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Alchemy Horizons: Baldur's Gate Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Bag of Holding
Average Picked At: 8.50
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 7.88
Total Times Seen 93
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a pretty cool card, but not a particularly good one most of the time. It is sweet that you can loot and get your cards back later, but you just have to spend so much mana to make those things happen, you’ll find yourself unable to spend it pretty frequently until the late game.
Uthgardt Fury
Average Picked At: 1.60
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 1.83
Total Times Seen 7
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This seems really good. I would already be on a 3-mana Enchantment that does 4 damage to anything when it enters. That’s a great removal spell that can also go to the dome. And, on top of that, Uthgardt Fury also changes the rules of damage. The first time I read this I thought it was symmetrical – but NOPE! It only hurts your opponent, and it makes it so their creatures are significantly worse, since damage won’t go away anymore. Now, I do think that’s going to have a more minimal effect than it might seem, but it does definitely make those creatures worse. So this is premium removal with impressive upside.
A-Sepulcher Ghoul
Average Picked At: 6.41
Total Times Picked: 22
Average Last Seen At: 5.03
Total Times Seen 163
Thayan Evokers
Average Picked At: 2.25
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 2.67
Total Times Seen 7
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: So, basically, this is a 3-mana 2/2 that lets you loot – and you always loot into Lightning Bolt, which is pretty awesome. Obviously, you need to be at least splashing Red to play this card, otherwise you can’t cast the bolt! It also works well alongside other conjure effects – which includes Double Team – which – oh by the way – this card also has, so it actually becomes a 3/3 by the time it is attacks for the first time. And then you get another Lightning Bolt! So uh..yeah, this is usually going to be a 2-for-1, while also drastically improving your card quality with those Bolts. It will also easily get to a 4/4 all on its own. That’s just a crazy amount of value!
Klement, Novice Acolyte
Average Picked At: 1.89
Total Times Picked: 9
Average Last Seen At: 1.62
Total Times Seen 9
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: This is really good. If you play this on turn two, the boost it gives to your hand will be insane! Sometimes you’ll get it at a point in the game where it doesn’t do much with its ETB, but most of the time it will buff at least one thing in your hand. While its specialized versions are all quite good, they do seem a little less powerful than some of the others – but that’s probably because it is better on the front side than most of them. I think the Black/White one looks the best, as getting two 2/2 tokens right away is huge! But like with all of this, every single one of these looks quite good.
Average Picked At: 9.62
Total Times Picked: 16
Average Last Seen At: 7.99
Total Times Seen 247
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a pretty neat design. So, a counterspell that lets your opponent ignore it for two isn’t usually great in Limited, since you have to have the mana up at the right time and your opponent also has to not have the mana to pay for it. But they soften the blow of your opponent paying 2 to ignore it, since you weaken a creature when you target it with this, whether the spell actually gets countered or not. Now, that’s mostly just a consolation prize, but it does at least mean this does something when your opponent has the mana, unlike most counterspells like this. I think you’ll still cut this reasonably often, though.
A-Lantern of Revealing
Average Picked At: 12.00
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 9.25
Total Times Seen 16
Champions of Tyr
Average Picked At: 1.33
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 1.20
Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Well, this is super strong. It has great stats as a 4-mana 4/3 Flyer, and the ETB ability substantially upgrades the next creature you cast one way or another. That gets extra spicy because it also has Double Team,w hich means you get another 4/3 Flyer and that ETB trigger again, and because it can Fly, getting that second copy isn’t going to be a huge stress. Heck, it might even be the card you cast that gets upgraded by the first ETB trigger!
Earth-Cult Elemental
Average Picked At: 11.12
Total Times Picked: 26
Average Last Seen At: 8.39
Total Times Seen 291
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This was a bit of a disappointment in Forgotten Realms. It has passable stats, but six drops that didn’t like…gain you life, were kind of a liability in that format. It will probably be a little bit better here, but its ETB ability isn’t that great either. By the time this comes down many players have expendable permanents, so it is mostly the kind of thing your opponent will shrug about. It is passable as a top-curve creature, but that’s about it.
Druidic Ritual
Average Picked At: 11.94
Total Times Picked: 16
Average Last Seen At: 9.31
Total Times Seen 292
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 2.0
Pro Comment: Another Green card that enables the graveyard payoffs, and it also lets you return something to your hand. That’s..not amazing for a three mana Sorcery. This is probably another build around, because outside of the Black/Green deck I don’t really know why you run this thing. It just gives you some card selection for a clunky cost, so you really need other reasons to load the yard.
You Come to the Gnoll Camp
Average Picked At: 12.22
Total Times Picked: 23
Average Last Seen At: 9.98
Total Times Seen 316
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: Neither option here is great. Individually, they would probably both be a 1.0. +3/+1 for two mana just isn’t a big enough boost, and making a couple of things unable to block doesn’t always matter either. It isn’t the worst thing in the world to run in your deck, but you probably do cut it more than you play it.
Robe of the Archmagi
Average Picked At: 5.00
Total Times Picked: 6
Average Last Seen At: 4.83
Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: Well, this can draw you a whole lot of cards, and if you have Shamans, Warlocks and Wizards around, the equip cost being one is going to feel pretty amazing. The downside here is similar to what we saw with the Goggles earlier – this doesn’t buff the creature at all, so you need something that is already fairly good at attacking, either because it is big or because it is evasive. And the types where you pay the 4 mana cost and your opponent removes your thing will be brutal! Still, this has the potential to draw a lot of cards, and fairly efficiently too.
Contact Other Plane
Average Picked At: 12.22
Total Times Picked: 23
Average Last Seen At: 10.11
Total Times Seen 320
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Another Forgotten Realms reprint! Over the last year or so, most cards that JUST draw you two cards for 4 mana, even at instant speed, have been really disappointing. Limited has become more and more about adding to the board when you spend mana, and this just doesn’t do it. Now, it isn’t terrible, if you roll a 10 through 20 it is a pretty nice draw spell, and I don’t hate the idea of running one of these in your Blue decks, but you really can’t have that many cards that don’t add to the board and hope to do well.
Mephit's Enthusiasm
Average Picked At: 2.17
Total Times Picked: 6
Average Last Seen At: 2.72
Total Times Seen 20
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This is premium removal. Two mana for 4 damage is great, even on a Sorcery, so the fact that you’ll sometimes get to buff your next creature is the cherry on top.
Band Together
Average Picked At: 6.18
Total Times Picked: 34
Average Last Seen At: 5.81
Total Times Seen 195
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: We have seen cards that cost the same and only let one creature do damage equal to their power to something, and they tend to be pretty close to premium. This lets you have two creatures do the damage, which is significant for two reasons. First, it means you can find more situations where this will function as removal. Second, it makes you less vulnerable to your opponent interacting, since now they can kill one of your creatures and you can still do some damage. I think the whole “two creature” side of things is enough to make this premium.
Blood Money
Average Picked At: 3.75
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 2.71
Total Times Seen 7
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: 7 mana for a Wrath is a whole lot, even if you are getting tapped treasure. Most of the time when you cast this, you’re pretty unlikely to have anything worth spending treasure on, since you already have 7 mana, and you certainly won’t have any mana sink creatures hanging around. This is probably just a C.
Guiding Bolt
Average Picked At: 3.33
Total Times Picked: 9
Average Last Seen At: 3.56
Total Times Seen 38
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: We see this effect a lot, and it is usually worth playing in your main deck, though not terribly exciting. Most decks have targets for a removal spell like this, but not so many you can look at this as premium, even with Scry 2 attached. Still, the first copy seems pretty solid.
Giant Fire Beetles
Average Picked At: 6.57
Total Times Picked: 23
Average Last Seen At: 6.06
Total Times Seen 190
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Like all the Double Team cards, I think this looks pretty good. Having Menace means it will be able to effectively attack and get you that copy on a lot of boards. Getting both of them will feel great, and that’s especially true if you can augment them in some way.
Lukamina, Moon Druid
Average Picked At: 2.00
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 2.00
Total Times Seen 2
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: Well, this is super strong. Her base form as a 3-mana 2/2 that gets you a basic land from your deck is a solid card, even if you don’t get to choose what land you get. Then, once it specializes, it becomes super good regardless of what form it takes. They all come with super powerful effects, and they all return to the battlefield tapped in Lukamina’s original form, and that means the whole thing starts over again, you even get to seek another land, and then you can specialize her again for more action. It kind of reminds me of Huntmaster of the Fells, and that’s a good comparison! Now, she is vulnerable for awhile, if you play her early – but she still gives you good value in the worst case scenario, and has absurd upside.
A-Lapis Orb of Dragonkind
Average Picked At: 9.00
Total Times Picked: 1
Average Last Seen At: 10.67
Total Times Seen 6
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