Gladiator June Mirror Madness: Golgari Midrange!!

Organizer SaiaseiGM8069
Finished: 17 Jun 2020

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Table Player 1 Player 2 Match Results
1 lukewarmnachocheese (9 Points) garfield#9420 (6 Points) 1 - 2
2 EarthKwake (6 Points) SaiaseiGM (6 Points) 2 - 0
3 SeismicLawns (6 Points) Stompy#4292 (6 Points) 2 - 1
4 Monowog (6 Points) rootpotato (3 Points) 0 - 2
5 Archermaster24 (3 Points) ccaverett (0 Points) 2 - 0

Terminology Explained

Rank Name Deck Points Results OMW GW OGW
1 EarthKwake 9 3 - 1 62.5000% 77.7777% 55.1389%
2 SeismicLawns 9 3 - 1 62.5000% 66.6666% 60.8333%
3 lukewarmnachocheese 9 3 - 1 62.5000% 58.3333% 60.8333%
4 garfield#9420 9 3 - 1 54.1667% 60.0000% 47.9166%
5 Monowog 6 2 - 2 56.2500% 55.5555% 49.5833%
6 Stompy#4292 6 2 - 2 54.1667% 55.5555% 55.1587%
7 Archermaster24 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 50.0000% 47.2222%
8 SaiaseiGM 6 2 - 2 47.9167% 40.0000% 52.3809%
9 rootpotato 6 2 - 2 37.5000% 50.0000% 41.2698%
10 TheCat 3 1 - 2 58.3333% 28.5714% 55.1852%
11 Cron 3 1 - 1 54.1667% 50.0000% 45.8333%
12 DukeofYork #1758 3 1 - 2 50.0000% 42.8571% 48.5185%
13 ccaverett 0 0 - 4 56.2500% 27.2727% 50.0000%
14 thatonesungod 0 0 - 2 50.0000% 20.0000% 50.0000%

A Gladiator Mirror event, where everyone brings the same archetype! This month, we're playing Golgari Midrange. 


Deck Rules: If you can use basic swamps and basic forests to pay the cmc in the top right corner, you're fine, even if the card has alternate costs, hybrid mana, ect. For example, you could play Mythos Of Nethroi and include white mana to pay the alternate cost, but could not play Nethroi, Apex of Death, because that card's cmc includes white. If you have deckbuilding questions, feel free to dm me on discord, I'm SaiaseiGM#8069. 

 That's the ruleset for this event, but I'd love feedback and suggestions for future events. 


Good luck, have fun.