a swamp when it's their only red source counts. 8D Failing that we can always turn it into Ooze and Murder it.

Enchantments might be our biggest weakness as animating them is harder and little exists that just blows them up for our colors but we'll devote ourselves to it.

Artifacts are shockingly simple to deal with in our colors.

Future Tools:

Adrestria: Every good assassin should have some transport.
Assassin Initiate: Always happy to have another ally.
Smoke Bomb: Free shroud and evasion should we survive to the next turn? Hell yes!
Cover of Darknes: Goes perfectly with our theme and makes it much easier to trigger one of our wincon
Petty Larceny:  This might get out of hand but we need a plan just in case...
Desmond Miles: He should be the Commander? Nah we like Massy but he's welcome in our ranks.
Brotherhood Abushers: Sometimes a 6 power creature is a good addition just by itself.
Hired Blade: Flash on a 3/2? Yes please!
Merciless Harlequin: Everyone loves a clown....*Smiles** 

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Last Updated: 19 Jun 2024
Created: 18 Jun 2024
121 51 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
46 19 30 4 0
0 0 0 1 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.56
Recommended Lands: 40