Arena Standard - [M21] Lukka's Big Red (Tier 1)

TCGPlayer $45
Cardmarket €39
Cardhoarder 9 Tix
  • Deck contains 15 invalid cards for this format: Fling (JMP), Footfall Crater (IKO), Fire Prophecy (IKO), Bonecrusher Giant (ELD), Storm's Wrath (THB), Ilharg, the Raze-Boar (WAR), Drakuseth, Maw of Flames (M20), Yidaro, Wandering Monster (IKO), Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded (THB), Castle Embereth (ELD), Lukka, Coppercoat Outcast (IKO), Amplifire (RNA), Unleash Fury (M21), Transmogrify (M21), Terror of the Peaks (M21)
Main 60 cards (16 distinct)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (17)
Creature (17)
Planeswalker (2)
Land (24)

Simulating MTG Arena Best of 1 starting hand
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[NEW UPDATE 31.08.2020]
The deck is now more efficient and the matchmaking seems to favor you more often.


Let me start by saying this deck looks too expensive to play at first sight, but it's quite the opposite. This deck is a beast, I can tell. The closest comparison I could use to explain it is the difference between a sharpshooter and a guy with a machinegun. You just need one chance to completely beat your opponent down. One shot, one kill. That's what this deck is all about. Now let me tell you how to play it.

You have to focus on building your mana source. Don't panic. You've got a lot of different resources to survive until your 5th turn. If you're missing a land drop at the first turns, use Yidaro's cycling ability or Fire Prophecy to find that land you're looking for. You also would like to enchant one of those lands with Footfall Crater as soon as possible. Since most players don't even pay attention to it, if you've got more copies of it in your hand, cycle them out to start building a propper hand.

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While removing early threats, first use your Bonecrusher Giant so you can play it next turn as a creature. The point is to use Lukka's ability later on to replace it with a bigger creature without paying its mana cost. And trust me, you've got really big creatures in this deck.

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Now speaking of playing big creatures for free, let me show you a couple of combos.

1. Ilharg, the Raze-Boar + Yidaro, Wandering Monster + Fling (22 DAMAGE COMBO)

At your 6th turn, you might have wiped the board already and now you'd be able to attack with Ilharg. Do it and summon Yidaro from your hand without paying its mana cost. Both of them have trample, to it's 14 damage to the face if not blocked. After resolving combat damage, use Fling to sacrifice Yidaro to deal 8 more damage to the face. That's up to 22 damage in a single turn.

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2. Purphoros Bronze-Blooded + Ilharg, the Raze-Boar + Drakuseth, Maw of Flames + Fling (20 DAMAGE COMBO)

If you're at your 6h turn and have Purphoros already on the battlefield, then you might want to try this combo out. Use Purphoros's ability to play Ilharg for 3 mana and give it haste for free. Attack with Ilharg and play Drakuseth for free. That's a total of 13 damage from trample and flying sources. After the damage is done, use Fling to sacrifice Drakuseth for additional damage up to 20.

Note: since you haven't declared Drakuseth as an attacking creature, it won't deal the extra 4-3-3 damage.

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3. Footfall Crater + Amplifire + Fling (UP TO 32 DAMAGE COMBO)

At your 5th turn, if the Amplifire you played last turn has survived, you can try this other combo. Your Amplifire might become either a 2/2 (unlikely), 8/6, 12/12, 14/12, 14/14 or 16/16 creature deppending on which other creature you reveal from your library. Use Footfall Crater on it to give it trample and attack for up to 16 damage. Now use Fling to sacrifice it for another 16 damage. That's 32 damage to the face.

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4. Footfall Crater + Purphoros, Bronze-Blooded + Drakuseth, Maw of Flames + Fling (25 DAMAGE COMBO)

Play Purphoros at your 5th turn. Next turn use its ability to play Drakuseth with haste for 3 mana. If you already have any other permanent on the battlefield, like Footfall Crater, then you'll automatically activate devotion to red too. Attack with Drakuseth and Purphoros for 14 damage plus another 4 to the face from Dakuseth's ability (spread the rest of the damage on possible blockers). Now use Fling to sacrifice any of them for additional 7 damage. That's 25 damage to the face in a single turn.

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5. Footfall Crater + Amplifire + Unleash Fury + Fling (UP TO 64 DAMAGE COMBO) [M21 UPDATE]

Play Amplifire at turn 4. If it survives until your 5th turn, it might become either a 2/2 (unlikely), 8/6, 12/12, 14/12, 14/14 or 16/16 creature deppending on which other creature you reveal from your library. At your 5th turn, use Footfall Crater's ability on it to give it trample. Play Unleash Fury to turn it into a 32/32 creature with trample in the best case. Attack with it. Use fling to deal additional 32 damage to the face. That's a total of 64 damage at turn 5 using 5 lands only.

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Thank you, Tavion99. I'm so glad you like it. I think it's one of my best decks ever. Greetings!
Used this deck yesterday and I have fallen in love with it.
Last Updated: 31 Aug 2020
Created: 08 Jun 2020
3441 961 2

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Mana Curve
Color Breakdown
Main/Sideboard Rarity Count
29 5 18 8 0
0 0 0 0 0
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