Pro Rating: 0.5 Pro Comment: People play some ambitious mana bases in this format, but even then, this isn’t a great sideboard card.
Pro Rating: 1.0 Pro Comment: In Limited, this is mostly a hard-to-cast 2/2, and you don’t really need that.
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: Edict effects are always pretty underwhelming in Limited, since board states tend to be pretty clogged up, especially in this format. If you really need removal, and have a decent number of creatures with 4 or more power, it is a decent card, but it is basically never more than that.
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This being recursive can be pretty nice late, as it can almost be a free attacker. And, early, it can chip in for a few damage.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This offer some very nice fixing, and if you’re in the market for that they are definitely nice. They are worth taking any time you are splashing a color or they are in both of your colors.
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: Consecrate is pretty situational and won’t come up a ton, but Consume is pretty nice most of the time. Your opponents’ creature with the highest power won’t always be their best, but it will be often enough that Consume ends up feeling pretty amazing most of the time.
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This is a bomb. Even if you only pay 4 total mana for this, you get a 2/2 with Flying and Trample, you gain 1 life, and you draw a card. If that’s what this always was, it would be a 4.0. That’s just a ton of value. Then, this scales all game long, and casting it by the mid-to-late game will usually just end the game on the spot.
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: If you have expendable creatures around, this is pretty spicy, but it isn’t something that all decks can take advantage of.
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: You’re usually hoping for more than a 5/5 Flyer when you spend 7 mana, and luckily this does come with a fairly useful ability. It can blank a significant number of removal spells in the format. Of course, this format also has lots of multicolored removal spells, so it isn’t exactly unkillable either.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This is a solid little two-drop that is pretty hard for your opponent to block effectively in the early game.
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: Because this is two mana, it’s a pretty reasonable counterspell, even if it does only hit creatures. Limited decks have tons of creatures, so it works out, and adding the counter even has a bit of synergy within the Simic deck.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This thing really overperforms. If you can flash it in and use it like a combat trick, that tends to feel pretty good, and if you play it during your main phase for Addendum, it also feels pretty nice.
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This kind of trick is almost never worth it. That’s even true in a set with some +1/+1 counter stuff going on. The stats boost isn’t enough, even if it is permanent.
Pro Rating: 5.0 Pro Comment: This is probably the biggest bomb in the format. Pumping your whole board and weakening your opponent’s is absolutely massive, especially because you can also generate 1/1 flying tokens with it. Oh, and obviously they will be 2/2s if the Absolution is in play. This has a major impact on the board immediately, and then generates a ton of creatures. It is tough to beat.
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This is pretty big for the cost. And…well, yeah that’s pretty much all it has going for it! But that kind of size is a decent thing to have around in some decks.
Pro Rating: 4.0 Pro Comment: This is great. The Thrash side is the best side, as its just a great removal spell. But the downside with that type of removal is that you need to have a creature – and if you don’t have one of those, you can get a 4-mana 4/4 with Trample which isn’t bad either.
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This can feel okay in the early game, but because your opponent is more likely to have mana around in the later part of the game, it has a pretty steep drop off.
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This gives you enough value with the ETB that paying 4 for it generally feels pretty decent. Its too bad it doesn’t drain your opponent like some other versions of this card we’ve seen over the years.
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: This has great stats, and improves the quality of your draws. Getting it in your opening hand really makes it insane, since it can let you Scry before the game even begins, and that’s something that can give you a very really early game advantage.
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This card is a major overperformer, and another card that can really help control decks do their thing in this format. It looks like an Enchantment that doesn’t do enough up front, but the life drain it provides really makes it hard for your opponent to take you down. Basically, it will help you stabilize, and then gradually turn into your win condition in many games. Now, sometimes not adding to the board can be a real reliability against aggro decks, but this still does good work most of the time.