Results: 535

Innistrad: Double Feature (DBL)

Innistrad: Double Feature was released January 28, 2022 and contains 535 cards.

Abandon the Post
Abandon the Post
Adamant Will
Adamant Will
Aim for the Head
Aim for the Head
Alluring Suitor
Alluring Suitor
Ancestral Anger
Ancestral Anger
Arcane Infusion
Arcane Infusion
Arm the Cathars
Arm the Cathars
Arrogant Outlaw
Arrogant Outlaw
Augur of Autumn
Augur of Autumn
Baithook Angler
Baithook Angler
Ballista Watcher
Ballista Watcher
Bat Whisperer
Bat Whisperer
Belligerent Guest
Belligerent Guest
Bereaved Survivor
Bereaved Survivor
Binding Geist
Binding Geist
Biolume Egg
Biolume Egg
Bird Admirer
Bird Admirer
Bleed Dry
Bleed Dry
Blessed Defiance
Blessed Defiance
Blood Fountain
Blood Fountain
Blood Hypnotist
Blood Hypnotist
Blood Pact
Blood Pact
Blood Servitor
Blood Servitor
Bloodline Culling
Bloodline Culling
Bloodsworn Squire
Bloodsworn Squire
Bloody Betrayal
Bloody Betrayal
Boarded Window
Boarded Window
Borrowed Time
Borrowed Time
Bounding Wolf
Bounding Wolf
Bramble Wurm
Bramble Wurm
Bride's Gown
Bride's Gown
Brimstone Vandal
Brimstone Vandal
Brine Comber
Brine Comber
Brood Weaver
Brood Weaver
Brutal Cathar
Brutal Cathar
Burly Breaker
Burly Breaker
Burn the Accursed
Burn the Accursed
Can't Stay Away
Can't Stay Away
Candlegrove Witch
Candlegrove Witch
Candlelit Cavalry
Candlelit Cavalry
Catapult Fodder
Catapult Fodder
Cathar Commando
Cathar Commando
Cathar's Call
Cathar's Call
Cathartic Pyre
Cathartic Pyre
Cemetery Prowler
Cemetery Prowler
Ceremonial Knife
Ceremonial Knife
Change of Fortune
Change of Fortune
Chaplain of Alms
Chaplain of Alms
Child of the Pack
Child of the Pack
Clarion Cathars
Clarion Cathars
Clear Shot
Clear Shot
Cloaked Cadet
Cloaked Cadet
Cobbled Lancer
Cobbled Lancer
Consuming Blob
Consuming Blob
Consuming Tide
Consuming Tide
Corpse Cobble
Corpse Cobble
Courier Bat
Courier Bat
Covert Cutpurse
Covert Cutpurse
Covetous Castaway
Covetous Castaway
Cradle of Safety
Cradle of Safety
Creepy Puppeteer
Creepy Puppeteer
Cruel Witness
Cruel Witness
Crushing Canopy
Crushing Canopy
Cultivator Colossus
Cultivator Colossus
Curse of Leeches
Curse of Leeches
Curse of Silence
Curse of Silence
Dawnhart Disciple
Dawnhart Disciple
Dawnhart Geist
Dawnhart Geist
Dawnhart Mentor
Dawnhart Mentor
Dawnhart Wardens
Dawnhart Wardens
Deathcap Glade
Deathcap Glade
Delver of Secrets
Delver of Secrets
Demonic Bargain
Demonic Bargain
Deserted Beach
Deserted Beach
Desperate Farmer
Desperate Farmer
Devious Cover-Up
Devious Cover-Up
Dig Up
Dig Up
Diregraf Horde
Diregraf Horde
Diregraf Rebirth
Diregraf Rebirth
Distracting Geist
Distracting Geist
Diver Skaab
Diver Skaab
Doomed Dissenter
Doomed Dissenter
Dormant Grove
Dormant Grove
Dread Fugue
Dread Fugue
Dreadfeast Demon
Dreadfeast Demon
Dreamroot Cascade
Dreamroot Cascade
Drogskol Infantry
Drogskol Infantry
Drownyard Amalgam
Drownyard Amalgam
Dryad's Revival
Dryad's Revival
Duelcraft Trainer
Duelcraft Trainer
Dying to Serve
Dying to Serve
Eaten Alive
Eaten Alive
Eccentric Farmer
Eccentric Farmer
Ecstatic Awakener
Ecstatic Awakener
Edgar's Awakening
Edgar's Awakening
Enduring Angel
Enduring Angel
Fading Hope
Fading Hope
Faithbound Judge
Faithbound Judge
Faithful Mending
Faithful Mending
Fangblade Brigand
Fangblade Brigand
Fateful Absence
Fateful Absence
Fear of Death
Fear of Death
Fearful Villager
Fearful Villager
Fell Stinger
Fell Stinger
Festival Crasher
Festival Crasher
Field of Ruin
Field of Ruin
Firmament Sage
Firmament Sage
Flame Channeler
Flame Channeler
Flare of Faith
Flare of Faith
Fleeting Spirit
Fleeting Spirit
Flip the Switch
Flip the Switch
Foreboding Statue
Foreboding Statue
Frenzied Devils
Frenzied Devils
Gavony Dawnguard
Gavony Dawnguard
Gavony Trapper
Gavony Trapper
Geistlight Snare
Geistlight Snare
Gift of Fangs
Gift of Fangs
Glorious Sunrise
Glorious Sunrise
Gluttonous Guest
Gluttonous Guest
Graf Reaver
Graf Reaver
Grafted Identity
Grafted Identity
Grisly Ritual
Grisly Ritual
Grizzly Ghoul
Grizzly Ghoul
Groom's Finery
Groom's Finery
Gryff Rider
Gryff Rider
Gryffwing Cavalry
Gryffwing Cavalry
Gutter Skulker
Gutter Skulker
Hallowed Haunting
Hallowed Haunting
Hallowed Respite
Hallowed Respite
Hamlet Vanguard
Hamlet Vanguard
Haunted Ridge
Haunted Ridge
Headless Rider
Headless Rider
Hedgewitch's Mask
Hedgewitch's Mask
Henrika Domnathi
Henrika Domnathi
Hero's Downfall
Hero's Downfall
Heron of Hope
Heron of Hope
Hiveheart Shaman
Hiveheart Shaman
Hobbling Zombie
Hobbling Zombie
Homestead Courage
Homestead Courage
Honeymoon Hearse
Honeymoon Hearse
Honored Heirloom
Honored Heirloom
Hookhand Mariner
Hookhand Mariner
Hopeful Initiate
Hopeful Initiate
Hostile Hostel
Hostile Hostel
Hound Tamer
Hound Tamer
Howl of the Hunt
Howl of the Hunt
Howling Moon
Howling Moon
Howlpack Piper
Howlpack Piper
Hungry for More
Hungry for More
Hungry Ridgewolf
Hungry Ridgewolf
Infernal Grasp
Infernal Grasp
Innocent Traveler
Innocent Traveler
Inspired Idea
Inspired Idea
Into the Night
Into the Night
Join the Dance
Join the Dance
Kessig Naturalist
Kessig Naturalist
Kessig Wolfrider
Kessig Wolfrider
Kindly Ancestor
Kindly Ancestor
Lacerate Flesh
Lacerate Flesh
Laid to Rest
Laid to Rest
Lambholt Harrier
Lambholt Harrier
Lantern Bearer
Lantern Bearer
Lantern Flare
Lantern Flare
Larder Zombie
Larder Zombie
Lightning Wolf
Lightning Wolf
Loyal Gryff
Loyal Gryff
Lunar Frenzy
Lunar Frenzy
Lunar Rejection
Lunar Rejection
Lunarch Veteran
Lunarch Veteran
Magma Pummeler
Magma Pummeler
Malevolent Hermit
Malevolent Hermit
Manaform Hellkite
Manaform Hellkite
Markov Purifier
Markov Purifier
Markov Waltzer
Markov Waltzer
Massive Might
Massive Might
Memory Deluge
Memory Deluge
Militia Rallier
Militia Rallier
Mindleech Ghoul
Mindleech Ghoul
Moonrager's Slash
Moonrager's Slash
Moonsilver Key
Moonsilver Key
Moonveil Regent
Moonveil Regent
Morkrut Behemoth
Morkrut Behemoth
Mourning Patrol
Mourning Patrol
Mysterious Tome
Mysterious Tome
Mystic Skull
Mystic Skull
Nature's Embrace
Nature's Embrace
Neonate's Rush
Neonate's Rush
No Way Out
No Way Out
Novice Occultist
Novice Occultist
Oakshade Stalker
Oakshade Stalker
Odric's Outrider
Odric's Outrider
Old Rutstein
Old Rutstein
Old Stickfingers
Old Stickfingers
Ollenbock Escort
Ollenbock Escort
Organ Hoarder
Organ Hoarder
Otherworldly Gaze
Otherworldly Gaze
Outland Liberator
Outland Liberator
Pack's Betrayal
Pack's Betrayal
Packsong Pup
Packsong Pup
Parasitic Grasp
Parasitic Grasp
Patchwork Crawler
Patchwork Crawler
Path of Peril
Path of Peril
Patrician Geist
Patrician Geist
Pestilent Wolf
Pestilent Wolf
Phantom Carriage
Phantom Carriage
Piercing Light
Piercing Light
Pithing Needle
Pithing Needle
Play with Fire
Play with Fire
Poppet Stitcher
Poppet Stitcher
Primal Adversary
Primal Adversary
Purifying Dragon
Purifying Dragon
Pyre Spawn
Pyre Spawn
Radiant Grace
Radiant Grace
Ragged Recluse
Ragged Recluse
Raze the Effigy
Raze the Effigy
Reckless Impulse
Reckless Impulse
Rending Flame
Rending Flame
Repository Skaab
Repository Skaab
Resistance Squad
Resistance Squad
Return to Nature
Return to Nature
Rise of the Ants
Rise of the Ants
Rite of Harmony
Rite of Harmony
Rite of Oblivion
Rite of Oblivion
Ritual Guardian
Ritual Guardian
Rockfall Vale
Rockfall Vale
Rootcoil Creeper
Rootcoil Creeper
Rotten Reunion
Rotten Reunion
Runebound Wolf
Runebound Wolf
Runo Stromkirk
Runo Stromkirk
Rural Recruit
Rural Recruit
Sacred Fire
Sacred Fire
Sawblade Slinger
Sawblade Slinger
Screaming Swarm
Screaming Swarm
Seize the Storm
Seize the Storm
Selhoff Entomber
Selhoff Entomber
Serpentine Ambush
Serpentine Ambush
Shady Traveler
Shady Traveler
Shattered Sanctum
Shattered Sanctum
Sheltering Boughs
Sheltering Boughs
Shipwreck Marsh
Shipwreck Marsh
Shipwreck Sifters
Shipwreck Sifters
Siege Zombie
Siege Zombie
Sigarda's Summons
Sigarda's Summons
Sigardian Paladin
Sigardian Paladin
Sigardian Savior
Sigardian Savior
Silver Bolt
Silver Bolt
Siphon Insight
Siphon Insight
Skaab Wrangler
Skaab Wrangler
Skulking Killer
Skulking Killer
Skull Skaab
Skull Skaab
Skywarp Skaab
Skywarp Skaab
Sludge Monster
Sludge Monster
Smoldering Egg
Smoldering Egg
Soul-Guide Gryff
Soul-Guide Gryff
Soulcipher Board
Soulcipher Board
Spellrune Painter
Spellrune Painter
Spiked Ripsaw
Spiked Ripsaw
Spore Crawler
Spore Crawler
Sporeback Wolf
Sporeback Wolf
Steelclad Spirit
Steelclad Spirit
Stensia Uprising
Stensia Uprising
Stolen Vitality
Stolen Vitality
Storm Skreelix
Storm Skreelix
Stormcarved Coast
Stormcarved Coast
Stormchaser Drake
Stormchaser Drake
Stormrider Spirit
Stormrider Spirit
Stuffed Bear
Stuffed Bear
Sundown Pass
Sundown Pass
Sungold Barrage
Sungold Barrage
Sungold Sentinel
Sungold Sentinel
Sunrise Cavalier
Sunrise Cavalier
Sunset Revelry
Sunset Revelry
Sunstreak Phoenix
Sunstreak Phoenix
Sure Strike
Sure Strike
Syphon Essence
Syphon Essence
Tainted Adversary
Tainted Adversary
Tavern Ruffian
Tavern Ruffian
The Celestus
The Celestus
Thraben Exorcism
Thraben Exorcism
Timberland Guide
Timberland Guide
Tireless Hauler
Tireless Hauler
Toxic Scorpion
Toxic Scorpion
Turn the Earth
Turn the Earth
Twinblade Geist
Twinblade Geist
Ulvenwald Oddity
Ulvenwald Oddity
Undead Butler
Undead Butler
Undying Malice
Undying Malice
Unholy Officiant
Unholy Officiant
Unnatural Growth
Unnatural Growth
Unruly Mob
Unruly Mob
Valorous Stance
Valorous Stance
Vampire Slayer
Vampire Slayer
Vampire Socialite
Vampire Socialite
Vampire's Kiss
Vampire's Kiss
Vilespawn Spider
Vilespawn Spider
Village Watch
Village Watch
Volatile Arsonist
Volatile Arsonist
Voldaren Epicure
Voldaren Epicure
Voldaren Estate
Voldaren Estate
Voldaren Stinger
Voldaren Stinger
Voltaic Visionary
Voltaic Visionary
Wake to Slaughter
Wake to Slaughter
Wandering Mind
Wandering Mind
Wash Away
Wash Away
Weary Prisoner
Weary Prisoner
Wedding Security
Wedding Security
Welcoming Vampire
Welcoming Vampire
Whispering Wizard
Whispering Wizard
Willow Geist
Willow Geist
Winged Portent
Winged Portent
Witch's Web
Witch's Web
Wolf Strike
Wolf Strike
Wolfkin Outcast
Wolfkin Outcast
Wrenn and Seven
Wrenn and Seven
Wretched Throng
Wretched Throng