Shadows over Innistrad Remastered Introduces Rotating Limited Packs

ChrisCee March 15, 2023 2 min
Shadows over Innistrad Remastered Introduces Rotating Limited Packs

While we wait for more confirmation on returning cards in Shadows over Innistrad Remastered, WotC announces a new randomized twist in Limited packs for this very release that’s only possible in MTG Arena.

Shadows of the Past, as it is called, is a special collection of cards also from the original Innistrad block. The key difference is that the cards on this list only appear in events, showing up in Shadows over Innistrad Remastered Store packs and Limited packs.

The most notable part of this collection’s introduction is the way the they will be implemented over its dedicated event, showcasing a list that refreshes over a set schedule. Meaning that it actively updates during each event update, dynamically changing the way Limited format games are played. A rotating pack format for this type of event theoretically allows players to innovate more constantly over a span of much shorter times, while always expecting different interactions from games every time the pack contents refresh each week.

Needless to say, this is something completely impossible in paper MTG, which is WotC’s biggest promotional point for Shadows of the Past.


Shadows of the Past Schedule and Card Lists

There are a total of four themes available for this collection, divided into the dates shown below. Keep in mind that this schedule applies to all Sealed and Draft Shadows over Innistrad Remastered events, including the Midweek Magic Phantom Sealed events (March 28-30) and Arena Open (April 1-2).

Also important to take note that players who drafted the previous theme in between changing dates may still be included in the same event. For example, drafted Creature Type Terror! and Fatal Flashback! cards can potentially meet in the same card pool on March 28.

Other things to note:

  • Check the description of the Limited event to know what theme is currently active.
  • Each Shadows over Innistrad Remastered pack will contain one card from Shadows of the Past. The rarity will not affect the number of rares in the whole pack. For example, you can get one regular Shadows over Innistrad Remastered mythic rare and a Shadows of the Past mythic rare in the same pack.
  • Store packs will not follow the rotating schedule format. Meaning you can still get Shadows of the Past cards from regular packs from the entire list (all themes).
  • Wildcards will never replace a Shadows of the Past card, only base Shadows over Innistrad Remastered cards.


Creature Type Terror! – March 21-28

Cards List







Fatal Flashback! – March 28-April-4

Cards List







Morbid and Macabre! – April 4-11

Cards List







Abominable All Stars! – April 11-18

Cards List








(Again, regular Shadows over Innistrad Remastered Store packs will feature Shadows of the Past cards from all four themes)

About ChrisCee:

A witness since the time the benevolent silver planeswalker first left Dominaria, ChrisCee has since went back and forth on a number of plane-shattering incidents to oversee the current state of the Multiverse.

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