Average Picked At: 2.50 Total Times Picked: 14 Average Last Seen At: 2.41 Total Times Seen 22
Pro Rating: 4 Pro Comment: This is Rabid Bite with insane upside. It's probably Green's best Uncommon, and maybe the best Uncommon in the set.
Average Picked At: 6.38 Total Times Picked: 8 Average Last Seen At: 5.00 Total Times Seen 46
Pro Rating: 0.5 // 2.5 Pro Comment: It's tough to get enough noncreature nonlands to get this going, but if you can it's a pretty solid buildaround.
Average Picked At: 7.00 Total Times Picked: 4 Average Last Seen At: 4.97 Total Times Seen 60
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Tapping blockers is really strong when you're an aggro deck, and you're likely to be if you're in White.
Average Picked At: 5.56 Total Times Picked: 25 Average Last Seen At: 4.90 Total Times Seen 111
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: This gives you a ton of value and synergy for a two drop.
Average Picked At: 2.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 2.00 Total Times Seen 2
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: It's mostly about the first and third mode in Limited. Sometimes, just going with the first mode 5 times is going to break the game for you -- it's basically overrun. But when that can't win you the game, you can go for the buff and card draw, which can help you win a longer game.
Average Picked At: 10.07 Total Times Picked: 14 Average Last Seen At: 8.07 Total Times Seen 184
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: If you need fixing, this does an okay job of it while also providing you some creature type synergy.
Average Picked At: 3.71 Total Times Picked: 7 Average Last Seen At: 4.10 Total Times Seen 44
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Being unable to block is pretty brutal, but it's a fairly aggressive flyer that can bring a friend along, and when you can start triggering those life gain payoffs your opponent will be under some legitimate pressure.
Average Picked At: 10.00 Total Times Picked: 1 Average Last Seen At: 4.00 Total Times Seen 8
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Triple blue is tough in Limited, but if you can cast this it will be a decent size and decrease the cost of your spells. That last part isn't always useful by the mid to late game, though.
Average Picked At: 6.75 Total Times Picked: 12 Average Last Seen At: 4.48 Total Times Seen 48
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Never give your opponent the treaure early. It's a solid removal spell even without the gift part, but getting that Bolt late is pretty nice.
Average Picked At: 9.39 Total Times Picked: 18 Average Last Seen At: 8.15 Total Times Seen 175
Pro Rating: 1.5 Pro Comment: This is a mediocre trick. It might be cheap, but it's better on defense and that's a really dangerous situation to be in with a trick, since your opponent is more likely to have mana up during combat on their turn.
Average Picked At: 10.89 Total Times Picked: 18 Average Last Seen At: 8.32 Total Times Seen 185
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: This can put up to three cards in the graveyard while drawing you a couple cards and you lose some life, so it checks some boxes for various synergies in black, but it's still a card that doesn't add to the board and you can't have too many of those.
Average Picked At: 9.28 Total Times Picked: 18 Average Last Seen At: 8.70 Total Times Seen 184
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: This loads your graveyard for threshold and two mana for decent base stats and a loot is solid anyway.
Average Picked At: 3.33 Total Times Picked: 3 Average Last Seen At: 3.00 Total Times Seen 8
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: Remember this trigger is symmetrical! If you're an aggro deck it's likely to hurt your opponent more than it hurts you, and the stat-line is passable.
Average Picked At: 8.42 Total Times Picked: 19 Average Last Seen At: 6.62 Total Times Seen 165
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: The ceiling here isn't the most impressive thing in the world, and the floor is pretty bad.
Average Picked At: 7.91 Total Times Picked: 23 Average Last Seen At: 6.64 Total Times Seen 135
Pro Rating: 2 Pro Comment: The stat-line is rough, but it helps you load your graveyard for Black-Green and Blue-Black, and it can trade for anything. That's less valuable on a three drop for sure, but it's something.
Average Picked At: 6.00 Total Times Picked: 2 Average Last Seen At: 4.56 Total Times Seen 10
Pro Rating: 4 Pro Comment: Casting her is a bit of a challenge, but if you just get her triggered ability a single time it will have been worth it. And, because she can tap for mana, there's a chance you can just keep casting things as you draw them.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 2.40 Total Times Seen 5
Pro Rating: 4.5 Pro Comment: This gives you a nice body while effectively removing a creature. And if that effect is underwhelming in a given situation, stunning your own thing is pretty intriguing. Especially if you have ways to blink or bounce the stunned creature.
Average Picked At: 5.08 Total Times Picked: 12 Average Last Seen At: 4.12 Total Times Seen 40
Pro Rating: 3 Pro Comment: This has solid stats and is a good way to rebuy ETBs in the late game.
Average Picked At: 15.00 Total Times Picked: 0 Average Last Seen At: 2.50 Total Times Seen 2
Pro Rating: 3.5 Pro Comment: Treasure isn't that useful in Limited, so you're mostly leaning on the other two modes. The good news is, that combining the two other modes is a pretty potent combination, since you draw a couple of extra cards and get Shock stapled to all of them.
Average Picked At: 9.46 Total Times Picked: 13 Average Last Seen At: 7.53 Total Times Seen 190
Pro Rating: 2.5 Pro Comment: This will be putting a +1/+1 counter on something most of the time when it enters, and a 5-mana 3/4 flyer is surprisingly sturdy.