Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 2.00 Total Times Seen 3
Pro Rating: 4 Pro Comment: This makes the tokens regardless of whether you have targets for it. It's a fairly efficient token generator that feels completely absurd when you actually have targets.
Average Picked At: 7.20 Total Times Picked: 5 Average Last Seen At: 5.32 Total Times Seen 40
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This usually punches through a blocker and lets your creature(s) attack far more effectively.
Average Picked At: 4.80 Total Times Picked: 5 Average Last Seen At: 3.36 Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 4 Pro Comment: Ramping and fixing your mana while removing a nonland permanent is incredible.
Average Picked At: 3.50 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 2.80 Total Times Seen 6
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: The burn effect isn't very efficient, and you'd be surprised how infrequently you can actually cast a spell off of this.
Average Picked At: 3.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 3.00 Total Times Seen 1
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: This will usually cost 4, which is a pretty solid rate. It will virtually never cost less than three.
Average Picked At: 7.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 5.79 Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 0 Pro Comment: This basically does nothing in Limited. You can use it as an akward removal spell or a bad fog effect. Neither are things you want.
Average Picked At: 3.00 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 2.11 Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This is just too clunky to be worthwhile in most decks. The only way you can imapct the board is with the second mode, but only hitting noncreature permanents is a pretty big problem.
Average Picked At: 4.00 Total Times Picked: 9 Average Last Seen At: 3.91 Total Times Seen 38
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This is solid removal, but not much more.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 4.50 Total Times Seen 2
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This is really good disruption. One mana to take your opponent's best card is awesome, and while it does have diminishing returns, the early-to-midgame upside is well worth it.
Average Picked At: 11.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 5.93 Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 0 Pro Comment: This is too situational and expensive. Casting it for free isn't super easy or worth it in Limited, either.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 3.60 Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: Hitting any nonland for three is a great deal.
Average Picked At: 2.50 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 1.88 Total Times Seen 8
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: You'll usually cast this as 4 mana to do 4 to a creature and 3 to your opponent, but you can obviously mix and match, giving it way more upside.
Average Picked At: 2.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 2.80 Total Times Seen 15
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This isn't the premium removal it once was, but it's still pretty solid.
Average Picked At: 5.67 Total Times Picked: 6 Average Last Seen At: 4.62 Total Times Seen 29
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This is fine if you pay three for it, and paying one is awesome and very attainable.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 4.25 Total Times Seen 4
Pro Rating: 0 Pro Comment: Even if this is a repeatable way to commit crimes, it isn't worth the mana investment.
Average Picked At: 12.50 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 7.26 Total Times Seen 52
Pro Rating: 1 Pro Comment: It's very hard to make Fling work in Limited. Maybe in a format with a bunch of mercenaries it will fair better?
Average Picked At: 2.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 3.75 Total Times Seen 9
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: Can be a little hard to cast, but it's flexible and efficient enough to be worth taking highly.
Average Picked At: 2.17 Total Times Picked: 12 Average Last Seen At: 2.24 Total Times Seen 29
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: The ceiling here is nuts, as it's a one-sided wrath that draws you a ton of cards. So, casting it means game over. However, 8 mana is a colossal amount.
Average Picked At: 5.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 3.60 Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: If you cast this, you probably win. But the mana cost is pretty tricky.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 3.00 Total Times Seen 1
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: You have to wait a turn for it to get going, but once you get there it starts adding some very real bodies to the board, and it can quickly snowball.