Standard - Da Ba Dee

TCGPlayer $59
Cardmarket €21
Cardhoarder 2 Tix
  • Deck contains 3 invalid cards for this format: Divide by Zero (STX), Faceless Haven (KHM), Alrund's Epiphany (KHM)
Main 60 cards (14 distinct)
Creature (20)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (16)
Land (24)
Side 15 cards (9 distinct)

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Hi, your favorite Magic the Gathering Insect since Carrion Ants here with a deck guide!

*EDIT* I have updated the list and refined the game plan! I will leave the article as is, but see the very bottom for revisions. Thank you for understanding. MTG is a free flowing state. Always modify and grow


Here is a Mono Blue deck for the current Standard. It has a potential aggressive gameplan so play it like a tempo style deck and leverage your late game with big finishers like Lier or Lymrith into an Epiphany for the final push.

Here is the game plan.

Open / Midgame - Establish Mana Base Artifacts and use counters/bounce to chip in early damage and tempo . Protect your threats when possible but depending on the match don't hesitate to be pretty aggressive with evasion. Keeping Mana up for tricks when you can. It's important to modify your approach based on your opponent's deck. This deck has tools for any matchup and gets stronger after SB 


4 Ascendant Spirit (KHM) 43

2 Malevolent Hermit (MID) 61

2 Spectral Adversary (MID) 77

2 Suspicious Stowaway (MID) 80

2 Dragon Turtle (AFR) 56

4 Spell Satchel (STX) 258

2 The Celestus (MID) 252

4 Faceless Haven (KHM) 255

3 Jwari Disruption (ZNR) 64

4 Fading Hope (MID) 51


Mid-Game / Close

Now you work into a more typical blue reactive style. Wait for opp to tap out and then make a push to Epiphany into wins.


3 Divide by Zero (STX) 41

2 Iymrith, Desert Doom (AFR) 62

1 Silundi Vision (ZNR) 80

2 Iymrith, Desert Doom (AFR) 62

1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned (MID) 59

3 Alrund's Epiphany (KHM) 41


Tips and Tricks

There are some fun tricks, mana is very important so filling up your satchels is important.

2 Spectral Adversary

This can be used to protect your creatures from removal, or stopping a big attack by phasing opponents creatures. I really love this card and might consider 3 or another in SB. When it works it feels very powerful and can take a game over.


2 Dragon Turtle

If you Flash this in, you can respond to its own ETB by bouncing the target and the ETB fizzles and you dont come in tapped. Great for surprise blocks and bouncing another threat during combat. I made a short video to demo this.


I am enjoying the play patterns of this deck and I feel it does pretty well in the current meta. As things change be aware that adjustments will always be made. If you see trends or want to try new cards, by all means modify as you see fit and comments are always welcome.

We can accomplish great things when we work together as a Colony!


Sideboard Guide

Mono White Aggro
1 Dragon Turtle (AFR) 56
3 Ray of Frost (AFR) 68
3 Tempted by the Oriq (STX) 58

1 Disdainful Stroke (KHM) 54
1 Negate (STA) 18
2 Suspicious Stowaway (MID) 80
2 Malevolent Hermit (MID) 61
1 Alrund's Epiphany (KHM) 41

Mono Green
1 Dragon Turtle (AFR) 56
3 Ray of Frost (AFR) 68
3 Tempted by the Oriq (STX) 58

2 Suspicious Stowaway (MID) 80
2 Malevolent Hermit (MID) 61
3 Alrund's Epiphany (KHM) 41

UR Dragons/Turns
2 Test of Talents (STX) 59
1 Disdainful Stroke (KHM) 54
3 Ray of Frost (AFR) 68
1 Malevolent Hermit (MID) 61

2 Fading Hope (MID) 51
2 Dragon Turtle (AFR) 56
3 Alrund's Epiphany (KHM) 41

Misc Control UW/UB
2 Test of Talents (STX) 59
1 Disdainful Stroke (KHM) 54
1 Malevolent Hermit (MID) 61

2 Fading Hope (MID) 51
2 Dragon Turtle (AFR) 56

Misc Midrange piles
Good cards
Bad cards




20 Snow-Covered Island (KHM) 279
4 Jwari Disruption (ZNR) 64
2 Alrund's Epiphany (KHM) 41
4 Faceless Haven (KHM) 255
4 Divide by Zero (STX) 41
3 Iymrith, Desert Doom (AFR) 62
4 Fading Hope (MID) 51
1 Lier, Disciple of the Drowned (MID) 59
3 Spectral Adversary (MID) 77
2 The Celestus (MID) 252
4 Ascendant Spirit (KHM) 43
3 Malevolent Hermit (MID) 61
3 Dragon Turtle (AFR) 56
3 Suspicious Stowaway (MID) 80

1 Environmental Sciences (STX) 1
1 Mascot Exhibition (STX) 5
1 Teachings of the Archaics (STX) 57
1 Introduction to Annihilation (STX) 3
2 Test of Talents (STX) 59
1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
3 Ray of Frost (AFR) 68
3 Tempted by the Oriq (STX) 58
1 Disdainful Stroke (GRN) 37
1 Negate (STA) 18

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Last Updated: 28 Oct 2021
Created: 26 Oct 2021
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