Arena Standard - Azorius party fun - ZNR

  • Deck contains 21 invalid cards for this format: Riverglide Pathway (ZNR), Brightclimb Pathway (ZNR), Temple of Enlightenment (THB), Archpriest of Iona (ZNR), Tazri, Beacon of Unity (ZNR), Luminarch Aspirant (ZNR), Seasoned Hallowblade (M21), Squad Commander (ZNR), Fabled Passage (M21), Nimble Trapfinder (ZNR), Concerted Defense (ZNR), Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate (ZNR), Watcher of the Spheres (M21), Spoils of Adventure (ZNR), Journey to Oblivion (ZNR), Branchloft Pathway (ZNR), Clearwater Pathway (ZNR), Zulaport Duelist (ZNR), Brazen Borrower (ELD), Of One Mind (IKO), Cloudkin Seer (ANB)
Main 60 cards (23 distinct)
Creature (24)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (12)
Land (24)

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Oct 2020 edit: I tried this deck on platinum on the first day of rank for Oct 2020. I played 20 games - here are the results:

Going first: 3-3

Going second: 3-11 (thats a lot of going second!) (about 21% win rate)

Bad starting hands (one colour only or land flooding) - 8. Other isssues are drawing all of the one type of creature. I think its more of a fun to play deck. When it works its a lot of fun and feels good.

Edit 5! Added of one mind and replaced other support cards. Of one mind is possibly just the best card for this deck. Concerted defense could maybe be three copies. Still it seems really good in key situations. Added in one cloud seer and took out one linvala. I managed to get from 90% Mythic to 94% mythic, with 57% win rate +-. Overall the deck is fun but complex to play, you have to constantly watch your party composition, and you need to understand opposing strategies to play it right. Of all the versions I've played i think this current one is the most fun, i think ill stop tweaking now. Missing a blue-white dual non-tap land really hurts.

Edit 4: Sep 27. Although having a good initial run, the deck didnt do well over the following day (had a horrible run). It was just too slow and when the party is diminished the synergy cards are ineffective. I also kept drawing too many spport cards and not enough creatures, over many games. Ive loaded a new version that is faster, has more draw, is better aggro, less support cards and is more consistent. My mythic range playing 100 games with all versions went from 94% -> 600 -> 91% and back to 94%. The "azorius party fun revamp" seems better to me now and is more consistent. Going second against red is a bit tough. Good luck. The revamp is also cheaper to craft. This earlier version works well sometimes but just isnt consistent enough to compete.

Edit 3: Sep 26 The meta seems to have changed overnight. Im working on a new version of the deck that will be a bit faster. Increasing copies of each type of creature to 7. Today i had so many bad starting hands with too few creatures, mostly support cards and no one-drops. My win rate on mythic has dropped below 50% so its a bit tough. I'll post my new version once ive tested it a bit and overwrite this one. More players are now playing with spot removal so its harder to form the party. If youre thinking of crafting this - don't. New cards im playing with are: of one mind, cloud kin seer and kitesail cleric. Nimble trapfinder is pretty good in stand offs so adding one more. Odd and even creatures need to be balanced to avoid extinction event. The latest version seems promising ill post if the win rate goes up enough.

Edit 2: Sep 25. Ha. My win rate with the deck is 64% on mythic (18-10) with this latest version! The deck is super fun and can kick butt! 57% overall including weaker earlier versions.

Edit1 : Sep 25. I've made some changes. Went 2-4 on mythic with the latest version. Mangara's too expensive. Took out elspeth conquers death and put in 2 more journey to oblivion. The deck feels more streamlined. The tap land feels like the biggest drawback for an aggro deck like this that is duel colours.

First version: Messing around with the azorius party theme. It doesnt seem strong enough for rank currently, at least not post platinum I would say. But it is fun, could be considered jank though it would be nice to see a proper deck come out of this. It has 6 of each type of party member to increase chances of a full party. The pathways are present to reduce the ability cost of Tazri. Its really fun if you get a full party out but that only happened to me in one game. The deck has a lot of rares so... a bit expensive. I took out the mono-coloured pain lands since the deck almost never gets to play them. Im expecting a more balanced meta post the 2020 September ban... so mangara might work as a deck cleric. Have fun!

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Last Updated: 01 Oct 2020
Created: 25 Sep 2020
979 303 0

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