Modern - Cavalier Graveyard

Main 60 cards (24 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (8)
Creature (28)
Land (24)

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This is a deck I built for someone on Fiverr. If you want ideas turned into a deck, you can find me on Fiverr as Genoslugcs.

The Deck

I can see where you ran into issues building this deck. The main creatures Cavalier of Nightimage, Cavalier of Thornsimage, and Cavalier of Flameimage all have similar abilities but don't point you in a clear direction for how to build around them. That said, I think I cracked the code.

First, they all mention the graveyard. So, that's a given. And we're going to make use of that with a knight reanimation package. Every creature in the deck (except for one) is a knight. Some are elemental knights, some are human knights, and some are zombie knights... But they all count as knights. So, let me introduce you to Haakon, Stromgald Scourgeimage.


He will let you cast knights from your graveyard whenever he's in play. The only catch is that you can only cast him from your graveyard. Now we have a clear plan - Get knights (including Haakon, Stromgald Scourgeimage) into our graveyard, cast them over and over, get nasty effects, and win through value and neverending attackers. This also fits the theme because nothing stays dead for long in Dark Souls. Now, how do we make this plan happen?

Fill the Graveyard

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The cards above are the main ways to fill up the graveyard with cards quickly. Keep in mind that Haakon, Stromgald Scourgeimage is the main one you want in the graveyard, as he can't be cast from your hand. So, if you see him with a Grisly Salvageimage, bin him for sure. Other cards like Cavalier of Thornsimage, Cavalier of Flameimage, and Bone Shardsimage can also help put cards in the graveyard. Beyond that, your knights will likely die and naturally wind up where you want them.

Note: Stinkweed Impimage and dredge can be confusing if you've never used it... So, let me know if I should explain how it works.

Sometimes, you'll end up with too many lands in the graveyard for your liking. So, I included one little safety net in Conduit of Worldsimage. It can give you access to lands that would be otherwise trapped and can also reanimate things if you don't have other spells to cast.


The Knights

It was important to me to A. Make sure the deck has a cohesive theme, and B. Make sure the deck plays cards that are good all by themselves, even at the worst of times. On the lower end of the curve, we have Foulmire Knightimage and Mosswood Dreadknightimage, both of which have adventure spells that can draw you cards and good bodies.

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Next, we have three Corpse Knightimage, which gives you some damage to close out games even without attacking. And no, we're not playing white... More on this later. There are a full four Murderous Riderimage, as it's too good not to play. You can't beat a removal spell and a 3/2 with lifelink all on one card.

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Then there is a single copy of both Ashenmoor Liegeimage and Elite Headhunterimage. The Liege gives all your black creatures +1/+1 and does the same for your red creatures. So, Elite Headhunterimage will get +2/+2, making it a 4/5 with menace! Both of these cards help give the deck a bit more closing power at times. However, they aren't something you always want or in multiples. So, we have only one each. Remember, if they hit the graveyard, you can probably cast them from there.

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Then, at the top of the curve, of course, you have the Cavalier package. These were great in testing. They have abilities that work very well with this shell I've created and are significant threats.

Removal And Interaction

You'll need to deal with what everyone else is doing as well. That said, the deck needs its creatures and requires them to be knights. Cavalier of Flameimage, Cavalier of Nightimage, and Murderous Riderimage can all remove creatures, so that's a great start.

You also have Bone Shardsimage, which can take out lots of threats and discard Haakon, Stromgald Scourgeimage if he gets stuck in your hand. Lastly, there is one Bonfire of the Damnedimage, which is here for that Dark Souls flavor! I couldn't not include it here. That said, if you can cast it for the miracle cost (or late in the game), it's a game-ending card. That's a total of 11 removal spells all pulling double duty in some way.

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Foulmire Knightimage and Stinkweed Impimage can also kill anything they block. Haha I didn't even realize how much this fit that "everything will kill you no matter how small" feel of the Souls games until now.:)

The Mana Base

The deck plays 24 lands in total, which I like. The mana base is also another reason we're on this "all knights" plan. Cavalier of Nightimage, Cavalier of Thornsimage, and Cavalier of Flameimage have some pretty hard mana requirements to meet on a budget. But we hack the system playing all knights because now we have access to four Unclaimed Territoryimage and Secluded Courtyardimage, which can cast all of the above - Green, Red, or Black all for a few bucks. This is also how you cast Corpse Knightimage with no white lands.

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Next, the thing I wanted to mention is the hybrid mana on Ashenmoor Liegeimage and Elite Headhunterimage. Having them able to be cast for black or red means that aside from the Unclaimed Territoryimage and Secluded Courtyardimage, we can pretty much play a mainly black mana base. That said, you've got plenty of dual lands and a full four Savage Landsimage.

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Oh, and the scry on the Temple of Maliceimage and Malady help a lot with setting up Bonefire of the Danmed.




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Last Updated: 19 Dec 2023
Created: 19 Dec 2023
918 70 0

Enter The Battlefield Prepared

With the MTGA Assistant deck tracker MTGA Assistant
Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
3 431414
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
14 20 19 7 0
0 0 0 0 0
Mana Calculator
Symbols Percentage Lands
Average Converted Mana Cost: 2.78
Recommended Lands: 25