Average Picked At: 2.26
Total Times Picked: 35
Average Last Seen At: 2.32
Total Times Seen 70
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: Obviously, for this to be worth it, you’re going to need Zombies. But, the good news is that this set has plenty of them! You probably need to at least consistently get this to 2/2 or 3/3 for it to be worth it, and that seems very doable. Note also that it counts Zombie tokens too, not just nontoken Zombies. So, yeah, this probably needs a build around, because it is so all in on Zombies and has an abysmal floor. If you only have like 3-5 Zombies, it is hard to imagine it is worth it -- you probably need 7 or more, at which point things can get really silly. Still, it starts fragile, and some times even with that many Zombies you just won’t get them, or you’ll get the champion after you’ve already played several Zombies, and that is a pretty big bummer. This is probably a build around C+ or something like that, with the caveat that, if you have like 10+ zombies, it starts to get pretty crazy. Because the floor is so low on it, I don’t really think you can first pick it. But, if you’re deep into Zombies, it definitely should move up in your pick order.