Standard - Mardu Basri's Knights - M21 Mono G Hate

  • Deck contains 9 invalid cards for this format: Tajic, Legion's Edge (GRN), Sacred Foundry (GRN), Venerated Loxodon (GRN), Blood Crypt (RNA), Godless Shrine (RNA), Knight of the Ebon Legion (M20), Unbreakable Formation (RNA), Drill Bit (RNA), Despark (WAR)
Main 60 cards (22 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (6)
Creature (30)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (22)
Side 15 cards (7 distinct)

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VS M21 Mono Green (Main threats to watch out for: Questing Beastimage , Fight spells):

The list has a good matchup against Mono Green since you can counter their early aggression either with heartless acts and eliminates or by chump blocking their Pelt Collectorimage , Barkhide Trollimage , etc with Kngiht of the Ebon Legion and Blacklance Paragonimage . Paragon works as a removal as well because it can block Questing Beasts and in conjunction with Worthy Knightimage it gives you a 1/1 body for later use. In mid game you want your Venerated Loxodonimage but other options are Inspiring Veteranimage , Basri Ketimage and Basri's Solidarityimage to pump your army and swing. Usually there is no need for sideboard but you can side in the Desparkimage and side out the Basri's solidarities to have some answers for The Great Hengeimage , Vivien, Arkbow Rangerimage and Questing Beast. For Desparks you side out Stormfist Crusaderimage .

VS Control (Main threats to watch out for: Shatter the Skyimage, Extinction Eventimage, Cry of the Carnariumimage, Nissa, Who Shakes the Worldimage):

The things are a bit more complicated versus control lists because currently the format is heavy on board clears and especially exile effects that make Liliana's Standard Bearerimage irrelevant.

Bant ramp matchup:

However, if opponent is on the Bant plan, Standard Bearer, Unbreakable Formationimage, Desparkimage, Eliminateimage and Drill Bitimage are coming in and Basri's Solidarity, Heartless Actimage, Tajic, Legion's Edgeimage, Blacklance Paragon, and Stormfist Crusader go out. This will somehow guarantee you that you have a chance to prevent or compensate your board getting cleared and make you able to prevent or kill pescy planeswalker like Nissa and Ugin, the Spirit Dragonimage. Basri and Basri's Lieutenantimage can also compensate on getting your board Shattered. You can also side in Cling to Dustimage for two Venerable Knightimage in order to get rid of Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrathimage.

Sultai - Grixis exile tribal matchup:

In this matchup most of the times you will only need Drill Bit. However this depends on whether the opponent is playing only Extinction event or Ritual of Sootimage as well. In case of ritual you might also need Standard Bearer and Unbreakable formation. Cry of the carnarium is not much of a concern if not on curve because our Knights are getting buffed and most like are above the -2/-2 effect. This time you swap them for Stormfist Crusader, and Blacklance Paragon since Crusader is giving them card draw (for which they go for) and Paragon stays in 2 toughness even after a buff. Paragon has also no targets because of Hydroid Krasisimage. You can also side in Cling to Dust for two Venerable Knights in order to get rid of Uro.

VS Rakdos Sacrifice (Main threats to watch out for: Mayhem Devilimage, Cauldron Familiarimage, Witch's Ovenimage):

In this matchup you want your Cling to Dust to get rid of the Cauldron Familiars, and Unbreakable formation to avoid a Deathtouch Devil for a turn since this can be a huge tempo swing. Tajic can also absorb a few Devil pings because of his ability to prevent non-combat damage. In this matchup you side out Basri's Lieutenant and Stormfist Crusader because you dont want to be giving Rakdos more card draw. Heartless acts and Eliminates can be swapped as well but I found out the two of each is enough since Rakdos puts no counters on creatures.

VS Temur Rec (Main threats to watch out for: Everything!):

In this matchup things are a bit tougher because temur has a lot of tools to postpone the game plan. Desparks, Drill Bits and Hearless acts are coming in and Stormfist crusader, Eliminate,  Basri's Lieutenant, and Loxodon go out. Usually you want to rush temur enough and disrupt their hand in order to steal the game fast.


VS Mono Black aggro (Main threats to watch out for: Demonic Embraceimage, Spawn of Mayhemimage):

In this matchup you want to constantly kill their beefy board so your Knights can swing in. Despark, and Heartless act are coming in, and Stormfist crusader, Basri's Solidarity go out. This is usually enough to control the flying swings and win on the counter swing.



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Last Updated: 13 Jul 2020
Created: 04 Jul 2020
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With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
23 1311
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
4 13 41 2 0
0 12 3 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.05
Recommended Lands: 22