
Intimidation Bolt


Intimidation Bolt deals 3 damage to target creature. Other creatures can't attack this turn.

For hours afterward, all they could see was the grisly silhouette of their master, screaming.

  Alara Reborn (ARB)
#99, Uncommon

Illustrated by: Michael Bruinsma
Multiverse ID: 179568

Not Legal Alchemy BO1
Not Legal Standard BO1
Not Legal Brawl
Not Legal Explorer BO1
Not Legal Historic BO1
Not Legal Historic Brawl
Not Legal Pauper
Not Legal Pioneer
Not Legal Traditional Standard
Not Legal Timeless BO1
Not Legal Traditional Alchemy
Not Legal Traditional Explorer
Not Legal Traditional Historic
Not Legal Traditional Timeless


  • 2009-05-01
    If the targeted creature has become an illegal target by the time Intimidation Bolt resolves, Intimidation Bolt is countered. Creatures will still be able to attack that turn.
  • 2009-05-01
    If the targeted creature survives the damage, it can attack this turn, but no other creatures can. If the targeted creature is destroyed, no creatures can attack this turn, including creatures that enter the battlefield later on.
  • 2009-05-01
    For the second part of Intimidation Bolt's effect to do anything, it must be cast before attackers are declared.
$0.42 €0.35 0.03
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