Historic - [Historic] Stormless Storm

Main 60 cards (21 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (32)
Creature (3)
Land (25)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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Video by ThyrixSyx. Posted with permission.


Disclaimer: This is a meme, jank deck. I would not advise burning wildcards on this deck unless you really want to. That being said, it is a fun deck, but don't blow everything on it especially if you are on a budget.

So I originally had a different list posted here, but I ran into another Thousand-Year Storm deck that made me realize that I was trying too hard to meme. So I went through and removed a lot of the meme cards like Aetherflux Reservoirimage, As Foretoldimage, and Fight with Fireimage and just decided to go for a more streamlined version of this deck.

The main combo utilizes Thousand-Year Stormimage to copy instants and sorceries for each one we've cast before during the turn. We've got a lot of cheap cards like Optimage, Shockimage, and Lightning Strikeimage to help get the storm counter up. Once you hit the first storm counter, though, if you still have enough mana, you can pretty much generate storm counters as much as you want with Pirate's Pillageimage and Unexpected Windfallimage because they will pretty much be cast for free with all the treasure tokens you will be generating. Once there are enough storm counters, a single Shock with Expansion // Explosionimage will usually be enough to put the game away... especially if Niv-Mizzet, Parunimage has been out.

Why did I build a Storm deck like this? Well I already had all of these cards. The actual Storm cards are all in the Rare end of things and Rare wildcards are, as usual, absolutely stupid to get a hold of because of Arena's garbage economy system.

The Spells:


Shock, Lightning Strike, and the Explosion side are the burns of the deck, but we'll almost never use Explosion. Expansion is better because it is cheaper and will help generate more burn without the risk of decking ourselves like Explosion can. Pirate's Pillage and Unexpected Windfall generate treasures and draw cards. The higher the storm counters, the more net positive mana gain you'll get. Even casting your one of these after your first storm counter will get you a net even mana gain because it will generate 4 tokens. They really help getting your storm counters higher so you can burn them out with your burn spells. Also, along with Frantic Inventory, they sync well with Niv-Mizzet. Opt is a cheap scry/draw that can also help build storm counters.

The Creatures:


We'll be casting lots of spells and drawing lots of cards. Niv-Mizzet can help us whittle our opponents down faster and cannot be countered. G-E Kefnet helps make some of our casting costs cheaper if we draw a spell on our draw step. Real nice if we wind up hitting one of our treasure makers so we can copy it and cast it for 2 instead of 4.

The Enchantments and Artifacts:


TYS is the lynchpin of this deck. The more storm counters we build up, the faster we burn our opponents down. More than one TYS down will make the burn go even faster. Primal Amulet is the one meme I didn't want to give up because if we flip it to Primal Amulet // Primal Wellspringimage, we'll be able to start copying stuff at least once a turn until we get to our other pieces. Search for Azcanta helps us filter through our deck to get to the cards we want. Once it flips, we can use Search for Azcanta // Azcanta, the Sunken Ruinimage to dig for non-creature cards we need.

Special Lands:


We'll be drawing a lot of cards. Reliquary Tower will keep us from having to discard cards when we don't want to. Vantress works nicely with Search for Azcanta allowing us to basically double-filter the top of our deck.

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Last Updated: 08 Aug 2021
Created: 02 Aug 2021
611 700 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
29 35
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
12 11 24 4 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 3.26
Recommended Lands: 26