Arena Standard - [WAR] Abzan Midrange

20 20 22
22 7 7 24




The main top-end for the deck is the new Liliana. For 6 mana it's quite easy to get her out consistently on turn 4-5 at which point she demands immediate removal. Her 2/2 tokens serve as blockers to protect her and when they die you'll draw cards. Don't be afraid to use her -4 when you drop her if your opponent is playing midrange.

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These are our two support planeswalkers. They both have quite a bit of incidental life gain which against aggro can be a game ender. Playing an Ajani, the Greatheartedimage on turn 3 against mono-red is often the same as gaining 9 life. You can use his -2 to put +1/+1 counters on your incubation druids as well as boosting Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage one turn closer to her ult. Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlordimage, on the other hand, can be used both as life gain against mono-red and as creature recursion against midrange and control.



Oketra is an amazing card for this deck because with him on the field every mana dork you cast will also spawn a 4/4 with vigilance. In conjunction with Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage this is often an instant game-ender. 


A great all-around midrange card. With Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage on the field, this turns into 3 new cards, and the tokens can be used for the -4 sacrifice ability.


Tolsimir is one of the best additions to midrange Selesnya colors in War of the Spark. Five mana for two 3/3 creatures, you gain 3 life, and you can have one of the 3/3 creatures fight an opponent's creature. Against aggro it can be used as flat out removal for any of their creatures, and against midrange and control it serves as two 3/3 bodies on the board. Alongside Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage it also acts as 2 card draw.


Not much to be said, it serves as enchantment and artifact removal as well as more life gain against aggro, and with Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage the normal downside of a 2/1 for three mana is largely irrelevant.

Mana Dorks

Llanowar Elvesimage, Incubation Druidimage, Paradise Druidimage, and Leyline Prowlerimage

War of the Spark brought with it two new mana generating creatures, both of which are proving highly effective. Paradise druid is immune to the early game removal that's so frequently used on mana dorks, and leyline prowler is useful as both a lifelinking blocker against aggro and a deathtouch blocker against midrange. Making it a lot easier to stall until you have the mana for Liliana, Dreadhorde Generalimage.


Desparkimage, Vraska's Contemptimage, Settle the Wreckageimage

These three removal spells are for midrange matchups. If you're playing best of three they should be sideboarded out.


I found that the prevalence of mono-red with experimental frenzy as well as other annoying enchantments warranted at least 1 copy of Mortify in the mainboard, another option might be a copy of Oath of Kayaimage instead. Feel free to experiment and see which works best for you.

Unbreakable Formationimage

A single copy of Unbreakable Formation in the mainboard to prevent board wipes.



5/6/2019 - Removed 1 Llanowar Elf, Added 1 Mortify

5/12/2019 - Removed 1 Moment of Craving and 1 Settle the Wreckage from the sideboard, Added 2 Mortify to the sideboard

5/22/2019 - Removed 1 Leyline Prowler, Added 1 Llanowar Elf


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@Arcticus Glad to hear the deck is working well for you!
This has been performing very well in bo1 for me recently - great list, very versatile and powerful. As long as you don't just get burned out on turn 3 vs mono red, this has a chance against the majority of stuff that's out there atm. I have substituted a Kaya for one of the Knights of Autumn as I didn't have the wildcards for the last one (also slightly changed the manabase to suit my collection). Cheers for an awesome deck!
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2019
Created: 27 Apr 2019
9635 1295 2

Mainboard - 60 cards (25 distinct)

Creature (22)
Instant, Sorcery, Enchantment, Artifact (7)
Land (24)
Planeswalker (7)

Sideboard - 15 cards (8 distinct)


Maybeboard - 3 cards (3 distinct)


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5 2 8 0 0