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Aetherdrift Limited Quiz

Answered: 0/20
Accuracy: 0
Outpace Oblivion
Average Picked At: 4.50
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 2.92
Total Times Seen 15
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This is a fairly efficient removal spell, and it's nice that you can do some direct damage with it fairly often -- and raise your speed. Keep in mind the sacrifice ability is symmetrical, though.
Autarch Mammoth
Average Picked At: 2.86
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 2.83
Total Times Seen 12
Pro Rating: 4
Pro Comment: 6 mana is kind of a lot, but this certainly delivers with a 5/5 and 3/3 body, and you might even get more 3/3s!
Magmakin Artillerist
Average Picked At: 10.71
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 8.84
Total Times Seen 128
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This is a nice way to raise your speed whether you cycle it or cast it, and it has a decent body.
Diversion Unit
Average Picked At: 5.33
Total Times Picked: 9
Average Last Seen At: 3.79
Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: This has a nice baseline as a two mana 2/1 flyer with nice typing, and sometimes it can help keep your bigger threats alive.
Trade the Helm
Average Picked At: 6.25
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 6.40
Total Times Seen 43
Pro Rating: 1
Pro Comment: Exchange effects are bad in Limited because it's very difficult to set up an exchange where you come out ahead, since you're the one who spent mana and a card on it.
Rangers' Aetherhive
Average Picked At: 4.14
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 3.94
Total Times Seen 24
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: The Vehicle itself is pretty nice, and getting just one thopter out of this feels good, and it isn't hard to build around.
Spectral Interference
Average Picked At: 9.00
Total Times Picked: 14
Average Last Seen At: 7.66
Total Times Seen 119
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This can counter a lot very efficiently, though not hitting most removal spells is a bummer.
Rangers' Refueler
Average Picked At: 4.00
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 3.31
Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: It's great that this is an enabler and a payoff, so you can draw a card with it even without any other Exhaust, and you're going to have other Exhaust around, too.
Blossoming Sands
Average Picked At: 8.42
Total Times Picked: 12
Average Last Seen At: 7.08
Total Times Seen 63
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Prowcatcher Specialist
Average Picked At: 8.33
Total Times Picked: 9
Average Last Seen At: 7.22
Total Times Seen 94
Pro Rating: 2
Pro Comment: This won't feel that good on turn two, or on turn 4 when you can potentially buff it. But it never feels awful either.
Bleachbone Verge
Average Picked At: 5.50
Total Times Picked: 2
Average Last Seen At: 4.33
Total Times Seen 17
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: These offer excellent fixing which you can use to make your mana base more consistent in a two-color deck, or to help you splash.
Redshift, Rocketeer Chief
Average Picked At: 8.25
Total Times Picked: 4
Average Last Seen At: 7.12
Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 3
Pro Comment: His Exhaust ability is rarely useful in Limited. Even with the help he gives you, you're not going to have any permanents left by the time you can use it. But he's got solid stats and can help with other more meaningful Exhaust abilities.
Ticket Tortoise
Average Picked At: 10.20
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 8.67
Total Times Seen 131
Pro Rating: 2
Pro Comment: This crews and blocks decently enough, but it's the Treasure that is really intriguing here. Not only does it give you some mana and fixing, it can give you two artifacts for only two mana, something that many decks in the format are interested in.
Midnight Mangler
Average Picked At: 8.90
Total Times Picked: 10
Average Last Seen At: 7.36
Total Times Seen 111
Pro Rating: 2
Pro Comment: Not a terrible defensive card, but it doesn't belong in all decks.
Fang-Druid Summoner
Average Picked At: 4.00
Total Times Picked: 8
Average Last Seen At: 4.06
Total Times Seen 24
Pro Rating: 1.0 // 3.5
Pro Comment: They put enough vanilla creatures in the set for this to actually tutor something up when you build around it. And if your'e getting the two mana 3/3 or the two mana 3/2, you're going to feel pretty good about it.
Lagorin, Soul of Alacria
Average Picked At: 5.00
Total Times Picked: 7
Average Last Seen At: 3.74
Total Times Seen 25
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: If this comes down on schedule it's going to snowball and potentially runaway with the game. It's less impressive late, but the fact it can put counters on any mounts and vehicles will mean it's still pretty relevant.
Bulwark Ox
Average Picked At: 3.67
Total Times Picked: 3
Average Last Seen At: 2.33
Total Times Seen 9
Pro Rating: 4
Pro Comment: This is going to be tough to beat when it drops on turn two, because it can put counters on itself. And there are enough other counters in the format for the sacrifice ability to be relevant, too.
Lifecraft Engine
Average Picked At: 15.00
Total Times Picked: 0
Average Last Seen At: 3.33
Total Times Seen 6
Pro Rating: 3.5
Pro Comment: This will almost always improve your board when it comes down since you can just name a type of creature you have in play, and it'll of course always buff vehicles.
Defend the Rider
Average Picked At: 8.40
Total Times Picked: 5
Average Last Seen At: 4.38
Total Times Seen 37
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This feels really good when it blanks removal or wins combat, and making a token with it isn't a bad failcase.
Maximum Overdrive
Average Picked At: 8.76
Total Times Picked: 17
Average Last Seen At: 8.10
Total Times Seen 112
Pro Rating: 2.5
Pro Comment: This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
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