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March of the Machine Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
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Final Flourish
Average Picked At: 4.02
Total Times Picked: 49
Average Last Seen At: 3.50
Total Times Seen 139
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a nice removal spell. The base card is probably a C, but the kicker upside here is massive. As we’ve seen, Black has good sacrifice outlets and lots of other good reasons to sacrifice creatures, so this card will be right at home in that type of deck. That said, this will probably only be capable of -2/-2 a little too often to be an amazing removal spell.
Traumatic Revelation
Average Picked At: 8.75
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 7.37
Total Times Seen 271
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Hitting creatures and battles means you can hit most nonlands in your opponent’s deck, and if you wiff you sort of end up with a Hill Giant. While that’s not awesome, the main problem with discard spells is how weak they are when you get them late or you wiff, and the consolation prize is enough here for this to be a 1.5. Basically you get the upside discard spells offer with very minimal downside.
Assimilate Essence
Average Picked At: 8.70
Total Times Picked: 37
Average Last Seen At: 6.97
Total Times Seen 268
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is kind of a cool design. Early it can counter the majority of cards in your opponent’s deck, and fairly efficiently too – and then later in the game if they can pay it, you at least get a consolation prize. Obviously the better mode is actually countering the thing, but at least it isn’t utterly useless in other situations.
Tiller of Flesh
Average Picked At: 8.94
Total Times Picked: 18
Average Last Seen At: 6.24
Total Times Seen 140
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: The stats aren’t great, but the trigger is pretty good. However, I’m not sure you’ll be targeting things enough in this format for this to really go wild. Notably, it only counts spells that target, and not abilities like Backup. If you have a critical mass of removal and combat tricks this can do a pretty good job, but the floor is pretty bad.
Etched Host Doombringer
Average Picked At: 11.41
Total Times Picked: 32
Average Last Seen At: 9.16
Total Times Seen 378
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is an interesting design. Obviously the stats are bad, but even if this could only drain 2 life on ETB it would probably be playable, so having this Battle upside is pretty nice. If you can use this to defeat a battle and transform it, its going to feel pretty close to a 2-for-1 – and the fact you can also use it to subtract counters from your battles or add counters to your opponents battles is pretty sweet. If you can use this to defeat a battle on ETB, it is going to feel pretty close to a 2-for-1
Merciless Repurposing
Average Picked At: 3.62
Total Times Picked: 29
Average Last Seen At: 3.19
Total Times Seen 84
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: 6 mana is a lot, even for removal – mostly because you end up paying more than your opponent did for their creature a lot of the time, and that tempo hit can be rough. However, this is an Instant, and it gives you something that will eventually be a creature. If you have 8 mana lying around, this will feel like an 8-mana 3/3 that exiles something on ETB, and the fact you can spread it out in two installments is nice.
Saiba Cryptomancer
Average Picked At: 7.72
Total Times Picked: 36
Average Last Seen At: 6.65
Total Times Seen 250
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Been awhile since they gave us a creature at a lower rarity that just straight up has Hexproof, and I’m not sure how I feel about it! Obviously, this can lend hexproof to another creature temporarily, but because this always has Hexproof this might just be a case where you’d rather take the two mana ½ Hexproof since your opponent won’t be dealing with it that well. This is a spicy place to put +1/+1 counters and Auras, and there are going to be some games determined by someone just sticking an Aura on this in the early game and going to town.
Breach the Multiverse
Average Picked At: 1.22
Total Times Picked: 9
Average Last Seen At: 1.18
Total Times Seen 11
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: 7 mana to reanimate the best things in your graveyard and your opponent’s isn’t bad. Because it mills ten cards, you are reasonably likely to get back at least 7 mana worth of value, and the card selection you get should be powerful. One kind of cool thing about this is that if the game is late enough that both players are low on cards, you can also cast this to mill your opponent out, and they will draw before you do! This is expensive for sure, but it does feel like it will be able to pull you ahead from behind in most situations.
Skittering Surveyor
Average Picked At: 5.49
Total Times Picked: 43
Average Last Seen At: 5.03
Total Times Seen 209
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This does a great job of fixing your mana, and makes for an expendable body to sacrifice in Black-Red.
Complete the Circuit
Average Picked At: 8.80
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 5.94
Total Times Seen 48
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: This asks for a lot of things to go right for it to be effective. You need to be able to convoke it, because if you just pay the usual 6 mana for it, you’re unlikely to also be able to play a spell. The good news is that it its an Instant, so using it at the end of your opponent’s turn and casting a spell – even a Sorcery, isn’t a stretch. Basically, If you have enough spells worth copying, this is something you’ll probably play. Problem is, I don’t think it is a foregone conclusion that every Blue deck in the format will be able to use this card, so I think it probably needs a build around. If you’re in Blue-Red – the deck that’s about spells and Convoke – this fits your deck perfectly. If you’re not, you probably won’t be playing it.
Fearless Skald
Average Picked At: 7.10
Total Times Picked: 20
Average Last Seen At: 6.00
Total Times Seen 122
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: So, this is either a 5-mana 4/3 with Double Strike, or a 5-mana 3/2 that puts a counter on something else and gives it double strike for a turn. Both modes can be pretty nice, though I think I would be more inclined to put the counter somewhere else, since even at three toughness this dies quite easily, and if you put all of your eggs in one basket the tempo might hurt! This is going to create a major threat the turn it comes down, and it is a pretty nice threat on its own.
Swordsworn Cavalier
Average Picked At: 8.81
Total Times Picked: 37
Average Last Seen At: 7.18
Total Times Seen 258
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: A two mana 3/1 is usually a borderline playable in Limited, and this will have First Strike a big chunk of the time. If you play this on turn two, and a knight on turn three, your opponent really has no hope of blocking effectively.
Realmbreaker's Grasp
Average Picked At: 4.71
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 3.90
Total Times Seen 140
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: White’s usual premium Common removal spell Is here! It shuts down most creatures entirely, though as usual cards with static ability, sacrifice effects, and bounce effects hurt when you play this card – and those things are in this set, of course.
Pyretic Prankster // Glistening Goremonger
Average Picked At: 9.07
Total Times Picked: 46
Average Last Seen At: 7.92
Total Times Seen 363
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: A two mana 2/1 is below rate these days, but this can transform into a 3/2 that virtually always forces a 2-for-1, and it can transform pretty quickly.
Stoke the Flames
Average Picked At: 4.12
Total Times Picked: 17
Average Last Seen At: 3.38
Total Times Seen 57
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: Even without Convoke, this would be great. But sometimes you will be able to cast this without any mana up, or at least for a lot less than 4 mana, and that upside is crazy, especially because it can hit any target. This is premium removal and then some.
Ichor Shade
Average Picked At: 10.89
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 8.60
Total Times Seen 334
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Its nice that this looks at both graveyard, as sometimes when we see this sort of effect it only checks yours. This will gain a counter on a significant number of turns, especially if you’re a Sacrifice deck. It does have a pretty bad baseline, but I you can definitely hold this and then play it in second main phase after something dies, and it will quickly become a ¾, and things can go crazy from there.
Yargle and Multani
Average Picked At: 6.00
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 5.26
Total Times Seen 48
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: This is a massive vanilla creature. Obviously 18 power is enormous, but it can also be chump blocked all day or taken down by a couple of 3 power creatures. If you have ways to give this evasion it will become quite the threat. However, we’ve seen that big vanilla creatures haven’t been that impressive in the past, even if this is the biggest one yet.
War-Trained Slasher
Average Picked At: 12.29
Total Times Picked: 28
Average Last Seen At: 10.22
Total Times Seen 370
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 4/3 with Menace is probably a 2.0, so the fact this swings with eight power when it goes after battle is pretty awesome. It really puts your opponent in a horrible spot on a lot of boards, and they are likely to get 2-for-1’d at best.
Kor Halberd
Average Picked At: 12.34
Total Times Picked: 38
Average Last Seen At: 9.28
Total Times Seen 405
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: I like the efficiency here. +1/+1 and Vigilance isn’t a boost that set’s the world on fire, but when you can get it with a one mana Equip cost, I’m definitely interested.
Invasion of Regatha // Disciples of the Inferno
Average Picked At: 6.25
Total Times Picked: 20
Average Last Seen At: 4.88
Total Times Seen 100
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Doing some direct damage with this is pretty nice, and it will feel really good when you can also pick off a small creature and/or defeat a Battle. As with most of these, the creature when you transform this is pretty amazing.
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