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Dominaria United Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Defiler of Instinct
Average Picked At: 2.40
Total Times Picked: 15
Average Last Seen At: 2.14
Total Times Seen 23
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: A 4-mana 4/4 with First Strike is a B, and this has some nice upside. Like the others in the cycle, it allows you to sort of pay Phyrexian Mana for one mana of your Red permanents, and it also pays you off for playing Red permanents – in this case, you get to do 1 damage to something. That ability always does something, whether you are picking off something small or hitting your opponent.
Destroy Evil
Average Picked At: 5.48
Total Times Picked: 133
Average Last Seen At: 5.26
Total Times Seen 792
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This has two modes that are somewhat narrow, but putting them both together does mean most opponents will have enough combined targets for this to do a decent job.
Haughty Djinn
Average Picked At: 2.19
Total Times Picked: 27
Average Last Seen At: 2.07
Total Times Seen 46
Pro Rating: 4.5
Pro Comment: There are three Blue decks in this format that are into spells - UW, UB, and UR – so a card like this doesn’t really need a buildaround in this format, as it will be right at home in all of those decks. That means it is very good, since reducing spells and being an effective Flying attacker are nice things to have.
Queen Allenal of Ruadach
Average Picked At: 6.11
Total Times Picked: 55
Average Last Seen At: 5.15
Total Times Seen 315
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: Looks like another very nice signpost Uncommon. It will often be big enough to be reasonably efficient, and the extra tokens it can generate will be nice. There’s lots of support for tokens in the format!
Temporary Lockdown
Average Picked At: 8.20
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 4.82
Total Times Seen 102
Pro Rating: 0.5
Pro Comment: This card mostly isn’t meant for Limited. It hates on a pretty narrow thing, which is awkwardly also a thing you’ll probably have on your side of the table. It is hard to manufacture situations where this helps you more than your opponent. It is definitely a powerful sideboard option in Best of Three, because sometimes you do go up against some deck that gets completely wrecked by this, but it isn’t often enough for you to run it in your main deck.
Vodalian Hexcatcher
Average Picked At: 8.83
Total Times Picked: 18
Average Last Seen At: 5.76
Total Times Seen 134
Pro Rating: 1.0
Pro Comment: Dang, as if Merfolks didn’t already have enough lords! As sweet as this card will be for Merfolk decks in multiple constructed formats, it doesn’t seem particularly good here. There just aren’t enough Merfolks in this set to make it worth it. On its own it is a two mana 1/1 with Flash that can sacrifice itself to counter a noncreature spell. So it can sort of be a really narrow Force Spike type effect for two mana…and that’s just not what you want. There may be the occasional deck that manages to get the 6+ Merfolk you need to play this thing, but it will be pretty hard to accomplish.
Balduvian Berserker
Average Picked At: 5.40
Total Times Picked: 42
Average Last Seen At: 4.87
Total Times Seen 287
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a little bit clunky, but I think pretty solid overall.. Without enlist, a 3-mana ⅓ that does 1 to something when it dies is…kind of alright. Probably a C- at the very best. But, this has Enlist upside that is pretty significant! Even attacking with it as a ⅔ is a pretty big pain for your opponent. Obviously, if you can make it really big it can be really sweet
Battlefly Swarm
Average Picked At: 9.06
Total Times Picked: 109
Average Last Seen At: 8.01
Total Times Seen 1206
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: I would rather have a one mana 1/1 that always has death touch and doesn’t have Flying, but hey – this is still a pretty nice one mana death toucher. Flying does undoubtedly give it some decent upside that allows it to be a reasonable attacker in the very early game, and after it is no longer useful on that front, it can hang back and threaten to trade for anything. And yeah, one bummer about most of the one mana death touchers we see is that they can only look on helplessly at flyers, and this can actually block them! Seems like a solid card.
Rith, Liberated Primeval
Average Picked At: 1.58
Total Times Picked: 12
Average Last Seen At: 1.56
Total Times Seen 16
Pro Rating: 5.0
Pro Comment: I’m already all in on a 5-mana 5/5 with Flying and Ward, so the other upside is nice! It also makes things really hard on your opponent – even the turn he comes down, because now if they decide to chump block the stuff you already have in play, or if they wanted to trade their 3/2 for your 3/3, things suddenly get really ugly for them. They just have to start taking hits, or they give you Dragons, which is even more of a problem! Really a pick your poison situation. Things won’t always line up so you can threaten to do excess damage the turn he comes down, but because he’s a hard to kill efficient flyer that really changes the game in your favor, I think this new Rith is a bomb.
Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim
Average Picked At: 3.52
Total Times Picked: 54
Average Last Seen At: 3.35
Total Times Seen 190
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a two mana 2/2 that can trade for anything, while also really impacting the game while you gain life and your opponent loses life from its two triggers.
Soul of Windgrace
Average Picked At: 2.55
Total Times Picked: 11
Average Last Seen At: 2.41
Total Times Seen 18
Pro Rating: 4.0
Pro Comment: This seems really good. A bit hard to cast perhaps, but his multiple abilities, combined with his ability to bring back the lands you discard for them is pretty great. Gaining life can really stabilize you, drawing cards can help you find an answer, and making him indestructible means you can attack with this 5/4 for free. You do have to discard lands for the effects, and you won’t always have them, but you’ll be able to reap the benefits often enough that I think he looks really good
Weatherlight Compleated
Average Picked At: 2.00
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 2.47
Total Times Seen 19
Pro Rating: 0.0
Pro Comment: As cool as it is to see the Weatherlight Phyrexianized, this card looks awful for Limited. It begins as a two mana Artifact that lets you Scry 1 any time one of your creatures dies and that..is not good. It does eventually become a creature, and then start drawing you cards when stuff dies, but it is going to be very slow. It just needs too many counters. It is also a miserable top deck. The ideal plan is to play it on turn two – but you also aren’t really adding to the board on turn two if you do that, so uh..yeah
Hexbane Tortoise
Average Picked At: 11.96
Total Times Picked: 113
Average Last Seen At: 9.93
Total Times Seen 1539
Pro Rating: 2.0
Pro Comment: Thanks to Ward, this is a bit harder to kill with removal, but still pretty easy to trade with. Adding Enlist to the mix is nice, but this is definitely an Enlist creature that can easily be traded with by virtually any two drop, and that certainly lessens its impact.
Flowstone Infusion
Average Picked At: 6.91
Total Times Picked: 186
Average Last Seen At: 6.60
Total Times Seen 1018
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: This is a pretty nice card, because it can function as a solid removal spell, and you can also use it as a trick! As we usually see with this type of card, you’ll use it as removal about 90% of the time. It is also nice that it is a cheap Instant for spell decks.
Vineshaper Prodigy
Average Picked At: 7.86
Total Times Picked: 172
Average Last Seen At: 7.04
Total Times Seen 1090
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This seems like a strong common! If you need a bear on turn two, it has you covered – and kicking it means that you get a 2-for-1 with some pretty impressive card selection.
The Raven Man
Average Picked At: 2.18
Total Times Picked: 22
Average Last Seen At: 2.58
Total Times Seen 47
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: He is a nice discard payoff, and while there isn’t going to be a ton of that in this set, he luckily comes with the ability to make your opponent discard! So, if you get to untap with him, and your opponent has at least one card in hand, paying 4 and tapping him to get rid of that card and make a 1/1 Flyer is pretty nice, even if the flyer doesn’t block. Now, he is definitely kind of clunky, but he definitely has a ceiling of a pretty insane value engine.
Floriferous Vinewall
Average Picked At: 7.41
Total Times Picked: 123
Average Last Seen At: 6.64
Total Times Seen 984
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: This is a Defender, and that does matter a bit in this format, but this card seems pretty mediocre. Basically it is a two drop that makes sure you hit a land drop – but a 0/2 is pretty awful for that investment, and it also doesn’t quite fix your mana for you, at least not all the time, since you only get to look at the top 6.
Broken Wings
Average Picked At: 11.11
Total Times Picked: 132
Average Last Seen At: 9.36
Total Times Seen 1500
Pro Rating: 1.5
Pro Comment: As usual, this is passable if you have to main deck it, because it can target enough different things – but you’re kind of hoping you have enough other interaction in your deck that you don’t have to throw this in there.
Resolute Reinforcements
Average Picked At: 4.89
Total Times Picked: 56
Average Last Seen At: 3.80
Total Times Seen 223
Pro Rating: 3.0
Pro Comment: So, this is basically a creature-based version of Raise the Alarm – and Raise the Alarm is always pretty solid. Making it a creature is better in most ways, because it means you can abuse its enter the battlefield ability, and your opponent also can’t just bounce it and make it disappear. Two mana for 2/2 of stats at instant speed is a nice deal!
Jhoira, Ageless Innovator
Average Picked At: 8.76
Total Times Picked: 17
Average Last Seen At: 6.43
Total Times Seen 165
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.0
Pro Comment: This seems like a buildaround. There are artifacts in the set, but not enough to make an Artifact payoffs super easy to use. She does have a decent baseline as a two mana ⅔, but if her ability is irrelevant in your deck, you probably don’t really want to player, as actuallyc asting her on turn two can be a bit rough with her mana requirements. Obviously paying 0 mana for a two mana artifact is great, but it just won’t line up enough.
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