Average Picked At: 10.29 Total Times Picked: 7 Average Last Seen At: 8.10 Total Times Seen 93
Pro Rating: 1.0 Pro Comment: This is a vanilla creature with huge power and low toughness, and I’m not really looking to play that most of the time.
Average Picked At: 8.11 Total Times Picked: 9 Average Last Seen At: 5.70 Total Times Seen 66
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Creatures with death touch are always nice because they can trade with pretty much anything, and Fetid Imp can trade for way more than to having Flying! And, in the mean time, it isn’t a bad attacker in the air.
Average Picked At: 8.33 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 3.82 Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This is a nice signpost uncommon for UW -- a two mana 2/2 flyer that reduces the cost of Flyers is already great -- but I think what really powers this up is the fact that it becomes a 3/3 on turns where you play flyers -- and potentially even bigger if you can play multiple flyers! The Watcher will threaten the opponent in the air, while helping you quickly deploy your air force.
Average Picked At: 12.90 Total Times Picked: 10 Average Last Seen At: 8.93 Total Times Seen 118
Pro Rating: 0.5 // 2.0 Pro Comment: This card is normally not worth it. However, this does gain you 3 life, which several cards in this set check for, and if you’re in a deck with several of those payoffs, it is probably going to make the cut a reasonable chunk of the time.
Average Picked At: 7.25 Total Times Picked: 4 Average Last Seen At: 5.32 Total Times Seen 26
Pro Rating: 1.0 Pro Comment: This SEEMS like it would be really sweet, but it is way harder to set up in a way to take full advantage of it than I expected. Mostly it will just be 3 mana to return a permanent, and that’s not worth it.
Average Picked At: 10.67 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 5.76 Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: The fail case here is not very good -- an Enchantment that lets you pay 3 mana to Scry 1 is not worth playing. The question becomes: how many times does this have to become a Sphinx to be worth while? And I feel like the answer is: at least twice. And that is perfectly doable within a spells deck, but this card really isn’t going to be the kind of payoff that takes over games for you. It is just a solid payoff you’ll include in your deck.
Average Picked At: 7.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 4.67 Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: Well, this is pretty wacky, and definitely a “Greatness at any cost” card for Black decks. So, a lot of the time this will help you reload your hand, and not only that, but you’ll end up with some insane card selection, keeping whatever cards are the best in the top half of your deck. Keep in mind, if you are spending the 7 on this, you probably aren’t doing anything else on your turn, so you won’t get to hold on to all of those cards, you’ll have to discard down to 7. The fact that this doesn’t do anything to change the board is a bit of a concern, as if you’re behind you’re just going to end up even further behind after you cast this. Sure, if you get to untap you might be ok, but it will be hard to find the time to cast this -- and don’t forget you’re also lowering your life while you’re at it. It seems too expensive to really be something most decks want.
Average Picked At: 8.67 Total Times Picked: 9 Average Last Seen At: 7.67 Total Times Seen 95
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: So, a two mana 2/2 with Vigilance is pretty passable. This guy does have some small additional synergies as a result of being a card that the RW signpost uncommon can search up, and that does increase his value for sure.
Average Picked At: 9.33 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 5.25 Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 0.0 // 3.0 Pro Comment: Turning life gain into actual cards feels great, and a 2/2 flyer is definitely a real card -- especially if you can get more than one of them out of this -- even the first one is given to you at a pretty good rate, so if this really starts churning them out things could get interesting. Obviously, you have to have a deck that can not only gain life -- but gain 3 or more life a turn at least a few times a game for this to be worth it, and as a result of that I think we do have to go with a buildaround here. It is stone unplayable in many decks. But in a deck that can really get things going with it, it is going to be one of the best payoffs in your deck, since it provides you with a very real win condition.
Average Picked At: 3.20 Total Times Picked: 5 Average Last Seen At: 5.29 Total Times Seen 16
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This creature has nice stats, and it has some nice utility, being able to blow up Artifacts and Enchantments. This lets you play a way to hate on those in your deck without playing a card that is horrible in situations where you aren’t up against those permanent types.
Average Picked At: 12.25 Total Times Picked: 4 Average Last Seen At: 7.41 Total Times Seen 93
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 2.0 Pro Comment: This card is mostly not very good – it has low toughness for the cost and is very easy to take down. However, it does slot reasonably well into the UB reanimator deck, and that helps make it a more appealing card.
Average Picked At: 4.33 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 3.38 Total Times Seen 14
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This is a very efficient Flyer that comes with all kinds of upside! It has a little downside too, since you have to sacrifice a creature to cast it, but that is often worth it for a creature this imposing, especially because it subtracts from the opponents’ board too. Where it gets really nasty is in the reanimator deck, where you don’t end up actually sacrificing anything, and your opponent still does.
Average Picked At: 5.67 Total Times Picked: 6 Average Last Seen At: 5.22 Total Times Seen 36
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This gives you some nice card selection and in a spell deck can often actually represent a pretty real threat, too. It is a little bit awkward alongside the UR signpost, which returns instants or sorceries to your hand, which is a bit of a nonbo alongside the Augur, but I still like it.
Average Picked At: 3.33 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 6.20 Total Times Seen 6
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: People get excited when they see these two powerful keywords, but this card wasn’t all that good in Limited last time, and I don’t see that changing. The keywords are undoubtedly powerful, but the card is more situational than it might seem at first. Those two keywords are useless in the majority of situations, and only come in hand in response to a removal spell, or in combat. Even in combat though, this effect will sometimes just functionally be a fog, because you would need creatures that are big enough to kill your opponent’s creatures in combat to make the use of this card meaningful, otherwise you’re just going down a card and delaying the inevitable. Now, all that said, I don’t think this is unplayable or anything -- I just wanted to start harshly on the card because I know it is the kind that some will overrate. In the end, it is definitely situational, but I think it is an alright card to have as the 23rd or 24th card in your deck. It can operate as a Fog, or as a combat trick, or as a way to counter a removal spell -- none of those things are very good most of the time, but this still does enough to make the cut.
Average Picked At: 7.95 Total Times Picked: 20 Average Last Seen At: 6.55 Total Times Seen 79
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is always a nice creature when we see it. It has decent stats for attacking, blocking, or trading, and then gives you a 1/1 when it dies, which is pretty good for the overall investment.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 2.67 Total Times Seen 3
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This fix for you and help you smooth out your draws, so they can really play a key role in helping smooth out the beginning of your game. If they are in both your colors you should value them over most medium cards, and if you’re interested in splashing you should value them even more.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 8.00 Total Times Seen 24
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.5 Pro Comment: This is a nice 4-power payoff. It effectively draws you an extra card every turn, and that’s the kind of advantage that will win you the game after you trigger it a few times -- it is just hard for your opponent to keep up with that. It is obviously a build around -- an aggressive Red deck that doesn’t have creatures with high power won’t play this, and it is unlikely a UR spells type deck would either -- this is mostly here for the RG deck, which is all about 4 or more power.
Average Picked At: 5.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 3.50 Total Times Seen 4
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This type of card can be frustrating sometimes, because you get it on a board where you just don’t have much of a presence, but the effect offered by the anthem is pretty powerful, and does impact the board immediately in most cases, enabling attacks that weren’t possible before you played it. You do need to be a heavy creature deck, and going pretty wide to really take advantage of it, but that doesn’t look to be a problem in White decks in this format.
Average Picked At: 7.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 5.05 Total Times Seen 24
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: This is the best of the Sanctum cycle, and really the only one you consistently play on its own. Draining an opponent every turn really adds up, and gives you some serious inevitability.
Average Picked At: 13.50 Total Times Picked: 4 Average Last Seen At: 10.50 Total Times Seen 51