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Ravnica Allegiance Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Code of Constraint
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is another card that gets an impressive boost from the Addendum, as it straight up freezes a card down. It is a little weird that the other effect basically doesn’t matter if you do the Addendum, so this card mostly feels like a split card with two options, and the Addendum option is way better. Adding “draw a card” to both effects is pretty nice in the right deck.
Senate Guildmage
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: I think this is the best of the Guildmages in this set. Both of its abilities are pretty nice, and easily usable. You end up just having a random mana around a lot in Limited! You can gain life if you really need to stabilize, or you can dig deeper in your deck if you need to find removal or press your advantage.
Carnival // Carnage
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: There are enough X/1s in the format that Carnival can do some stuff. Carnage can be pretty nice when your opponent has the cards to hit with it.
Bring to Trial
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: As usual, there aren’t really enough big creatures in this format for this to be anything special. Its not a disaster if you run one, but it is definitely better out of the sideboard.
Azorius Guildgate
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: These are pretty important in this format. As usual fixing is always nice, but this format also has a ton of excellent gate payoffs. Its kind of funny, but in this Limited format, the Gates are actually a little better than Shocklands, since the payoffs you can get for playing Gates are so good.
Rubble Slinger
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: If you don’t have any good ways to block flyers – this can certainly do it, though it isn’t exactly efficient.
Impassioned Orator
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: The incidental life gain this provides really adds up over the course of a game, and is nice upside to have on a 2-mana 2/2.
Skatewing Spy
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: 4-mana for a 3/2 definitely isn’t great, but if your board already has some counters lying around, it will immediately give flying to some of your creatures, and obviously it can eventually adapt and become a Flyer itself. However, if your whole plan is adapting this, it isn’t great. You really need some other +1/+1 counters around for it to feel worth the investment – luckily, that’s not too hard to do if you’re in the Simic deck.
Zegana, Utopian Speaker
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: In a lot of Simic decks, Zegana just feels like a 4-mana 4/4 that draws you a card when it ETBs. Even if you can’t draw a card with her when she comes down, she comes with the ability to become absolutely massive. Keep in mind, she will gain trample when she gets counters, as will all of your other creatures.
Depose // Deploy
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: The Deploy side here is where most of the value is – and boy, it end sup being a lot of value! At worst, you get two 1/1 flyers and gain 2 life – and that’s about a 2.5, and this often ends up gaining you significantly more life. Having the Depose option is nice too, as sometimes you can use it to find a way to get through for lethal.
Deputy of Detention
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Like always, these “Banisher Priest” type creatures are excellent, since they can remove virtually any creature while adding to the board. And yeah, your opponent could find a way to get the creature back, but even if they do you will usually have disrupted their plans significantly.
Ravager Wurm
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This is a bomb. As usual with Riot, the +1/+1 counter option tends to be the better one, but its nice having the Haste option! It also has the modal ETB ability, and the obvious choice there most of the time is to go with the fight effect, as it allows you to kill something and add to the board at the same time. If you go with the +1/+1 counter, you’ve got a 5/6, and that can fight and kill almost anything in the format while also surviving! The other ability will almost never come up in Limited, but that doesn’t matter!
Act of Treason
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: As usually, if you’re in a deck with enough Sacrifice outlets, this is really sweet. Stealing an opposing creature, attacking them with it, and then sacrificing it is one of the sweetest feelings there is! But you are going to need to have a few different cards that allow you to cheaply sacrifice a creatures to make it worth it, and it isn’t something you really want in any other deck.
Average Picked At: 3.00
Total Times Picked: 1
Average Last Seen At: 0.00
Total Times Seen 0
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is obviously great, as it can very efficiently destroy two different permanent types.
Angel of Grace
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Once Flash creatures get this big, flashing them in and killing something becomes much easier. Add the rest of the text on this thing and it clearly becomes a straight-up bomb, something it was already pretty close to being with key words and stats alone! The fact that she can make it so you don’t die for a turn will come up from time to time. There will be times where you flash this in to save you and maybe trade, and then put your life back up to 10 on your turn. That’s not the ideal scenario for her, certainly, you’d rather she stay in play – but she can do some good work in a variety of situations, and help you come back from the brink of losing.
Senate Courier
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This has decent stats, and the ability to gain vigilance actually comes up in the later part of games.
Eyes Everywhere
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: This isn’t really worth it. The Scry isn’t enough, and playing a silly mini-game with it to steal your opponent’s stuff is rough. If your opponent has no way at all to produce Blue mana it definitely gets a little more interesting, but this format has such good mana that I wouldn’t count on them not having it.
Spear Spewer
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: The idea here is that this can set up your cards that have Spectacle. And, it can do that for sure, but its body is otherwise a pretty big liability, and the Rakdos decks don’t have that hard of a time of making sure Spectacle is online anyway. If your deck is really leading hard into the mechanic, Spear Spewer is a worthy inclusion, but it is by no means a necessity for those types of decks.
Hydroid Krasis
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This is a bomb. Even if you only pay 4 total mana for this, you get a 2/2 with Flying and Trample, you gain 1 life, and you draw a card. If that’s what this always was, it would be a 4.0. That’s just a ton of value. Then, this scales all game long, and casting it by the mid-to-late game will usually just end the game on the spot.
Skitter Eel
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: You’ll play this in decks that can really take advantage of +1/+1 counter synergy, but it isn’t that great in other decks, where its just inefficient – both before and after adapting.
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