Average Picked At: 11.14 Total Times Picked: 35 Average Last Seen At: 9.49 Total Times Seen 524
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: Tapping opposing creatures tends to be pretty good in aggro decks, but paying three for the effect is kind of rough. Giving up a Food is more appealing, but you’re still attacking with a 1/3, and there’s a pretty good chance that even when you tap down an opposing creature with this, your opponent can easily take it down in combat, especially after the early stages of the game.
Average Picked At: 11.62 Total Times Picked: 52 Average Last Seen At: 9.64 Total Times Seen 529
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: This gives a reasonable boost for only one mana, and the toughness means it will do enough to save it from a decent amount of removal too. The fact it gives Flying also means you can use this sometimes before you attack to get in for lethal. It is cheap and has enough different uses that it seems like a quality trick for white aggressive deck.
Average Picked At: 7.50 Total Times Picked: 4 Average Last Seen At: 4.25 Total Times Seen 45
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: The ability to bounce a spell off of the stack or a nonland permanent is decent, but not great for 4 mana. This is because you’re usually going to be going down a card, and because this costs 4 mana, you also aren’t that likely to get that much tempo. The flexibility makes up for that some, but for this to really feel good you need to be casting something from your hand for free. Keep in mind, even when you do that you aren’t gaining a card of value, though you are generating some extra tempo. The bad news is, you won’t always be able to pull that off, especially because it is restricted to instants and sorceries. So overall, this seems pretty underwhelming for Limited, at least for a Rare.
Average Picked At: 4.50 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 3.86 Total Times Seen 23
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This seems like a nice card. Drawing a card with it and giving it First Strike are fairly obtainable things, even if they aren’t necessarily always going to happen, and a 2/2 Haste as the baseline isn’t bad
Average Picked At: 12.23 Total Times Picked: 40 Average Last Seen At: 9.77 Total Times Seen 579
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: Stats aren’t good, but there are enough Scry payoffs for the first copy of this to make the cut pretty often
Average Picked At: 7.00 Total Times Picked: 15 Average Last Seen At: 5.35 Total Times Seen 112
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: Black-Red has lots of creatures with these types, and some sacrifice stuff going on, but I’m still kind of worried that growing this simply won’t be all that easy, and that’s a problem since it starts as a 4-mana 3/3
Average Picked At: 10.26 Total Times Picked: 58 Average Last Seen At: 8.73 Total Times Seen 480
Pro Rating: 0.5 Pro Comment: This has two modes that aren’t useful often enough, and while the fact that you can choose between them helps offset how narrow each effect is, we’re still looking at a card that won’t do anything meaningful far too often. This feels like sideboard material.
Average Picked At: 2.64 Total Times Picked: 22 Average Last Seen At: 2.33 Total Times Seen 50
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: A two mana 3/1 is usually borderline playable with nothing else going on, and Gollum definitely has some other stuff going on. Getting tempted by the Ring is a pretty nice effect, and you can keep bringing Gollum back. Bringing him back won’t really be worth it unless you have some sacrifice fodder lying around, but that’s not a huge ask
Average Picked At: 5.18 Total Times Picked: 66 Average Last Seen At: 4.62 Total Times Seen 234
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: Two mana 1/1s that draw you a card are always solid in Limited, and that’s certainly the case here, especially because the format has extra Orc and Army synergy all over the place
Average Picked At: 7.14 Total Times Picked: 14 Average Last Seen At: 6.09 Total Times Seen 133
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This combination of abilities seems pretty good, and makes Glorfindel capable of doing something powerful in a few different situations. For example, if your opponent has a 2/2 around that you can force to block, that feels pretty good. And, if your opponent can only take down Glorfindel with a double block, you can shut that down. It gets really interesting when you scry more than once in a turn and you can choose both, which you’ll want to do in some situations. All that said, while the design is definitely cool, I think it will be hard to line things up consistently with Glorfindel, especially because he demands you Scry for this effect to ever happen in the first place.
Average Picked At: 12.33 Total Times Picked: 12 Average Last Seen At: 8.02 Total Times Seen 191
Pro Rating: 1.0 Pro Comment: This is a really neat and flavorful design, and sometimes it will give you a ton of value. Imagine playing it on turn one with a hand that can curve out. Theoretically, if you name the right creatures, you can have all of those come down with extra counters. Of course, problem is, getting this late makes it pretty close to a dead card, and it will really only shine if you play it on turn one and have a hand full of creatures. That makes it too narrow
Average Picked At: 13.13 Total Times Picked: 31 Average Last Seen At: 10.36 Total Times Seen 562
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: The stat-line is horrendous, but getting two foods out of one card is a nice thing in Green, and especially in Green-White, where you can find many uses for Food
Average Picked At: 9.42 Total Times Picked: 38 Average Last Seen At: 7.69 Total Times Seen 424
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: Manalith doesn’t tend to be very good in Limited. Using up a card just for inefficient fixing and ramp can be rough, though adding “The Ring Tempts You” to the mix probably does enough for this to be fixing you turn to when you’re desperate
Average Picked At: 5.17 Total Times Picked: 70 Average Last Seen At: 4.66 Total Times Seen 280
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: These are definitely below-rate stats these days, and if this didn’t do anything else it would be a 1.0, even with a useful creature type. Getting tempted by the Ring is real upside, but it also isn’t so insane that I’m thrilled about the idea of playing this
Average Picked At: 8.23 Total Times Picked: 48 Average Last Seen At: 7.29 Total Times Seen 417
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: This is solid removal. Three mana Pacifisms tend to be fine, though they aren’t usually amazing because they don’t entirely get rid of 100% of creatures, since they don’t stop things like activated or triggered abilities. Enchantment-based removal also isn’t great against things like bounce or flicker effects. Still, this does shut down most creatures for a fairly reasonable cost.
Average Picked At: 2.45 Total Times Picked: 31 Average Last Seen At: 2.40 Total Times Seen 46
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: If this always cost 4 mana, it would be a good removal spell, so the upside of destroying a damaged creature for a lot less mana is nice. That said, most of the time I imagine you’ll be firing this off for the full four mana, but that’s perfectly fine.
Average Picked At: 5.43 Total Times Picked: 61 Average Last Seen At: 4.73 Total Times Seen 244
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: If you don’t control a legendary creature this gives you some decent card selection, and if you do control one, we’re talking about a 2-for-1. Generally that seems like that means if you play this on turn three it is probably just card selection, but by the mid to late game it will usually draw you a card straight up. The stats aren’t great of course, but this definitely does enough to make the cut pretty often.
Average Picked At: 12.02 Total Times Picked: 50 Average Last Seen At: 10.21 Total Times Seen 620
Pro Rating: 2.0 Pro Comment: +3/+0 and Menace is enough to make just about anything into a threat, but even in a set with this many legendaries, you aren’t going to be able to always count on that. After all, they only appear at Uncommon or higher, and when this isn’t granting menace it seems pretty bad, especially when you take the casting and equip cost into account.
Average Picked At: 11.59 Total Times Picked: 39 Average Last Seen At: 9.63 Total Times Seen 532
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: +3/+2 is a decent boost for two mana, but you do need to be getting trample out of this pretty often for it to be worth it.
Average Picked At: 3.67 Total Times Picked: 9 Average Last Seen At: 3.45 Total Times Seen 22
Pro Rating: 3.0 Pro Comment: No matter what happens, the ring tempts you and get a 2-for-1, and its hard for that not to be good. That said, there’s always a chance you get two lands when you don’t want them, or expensive spells when you can’t cast them – but the fact is you still get significant card advantage coupled with very real upside