Average Picked At: 12.31 Total Times Picked: 51 Average Last Seen At: 8.93 Total Times Seen 634
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This goes well in the RG treasure deck. It helps you ramp your mana, and slowly builds up stash counters which you can eventually cash in for a ton of mana – and can even fix for you. It is still a 3 mana Artifact that has no immediate impact on the board, though, and that’s the kind of card that can be a real liability in most formats. That downside does seem worth it, but only if you have outlets for all the mana this can give you. Most three mana mana rocks that tap for a single mana just aren’t especially good in Limited, but I think the extra upside here at least makes it playable.
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is a pretty intimidating creature that can attack and block really well, and the fact it can start fixing your mana on turn one is pretty sweet!
Average Picked At: 4.84 Total Times Picked: 69 Average Last Seen At: 3.85 Total Times Seen 267
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This looks like a solid trick. The bonus it gives you will never be the most efficient, but the fact it scales is nice, and getting a token is some nice added value, especially if you have some Alliance going on. It is still a trick, and has all the risks they always have - situational, risky, and so forth - but I think the first copy of this seems decent.
Average Picked At: 3.52 Total Times Picked: 77 Average Last Seen At: 3.01 Total Times Seen 191
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: I always like Equipment that makes a creature for it to equip to automatically. Basically, this is a two mana 2/2 that leaves behind a reasonable piece of Equipment – or you can give up the Equipment to Disenchant something while you keep the creature token. Both of those outcomes are quite good for the investment.
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: This looks really good to me. Even without Blitz, coming with the ability to make a Blitzish version of one of your creatures in play is pretty darn good, because it means you can send in a hasty copy of your best creature that will also draw you a card when it dies, and that means you get back the card you discarded. And its going to die, because it has the same clause that Blitz creatures do. She herself also has Blitz, which sometimes will allow her to come down and finish off an opponent out of nowhere, or make a copy of something right away, but I actually think just straight-up casting her is the way to get the most value out of her. She’s a bit fragile, but it seems like she will be able to take over games.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: These offer good fixing, and being able to pitch them for a whole card in the late game is really nice, as it offers you some flood insurance and gives you somethign to do with all your mana. Like most duals, this is something you should value as a C+. It will really help your mana, and that’s more important than normal in a set with a big 3-color focus.
Average Picked At: 2.77 Total Times Picked: 79 Average Last Seen At: 2.51 Total Times Seen 160
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: This is an amazing Uncommon. A 3 mana 3/2 that makes a 1/1 body is already very good, but adding the counter effect to the token is awesome. The multiple bodies will be good with Alliance too. This is likely one of White's best Uncommons.
Average Picked At: 3.11 Total Times Picked: 19 Average Last Seen At: 3.24 Total Times Seen 62
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: This type of effect is usually kind of rough since you spend some significant mana and don’t add to the board, but this type around it actually does, albeit with just a 1/1 Citizen. But that’s pretty important – not only does it add something to th eboard, but with both Citizen tribal and Alliance being a thing in the format, there is extra value placed on something like this. So, you end up getting the best creature in your top 5 and a 1/1. Don’t get me wrong, it still isn’t amazing or anything, but far more playable than this effect usually is at three mana. This looks pretty good. Its no Baleful Strix, but a two mana 1/1 flyer that loads your graveyard and gives you a card when it dies is pretty nice. And, if you get the requisite number of mana values in your graveyard, it becomes a pretty imposing aerial attacker that can trade with anything thanks to deathtouch
Average Picked At: 6.99 Total Times Picked: 159 Average Last Seen At: 6.43 Total Times Seen 1072
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This is some more very nice fixing for the format, which isn’t a huge surprise since three colors is what this format is all about. This is basically a more narrow Evolving Wilds, but one that also gains you a life – and it doesn’t have to tap either, though that isn’t coming up much in Limited. You definitely will play these in a lot of your decks, as they’ll be nice for mana. They don’t have the late game upside of the dual land cycle, so I think I would rank them a little lower.
Average Picked At: 11.71 Total Times Picked: 129 Average Last Seen At: 9.62 Total Times Seen 1607
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: That’s a pretty nice boost for the cost – enough of one that it will make most creatures survive combat and take down whatever is blocking it. +4 is enough that this can let you sneak in lethal sometimes too. I think you’ll feel pretty good about the first one of these in most of your aggressive Red decks. It is still a trick of course, and comes with the inherent downsides they always have: they are situational and risky. But as far as tricks go, this is pretty good quality.
Average Picked At: 3.83 Total Times Picked: 77 Average Last Seen At: 3.38 Total Times Seen 217
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This looks like premium removal, even if you aren’t targeting a Black permanent. Sure, you need to have a creature with enough power to make it do its thing, but that is never a huge hurdle for Green decks in Limited. When you only pay one Green for this it will feel particularly absurd!
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This has solid base-stats and can pretty easily trade with anything.
Average Picked At: 4.48 Total Times Picked: 73 Average Last Seen At: 4.07 Total Times Seen 244
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This looks pretty good. The base of a 4-mana 3/3 Flyer is perfectly fine, and loading your graveyard enough for this to get the boost is pretty doable by the mid to late game.
Average Picked At: 1.29 Total Times Picked: 14 Average Last Seen At: 1.29 Total Times Seen 15
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: Wow, talk about value! Whichever two things you choose, you’re getting a great deal, since you have a 7-mana 7/7 with Reach, and Trample and TWO ETBS that are pretty relevant. Making the 4/4 and putting a shield counter on the Titan feels like the best option most of the time, and that’s pretty awesome. It might cost 7, but it certainly gives you what a 7 drop SHOULD give you, a card that swings the game wildly in your favor. This is a bomb.
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: This is really good. It has above rate stats and at worst will draw you a card when it damages the opponent. It can also let you put a land directly into play or – best of all, cast something for free! And sure, a 4 toughness creature isn’t often going to survive attacking by the time it comes down, but it doesn’t really need to – it is going to get you a 2-for-1 in most cases. The fact it has Blitz is nice too, because sometimes you’ll just really want to send this in and get the free card, and your opponents shields are way more likely to be down when you Blitz this in. You end up getting a card from the top in one way or another, getting in for some damage, and drawing a card when the Envoy dies. Obviously if it can attack more than once, you’re just going to win.
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This is a neat design. You almost never want to be giving your opponent 3/3 flyers, especially because the Soul itself can’t block them. And sure, sometimes you’ll have to kill their 6/6 dragon and give them a 3/3, and that will feel alright, but I think you get the most value out of this by blowing up your own stuff. Just upgrading a creature with this is pretty good, but It will be particularly spicy if you can blow up your own treasure tokens – and there are plenty of those running around in Green. You can also target your own cards with shield counters. Because of how its worded, the permanent doesn’t actually have to be destroyed for you to get the 3/3s. So your card would lose the shield counter and stay in play, and you’d still get a 3/3. You just get as many angels as you have targets. Even if you just get this 7 mana 5/7 and one 3/3 by not trading in a real permanent, this is going to feel pretty good. And if you upgrade more than one creature, or do any of the silly stuff with treasure or shield token creatures, it is going to be incredible. And yeah, there will be times where you can’t really make this work the way you would prefer, but I think it is doable enough within Brokers. This is costly and takes a little bit of work to maximize its value, but I think most of the time when you cast it, the game will shift pretty intensely in your favor.
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: This was already a nice card before rebalancing, so the additional power is a great upgrade. Now it has a great ability that generates a ton of damage in Black-Red decks and a good stat-line.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This is a fairly legitimate win condition in slower Blue decks in the format, and especially in Blue-Black where you have lots of incentive to mill yourself.
Average Picked At: 8.50 Total Times Picked: 16 Average Last Seen At: 4.96 Total Times Seen 152
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: The main use for this in the format is to copy something you already copied with Casualty. That somes pretty real upside in the format, but still narrow enough that I don't think this is anything special most of the time. Paying the mana for the Casualty spell and then for the ability just won't always be doable. And this does very little when you can't use the ability. A one mana 0/3 is definitely a thing, but will be outclassed before long.
Average Picked At: 11.72 Total Times Picked: 130 Average Last Seen At: 9.79 Total Times Seen 1624
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: If you can put counters on this, it can get interesting – and you certainly have access to some of those in this format. But overall, this is probably the worst of this cycle. A one mana ½ just gets outclassed way too quickly, and giving a creature that size double strike isn’t exactly a big deal. You’ll play it of course in aggressive decks, but I can see it getting cut a good chunk of the time too, even in Cabaretti.