Bulwark Ox
4 This is going to be tough to beat when it drops on turn two, because it can put counters on itself. And there are enough other counters in the format for the sacrifice ability to be relevant, too.
Embalmed Ascendant
4 The baseline of three mana for a 1/2 and a 2/2 is a very good Magic card, and in the later game this can make combat impossible for your opponent.
3 Green decks will be pretty good at setting this up so that you don't have to crew very often, and it hits like a truck.
Reckless Velocitaur
2 Hill Giant stats are bad, and while this Crew trigger is nice, the stuff it can crew can be crewed by lots of 2 drops in the format.
Rangers' Refueler
3.5 It's great that this is an enabler and a payoff, so you can draw a card with it even without any other Exhaust, and you're going to have other Exhaust around, too.
Dynamite Diver
3 A one mana 1/1 that pings when it dies is a solid card in most Limited formats, and in this one it works especially nicely with Speed. Being able to crew above it's weight class is great too.
Brightfield Glider
2 This is pretty hard to saddle for a medium upgrade, and the baseline isn't great.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Midnight Mangler
2 Not a terrible defensive card, but it doesn't belong in all decks.
Pactdoll Terror
3 A 4-mana 3/4 that drains 1 life when it enters is kind of passable, and this has a much higher ceiling than that thanks to being an artifact and draining life for every other artifact too. It's a good way to get max speed.
Loxodon Surveyor
2.5 A three mana 3/3 is still okay, and this one is reasonably likely to give you a 2-for-1 later in the game.
Venomsac Lagac
2.5 This can attack surprisingly well for most of the game, and it can of course always trade with anything. Particularly good with Run Over.
Clamorous Ironclad
2 Casting this doesn't feel amazing, but there are board states where it's good. Cycling for only one mana really helps bail this out, though.
Rangers' Refueler
3.5 It's great that this is an enabler and a payoff, so you can draw a card with it even without any other Exhaust, and you're going to have other Exhaust around, too.
Boom Scholar
3 Reducing Exhaust costs is definitely relevant, and this has solid stats and a nice exhaust ability on top of that.
Gastal Raider
2 This enters trigger is going to whiff a little too often, and the baseline creature is very bad.
Gloryheath Lynx
4 The efficiency is incredible. You'd play this even if it couldn't be saddled, and if you can even get one Plains out of this you come out way ahead.
Prowcatcher Specialist
2 This won't feel that good on turn two, or on turn 4 when you can potentially buff it. But it never feels awful either.
Migrating Ketradon
2.5 This is a solid top-end creature that is pretty good at helping you stabilize between the huge body, reach, and life gain.
Streaking Oilgorger
2 Even if this always had lifelink it wouldn't be insane, since the stat-line is pretty bad. Dying to lots of two mana card isn't where you want to be as a 5-drop.
Avishkar Raceway
1.5 Starting your engines as early as turn one can be nice, but it's not really worth damaging your mana base.
Glitch Ghost Surveyor
2 The Wind Drake stat-line is pretty bad, and while it helps you with Speed a little bit and can eventually be a 2-for-1, this card doesn't quite overcome that mediocre baseline.
Broadcast Rambler
3 This brings a long a way to crew it, and getting two artifacts with one card has some legit upside in the format.
Lightshield Parry
1.5 This is a mediocre trick, and while cycling makes it better, two generic to cycle isn't exciting either.
Ticket Tortoise
2 This crews and blocks decently enough, but it's the Treasure that is really intriguing here. Not only does it give you some mana and fixing, it can give you two artifacts for only two mana, something that many decks in the format are interested in.
Swiftwater Cliffs
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 1 Pick 3: Defend the Rider
Count on Luck
1.5 Triple Red is very hard to produce in Limited, and taking a turn off to cast this is a serious liability. It can definitely help you win a game with extra cards, but only if you can overcome those big downsides.
Wild Roads
2.5 These will often enter untapped, and they give you a very real body in the mid-to-late-game.
Defend the Rider
2.5 This feels really good when it blanks removal or wins combat, and making a token with it isn't a bad failcase.
3.5 This will often have targets and just be a really good removal spell, and when it doesn't you can always cycle it.
Engine Rat
2.5 One mana 1/1s with death touch always punch above their weight-class, and this one even has some additional late game utility.
Pactdoll Terror
3 A 4-mana 3/4 that drains 1 life when it enters is kind of passable, and this has a much higher ceiling than that thanks to being an artifact and draining life for every other artifact too. It's a good way to get max speed.
Swiftwing Assailant
2 The baseline isn't very good, but if you're good at getting to max speed, it become a bit more palatable.
Midnight Mangler
2 Not a terrible defensive card, but it doesn't belong in all decks.
Walking Sarcophagus
2 This gets your engine started pretty early, and that's where most of it's value comes from, because beyond that it's very mediocre.
Wreckage Wickerfolk
2.5 This is a solid two-drop. It's never goign to be a great creature, but the surveil helps improve draws in a big way while helping with graveyard synergy, and the artifact typing certainly matters.
Prowcatcher Specialist
2 This won't feel that good on turn two, or on turn 4 when you can potentially buff it. But it never feels awful either.
Blossoming Sands
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 1 Pick 4: Prowcatcher Specialist
Dracosaur Auxiliary
2.5 This isn't an ideally-sized creature for 6 mana, but saddling this is a pretty big deal as it can burn something out of the way often allowing it and other things to attack more effectively.
Rocky Roads
2.5 These will often enter untapped, and they give you a very real body in the mid-to-late-game.
Risky Shortcut
2.5 Making your opponent lose life while you draw cards is definitely a nice upgrade to this effect, and it helps with speed.
Skybox Ferry
1.5 A 5-mana 4/4 flyer that is always a creature isn't what it used to be, and this has to be CREWED. Cycling helps a little, but not enough.
3 This has pretty bad stats for a vehicle that is this hard to crew, but drawing two cards up front is definitely a big deal.
Broken Wings
2 This has enough targets in the format for this to be main deck material, but it'll still be kind of a medium removal spell.
Grim Javelineer
2 This stat-line doesn't perform well in formats where there are multiple one mana ways to kill three drops, and while the attack trigger makes up for it to a degree, it doesn't do enough for this to be a card that always makes the cut.
Prowcatcher Specialist
2 This won't feel that good on turn two, or on turn 4 when you can potentially buff it. But it never feels awful either.
Mutant Surveyor
2.5 The buff effect helps gets this in on many boards, and the fact you can exile it from your graveyard means it has 2-for-1 potential. Alternatively, it can feel pretty good when it gets milled too.
Leonin Surveyor
3 This is hard to block for much of the game, which means it's good at building speed, and it often turns into a 2-for-1 in the late game.
Ooze Patrol
1.5 The floor here is a very bad creature, and the ceiling is a huge vanilla creature that still has a window where it is very vulnerable.
Adrenaline Jockey
3 This has a decent baseline, and getting counters on it isn't a big challenge. Keep in mind the 4 damage ability is symmetrical, though.
Thunderhead Gunner
2.5 It's a little expensive, but this ability is pretty nice even in a vacuum. It gets better in a set with lots of discard payoffs.
2 The stats aren't great, but they are kind of okay, and being able to destroy Artifacts is some reall utility.
Collision Course
3 There are enough artifacts in the set for that mode to be useful pretty often, and when it isn't, you have a mediocre removal spell you can use.
Bestow Greatness
2 This has some serious blowout potential, but it's a little bit too expensive to be a great trick.
Glitch Ghost Surveyor
2 The Wind Drake stat-line is pretty bad, and while it helps you with Speed a little bit and can eventually be a 2-for-1, this card doesn't quite overcome that mediocre baseline.
Spotcycle Scouter
2.5 The Scry trigger is pretty nice on turn two, and while this isn't the most intimidating vehicle, it's big enough to trade off for something.
Stampeding Scurryfoot
3.5 This is a very good Common. If it was always 5-mana for a 2/2 and a 3/3, you'd be pretty happy with that card -- but you can run this out on turn one and still have that upside for later in the game.
Tranquil Cove
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 1 Pick 6: Venomsac Lagac
Rocky Roads
2.5 These will often enter untapped, and they give you a very real body in the mid-to-late-game.
Venomsac Lagac
2.5 This can attack surprisingly well for most of the game, and it can of course always trade with anything. Particularly good with Run Over.
Lotusguard Disciple
3 This enters trigger is an absolute beating. It'll virtually always gain you some life and get a free attack in.
Howler's Heavy
2.5 Cycling this is going to be "Plan A" most of the time since it generates a decent amount of value for the cost, and can even sometimes give you a 2-for-1. But, running this out as a 4-mana 3/4 when you have to is nice.
Dynamite Diver
3 A one mana 1/1 that pings when it dies is a solid card in most Limited formats, and in this one it works especially nicely with Speed. Being able to crew above it's weight class is great too.
Bounce Off
2 You usually go down a card with this, but it does offer some nice tempo with the upside of occasionally blowing out a combat trick or a crewed vehicle.
Silken Strength
1.5 The risk isn't really worth the reward here. The buff is fairly small, and Reach isn't exactly the most exciting keyword.
Mutant Surveyor
2.5 The buff effect helps gets this in on many boards, and the fact you can exile it from your graveyard means it has 2-for-1 potential. Alternatively, it can feel pretty good when it gets milled too.
Scoured Barrens
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 1 Pick 7: Outpace Oblivion
Outpace Oblivion
3.5 This is a fairly efficient removal spell, and it's nice that you can do some direct damage with it fairly often -- and raise your speed. Keep in mind the sacrifice ability is symmetrical, though.
Spell Pierce
0 Even with a lot of Vehicles in this set this counterspell is too narrow.
Fang-Druid Summoner
1.0 // 3.5 They put enough vanilla creatures in the set for this to actually tutor something up when you build around it. And if your'e getting the two mana 3/3 or the two mana 3/2, you're going to feel pretty good about it.
Glitch Ghost Surveyor
2 The Wind Drake stat-line is pretty bad, and while it helps you with Speed a little bit and can eventually be a 2-for-1, this card doesn't quite overcome that mediocre baseline.
Mutant Surveyor
2.5 The buff effect helps gets this in on many boards, and the fact you can exile it from your graveyard means it has 2-for-1 potential. Alternatively, it can feel pretty good when it gets milled too.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Brightfield Mustang
2 It's nice that this is easy to saddle, but even with the buff, it frequently won't have a good attack on turn 5.
Unswerving Sloth
3.5 Once you can get to 4 power for saddle, you can send this in every turn essentially for free -- since it untaps itself and everything else and gains indestructible. It's a very problematic attacker.
Wreck Remover
2 The stats aren't great, but this hates on the graveyard fairly well and in the incidental life gain can add up.
Broadcast Rambler
3 This brings a long a way to crew it, and getting two artifacts with one card has some legit upside in the format.
Camera Launcher
2 The baseline is pretty bad here, but it can Exhaust pretty early, and it gives you an extra body when it does.
Guidelight Optimizer
2.5 Tapping for mana for artifacts and Exhaust abilities is pretty sweet, and the fact this is an artifact itself really makes it a solid Common.
Lightning Strike
4 It's very easy to trade up with this, and you can even finish your opponent off or raise your speed with it.
Thornwood Falls
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 1 Pick 9: Dynamite Diver
Reckless Velocitaur
2 Hill Giant stats are bad, and while this Crew trigger is nice, the stuff it can crew can be crewed by lots of 2 drops in the format.
Dynamite Diver
3 A one mana 1/1 that pings when it dies is a solid card in most Limited formats, and in this one it works especially nicely with Speed. Being able to crew above it's weight class is great too.
Brightfield Glider
2 This is pretty hard to saddle for a medium upgrade, and the baseline isn't great.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Clamorous Ironclad
2 Casting this doesn't feel amazing, but there are board states where it's good. Cycling for only one mana really helps bail this out, though.
Rangers' Refueler
3.5 It's great that this is an enabler and a payoff, so you can draw a card with it even without any other Exhaust, and you're going to have other Exhaust around, too.
Avishkar Raceway
1.5 Starting your engines as early as turn one can be nice, but it's not really worth damaging your mana base.
Lightshield Parry
1.5 This is a mediocre trick, and while cycling makes it better, two generic to cycle isn't exciting either.
Ticket Tortoise
2 This crews and blocks decently enough, but it's the Treasure that is really intriguing here. Not only does it give you some mana and fixing, it can give you two artifacts for only two mana, something that many decks in the format are interested in.
Swiftwater Cliffs
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 1 Pick 11: Prowcatcher Specialist
Wild Roads
2.5 These will often enter untapped, and they give you a very real body in the mid-to-late-game.
Swiftwing Assailant
2 The baseline isn't very good, but if you're good at getting to max speed, it become a bit more palatable.
Walking Sarcophagus
2 This gets your engine started pretty early, and that's where most of it's value comes from, because beyond that it's very mediocre.
Prowcatcher Specialist
2 This won't feel that good on turn two, or on turn 4 when you can potentially buff it. But it never feels awful either.
Pack 1 Pick 12: Grim Javelineer
Skybox Ferry
1.5 A 5-mana 4/4 flyer that is always a creature isn't what it used to be, and this has to be CREWED. Cycling helps a little, but not enough.
Grim Javelineer
2 This stat-line doesn't perform well in formats where there are multiple one mana ways to kill three drops, and while the attack trigger makes up for it to a degree, it doesn't do enough for this to be a card that always makes the cut.
Bestow Greatness
2 This has some serious blowout potential, but it's a little bit too expensive to be a great trick.
Spotcycle Scouter
2.5 The Scry trigger is pretty nice on turn two, and while this isn't the most intimidating vehicle, it's big enough to trade off for something.
Pack 1 Pick 14: Howler's Heavy
Howler's Heavy
2.5 Cycling this is going to be "Plan A" most of the time since it generates a decent amount of value for the cost, and can even sometimes give you a 2-for-1. But, running this out as a 4-mana 3/4 when you have to is nice.
Pack 2 Pick 1: Earthrumbler
Valor's Flagship
5 This is tough to beat when it's on the battlefield, and it gets around it's only downside -- it's expensive -- by having a powerful Cycling ability that can give you a bunch of bodies.
Fuel the Flames
2 This is usually purely a sideboard card because it's difficult to set it up so that it hurts your opponent more than you, but because it has Cycling you can have access to this powerful effect in your main deck without it weighing you down too much.
Gastal Raider
2 This enters trigger is going to whiff a little too often, and the baseline creature is very bad.
3 Green decks will be pretty good at setting this up so that you don't have to crew very often, and it hits like a truck.
Guidelight Pathmaker
3.5 Tutoring up your best artifact is awesome, and if you're really in a pinch you can grab something that goes to the battlefield for free.
Grim Bauble
3.5 This just gives you so much for only a single mana. It kills something up front and then provides all the artifact, sacrifice, and graveyard synergy you could ask for.
Ripclaw Wrangler
2 The vehicle you get here is pretty bad, and while I like making my opponent discard, it's less good on a card this expensive that doesn't always add to the board. I'd much rather have it on a two mana 1/1.
Broken Wings
2 This has enough targets in the format for this to be main deck material, but it'll still be kind of a medium removal spell.
Flood the Engine
2.5 This type of removal is never great because it's a little too expensive and a little too easy for your opponent to deal with.
Brightfield Mustang
2 It's nice that this is easy to saddle, but even with the buff, it frequently won't have a good attack on turn 5.
Pedal to the Metal
1.5 This is too inefficient to be a trick you play regularly, even with the pseudo-fireball upside.
Skybox Ferry
1.5 A 5-mana 4/4 flyer that is always a creature isn't what it used to be, and this has to be CREWED. Cycling helps a little, but not enough.
Nimble Thopterist
3.5 Blue creatures that make a token are very frequently the best Common in Limited, and this is definitely in the conversation. You get good stats for what you pay and the artifact upside is nice.
Cursecloth Wrappings
3.5 This is a bit slow, but it's absolutely a game-winning value engine when you have the time to use it.
Riverpyre Verge
3 These offer excellent fixing which you can use to make your mana base more consistent in a two-color deck, or to help you splash.
Alacrian Armory
1.0 // 2.5 This is a little bit too all on in the Mounts/Vehicles thing to consistently be good, but in the right deck it's a solid inclusion.
Apocalypse Runner
2.5 This is a pretty clunky vehicle, but the activated ability can help you get max speed while also wreaking havoc on a race thanks to lifelink.
Point the Way
0 A Max Speed card that doesn't do anything to help you get there is super weird, and if you're spending your turn one not adding to the board and turn 4 grabbing some lands, you're probably going to lose.
Roadside Blowout
3.5 Even if this always cost three mana it would be good, since you can get some nice tempo while drawing a card, so the fact this'll be one mana sometimes is really nice.
Spin Out
3 It's a little expensive and a little hard to cast, but it answers most things in this format.
Brightfield Mustang
2 It's nice that this is easy to saddle, but even with the buff, it frequently won't have a good attack on turn 5.
Stall Out
1.5 Without Cycling this would be close to unplayable since it involves going down a card for some tempo, making it only good when you're ahead.
Gastal Blockbuster
2.5 This can give itself up to destroy an artifact, and if you have expendable stuff around it feels even better. It doesn't always have a target, but it has one often enough to be decent.
Skystreak Engineer
2 This will never feel especially efficient, but it's nice that it feels fine on turn two and you can Exhaust it late to keep it relevant.
Ride's End
3 Paying 5 for this is not what you want to be doing, but paying two is great. If you're an aggressive deck it's far less good, but it pulls it's weight in many decks.
Riverchurn Monument
0 / 3.0 This is terrible in most decks, but if you're in a graveyard-oriented control deck, it's a legitimate mill win condition.
Possession Engine
4 Even though this nerfs the creature you steal, it's still basically a 5-mana 5/5 vehicle that removes a creature, and the creature you steal can probably crew the Engine -- and might even have some abilities.
Voyage Home
2 Even in this format it's going to be tough to have enough artifacts early enough for this to really do a good job.
Pit Automaton
1.5 // 2.5 You can't really play this unless you've got a bunch of cycling and/or Exhaust, but even then this card's very one dimensional.
Broodheart Engine
2.5 Not adding to the board on two is pretty bad, but this does give some real graveyard value and gives your deck the potential to bring back something huge for 4 mana.
Alacrian Jaguar
2 The base stats are bad, but it can very easily attack as a 6/6 with Vigilance, and that's not really a creature that can be ignored.
Magmakin Artillerist
3 This is a nice way to raise your speed whether you cycle it or cast it, and it has a decent body.
Flood the Engine
2.5 This type of removal is never great because it's a little too expensive and a little too easy for your opponent to deal with.
Walking Sarcophagus
2 This gets your engine started pretty early, and that's where most of it's value comes from, because beyond that it's very mediocre.
Lightshield Parry
1.5 This is a mediocre trick, and while cycling makes it better, two generic to cycle isn't exciting either.
Grim Bauble
3.5 This just gives you so much for only a single mana. It kills something up front and then provides all the artifact, sacrifice, and graveyard synergy you could ask for.
Pride of the Road
2.5 The baseline is solid, and the max speed pay off is enough to make almost anything into a threat -- including the Pride itself.
Roadside Blowout
3.5 Even if this always cost three mana it would be good, since you can get some nice tempo while drawing a card, so the fact this'll be one mana sometimes is really nice.
Momentum Breaker
3 This feels best on turn two when you use it to kill your opponent's only creature and attack with your one drop to rapidly raise your speed, but it does have some pretty seriously diminishing returns thereafter.
Venomsac Lagac
2.5 This can attack surprisingly well for most of the game, and it can of course always trade with anything. Particularly good with Run Over.
Skybox Ferry
1.5 A 5-mana 4/4 flyer that is always a creature isn't what it used to be, and this has to be CREWED. Cycling helps a little, but not enough.
Scrap Compactor
1.5 If you're desperate for removal, this can do the job, but it'll never be efficient.
Brightfield Glider
2 This is pretty hard to saddle for a medium upgrade, and the baseline isn't great.
Spin Out
3 It's a little expensive and a little hard to cast, but it answers most things in this format.
Gearseeker Serpent
1.5 // 3.0 If you're a heavy artifact deck (most likely UW) this is good. If you're not, it's too tough to get a deal on it.
Engine Rat
2.5 One mana 1/1s with death touch always punch above their weight-class, and this one even has some additional late game utility.
2.5 It's nice it comes back for free so easily, but a 2/1 that can't block has limited uses in this Limited format.
Dredger's Insight
2.5 Recursive spells like this have played pretty well lately, and I don't have incidental life gain stapled to it.
Roadside Assistance
3 This buff offers you some very real value upfront, as lifelink is a great way to shift a race in your favor. Throw in the fact that this gives you a token, and you can overcome most of the downsides Auras have.
Apocalypse Runner
2.5 This is a pretty clunky vehicle, but the activated ability can help you get max speed while also wreaking havoc on a race thanks to lifelink.
Sabotage Strategist
2 If this can stick around, it's very powerful. But it is a horrible stat-line that means it can die to multiple one mana and two mana removal spells in the format, and that is just too big of a blowout for this to be anything special.
Loxodon Surveyor
2.5 A three mana 3/3 is still okay, and this one is reasonably likely to give you a 2-for-1 later in the game.
Mutant Surveyor
2.5 The buff effect helps gets this in on many boards, and the fact you can exile it from your graveyard means it has 2-for-1 potential. Alternatively, it can feel pretty good when it gets milled too.
Skystreak Engineer
2 This will never feel especially efficient, but it's nice that it feels fine on turn two and you can Exhaust it late to keep it relevant.
Spectral Interference
2.5 This can counter a lot very efficiently, though not hitting most removal spells is a bummer.
Tranquil Cove
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 2 Pick 6: Spectral Interference
Trade the Helm
1 Exchange effects are bad in Limited because it's very difficult to set up an exchange where you come out ahead, since you're the one who spent mana and a card on it.
Embalmed Ascendant
4 The baseline of three mana for a 1/2 and a 2/2 is a very good Magic card, and in the later game this can make combat impossible for your opponent.
Spectral Interference
2.5 This can counter a lot very efficiently, though not hitting most removal spells is a bummer.
2 The stats aren't great, but they are kind of okay, and being able to destroy Artifacts is some reall utility.
Interface Ace
1.5 This set has lots of mounts and vehicles for sure, but this is still too one-dimensional. It basically can't do anything but crew and mount them, and I don't think that's enough.
Chitin Gravestalker
2 We've never seen a creature that is this specific about graveyard contents be super good in Limited. It won't be cheap enough often enough to be a card you really want, even in graveyard decks.
Pedal to the Metal
1.5 This is too inefficient to be a trick you play regularly, even with the pseudo-fireball upside.
Camera Launcher
2 The baseline is pretty bad here, but it can Exhaust pretty early, and it gives you an extra body when it does.
Roadside Assistance
3 This buff offers you some very real value upfront, as lifelink is a great way to shift a race in your favor. Throw in the fact that this gives you a token, and you can overcome most of the downsides Auras have.
Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant
1 The power is super high, but that doesn't do much to keep this from dying to lots of one mana cards, and with no other upside -- plus a challenging mana cost -- it's not a card you should play very often.
Brightfield Mustang
2 It's nice that this is easy to saddle, but even with the buff, it frequently won't have a good attack on turn 5.
Ripclaw Wrangler
2 The vehicle you get here is pretty bad, and while I like making my opponent discard, it's less good on a card this expensive that doesn't always add to the board. I'd much rather have it on a two mana 1/1.
Gilded Ghoda
2.5 If you can get a treasure out of this and trade it off you're going to feel pretty good about stuff. If you can get more than one treasure out of it you'll feel great. And if you can't get any, it's going to feel kind of bad. Basically, this is really good on two, and less good thereafter.
Howler's Heavy
2.5 Cycling this is going to be "Plan A" most of the time since it generates a decent amount of value for the cost, and can even sometimes give you a 2-for-1. But, running this out as a 4-mana 3/4 when you have to is nice.
Interface Ace
1.5 This set has lots of mounts and vehicles for sure, but this is still too one-dimensional. It basically can't do anything but crew and mount them, and I don't think that's enough.
Jungle Hollow
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 2 Pick 8: Trip Up
Cloudspire Coordinator
4 A two mana 3/1 with Scry 2 is such a good starting point, and once this isn't needed for crewing or attacking, it'll start spitting out 1/1s.
Chitin Gravestalker
2 We've never seen a creature that is this specific about graveyard contents be super good in Limited. It won't be cheap enough often enough to be a card you really want, even in graveyard decks.
Trip Up
3 This 4-mana removal spell always ends up playing pretty well since it's a nice 1-for-1 trade, and this comes with Cycling upside.
Syphon Fuel
2.5 This is never going to feel very efficient, and sometimes you have to trade down -- but it answers most things and the life gain can help offset the inefficiency.
Magmakin Artillerist
3 This is a nice way to raise your speed whether you cycle it or cast it, and it has a decent body.
Broadcast Rambler
3 This brings a long a way to crew it, and getting two artifacts with one card has some legit upside in the format.
Wind-Scarred Crag
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 2 Pick 9: Nimble Thopterist
Grim Bauble
3.5 This just gives you so much for only a single mana. It kills something up front and then provides all the artifact, sacrifice, and graveyard synergy you could ask for.
Ripclaw Wrangler
2 The vehicle you get here is pretty bad, and while I like making my opponent discard, it's less good on a card this expensive that doesn't always add to the board. I'd much rather have it on a two mana 1/1.
Brightfield Mustang
2 It's nice that this is easy to saddle, but even with the buff, it frequently won't have a good attack on turn 5.
Pedal to the Metal
1.5 This is too inefficient to be a trick you play regularly, even with the pseudo-fireball upside.
Nimble Thopterist
3.5 Blue creatures that make a token are very frequently the best Common in Limited, and this is definitely in the conversation. You get good stats for what you pay and the artifact upside is nice.
Alacrian Armory
1.0 // 2.5 This is a little bit too all on in the Mounts/Vehicles thing to consistently be good, but in the right deck it's a solid inclusion.
Brightfield Mustang
2 It's nice that this is easy to saddle, but even with the buff, it frequently won't have a good attack on turn 5.
Stall Out
1.5 Without Cycling this would be close to unplayable since it involves going down a card for some tempo, making it only good when you're ahead.
Skystreak Engineer
2 This will never feel especially efficient, but it's nice that it feels fine on turn two and you can Exhaust it late to keep it relevant.
Pit Automaton
1.5 // 2.5 You can't really play this unless you've got a bunch of cycling and/or Exhaust, but even then this card's very one dimensional.
Walking Sarcophagus
2 This gets your engine started pretty early, and that's where most of it's value comes from, because beyond that it's very mediocre.
Lightshield Parry
1.5 This is a mediocre trick, and while cycling makes it better, two generic to cycle isn't exciting either.
Mutant Surveyor
2.5 The buff effect helps gets this in on many boards, and the fact you can exile it from your graveyard means it has 2-for-1 potential. Alternatively, it can feel pretty good when it gets milled too.
Spectral Interference
2.5 This can counter a lot very efficiently, though not hitting most removal spells is a bummer.
Mimeoplasm, Revered One
3 Once you are exiling two cards, this is a 5-mana 6/6 -- and it kind of scales from there, while maintaining the upside of transforming into the creatures it copies. It takes real set up, though, and it's pretty bad when you pay 1 for X.
Transit Mage
0.0 // 3.0 If you have enough artifacts that cost 4 or 5, this'll feel pretty good. If you don't, you're not playing it.
Rover Blades
1.5 This is too pretty bad cards stapled together. That's enough to make it somewhat playable, but most of the time you're cutting it.
Lagorin, Soul of Alacria
3.5 If this comes down on schedule it's going to snowball and potentially runaway with the game. It's less impressive late, but the fact it can put counters on any mounts and vehicles will mean it's still pretty relevant.
Gloryheath Lynx
4 The efficiency is incredible. You'd play this even if it couldn't be saddled, and if you can even get one Plains out of this you come out way ahead.
Memory Guardian
3 Even casting this for 4 feels pretty good, and if you can go lower it feels even better.
Broken Wings
2 This has enough targets in the format for this to be main deck material, but it'll still be kind of a medium removal spell.
Gearseeker Serpent
1.5 // 3.0 If you're a heavy artifact deck (most likely UW) this is good. If you're not, it's too tough to get a deal on it.
Lightwheel Enhancements
1.5 The buff might help you get in for a hit and raise your speed, but it's pretty mediocre overall. Once you get to max speed it gets kind of sweet, but it's less likely getting the buff out of the graveyard by that stage is relevant.
Gastal Blockbuster
2.5 This can give itself up to destroy an artifact, and if you have expendable stuff around it feels even better. It doesn't always have a target, but it has one often enough to be decent.
Risky Shortcut
2.5 Making your opponent lose life while you draw cards is definitely a nice upgrade to this effect, and it helps with speed.
Stampeding Scurryfoot
3.5 This is a very good Common. If it was always 5-mana for a 2/2 and a 3/3, you'd be pretty happy with that card -- but you can run this out on turn one and still have that upside for later in the game.
2 The stats aren't great, but they are kind of okay, and being able to destroy Artifacts is some reall utility.
Plow Through
3 Neither of these modes is that good individually, but when you CAN destroy a vehicle or creature for one mana, it feels pretty good.
Spikeshell Harrier
4 Adding a 4/4 to the board and bouncing your opponent's best creature or vehicle is a big play, and this can even tamper with speed.
Marauding Mako
1.5 // 3.5 This is a great payoff if you're in the Blue/Red deck, which will have lots of ways to trigger this. It's going to be a lot less impressive in other Red decks, though.
Wretched Doll
2.5 This can crew stuff pretty well and the artifact type is reasonably important in Black. Having to pay mana to Surveil isn't ideal, though.
Chandra's Ignition
4 It takes set up and it's a little bit risky since your opponent can destroy your creature, but this can work as a one-sided Wrath often enough to be pretty powerful.
Deathless Pilot
1.5 This is a fairly sub-par creature, and while returning to your hand can be nice, it's also just an effect you use when you have nothing better to do. Typically, you don't want to spend 6 mana to put a 2/2 in play.
Broken Wings
2 This has enough targets in the format for this to be main deck material, but it'll still be kind of a medium removal spell.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Dynamite Diver
3 A one mana 1/1 that pings when it dies is a solid card in most Limited formats, and in this one it works especially nicely with Speed. Being able to crew above it's weight class is great too.
Swiftwing Assailant
2 The baseline isn't very good, but if you're good at getting to max speed, it become a bit more palatable.
Crash and Burn
3 It's definitely not very efficient, but it's relatively easy to cast and can kill most things that matter in the format.
Trip Up
3 This 4-mana removal spell always ends up playing pretty well since it's a nice 1-for-1 trade, and this comes with Cycling upside.
Blossoming Sands
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 3 Pick 3: Hazard of the Dunes
Possession Engine
4 Even though this nerfs the creature you steal, it's still basically a 5-mana 5/5 vehicle that removes a creature, and the creature you steal can probably crew the Engine -- and might even have some abilities.
Reckless Velocitaur
2 Hill Giant stats are bad, and while this Crew trigger is nice, the stuff it can crew can be crewed by lots of 2 drops in the format.
Fang-Druid Summoner
1.0 // 3.5 They put enough vanilla creatures in the set for this to actually tutor something up when you build around it. And if your'e getting the two mana 3/3 or the two mana 3/2, you're going to feel pretty good about it.
Memory Guardian
3 Even casting this for 4 feels pretty good, and if you can go lower it feels even better.
Haunted Hellride
3 This attack trigger is really good, and the vehicle isn't too shabby.
Endrider Catalyzer
2.5 This doesn't have the most exciting Max Speed ability since by the time you get there it's unlikely you're desperate for mana. But it's a solid card by virtue of simply being a two drop with okay stats that can start your engines on turn two.
Flood the Engine
2.5 This type of removal is never great because it's a little too expensive and a little too easy for your opponent to deal with.
Hazard of the Dunes
2.5 You're getting just about you should get for 4 mana, and in the late game it can become the biggest creature on the board.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Stall Out
1.5 Without Cycling this would be close to unplayable since it involves going down a card for some tempo, making it only good when you're ahead.
Leonin Surveyor
3 This is hard to block for much of the game, which means it's good at building speed, and it often turns into a 2-for-1 in the late game.
Rugged Highlands
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 3 Pick 4: Sita Varma, Masked Racer
Sita Varma, Masked Racer
3.5 This ability is pretty tough to play against once your opponent has a bunch of mana, as it can make the board way scarier. Problem is, you do need a decent amount of mana before she's really a threat.
Fang-Druid Summoner
1.0 // 3.5 They put enough vanilla creatures in the set for this to actually tutor something up when you build around it. And if your'e getting the two mana 3/3 or the two mana 3/2, you're going to feel pretty good about it.
Dracosaur Auxiliary
2.5 This isn't an ideally-sized creature for 6 mana, but saddling this is a pretty big deal as it can burn something out of the way often allowing it and other things to attack more effectively.
Scrounging Skyray
1.5 // 4.0 This is an amazing discard/cycling payoff that can completely run away with the game, and you can't say that about most two drops. You do need lots of discard and cycling to get there, but it's very doable in Blue.
Embalmed Ascendant
4 The baseline of three mana for a 1/2 and a 2/2 is a very good Magic card, and in the later game this can make combat impossible for your opponent.
Ticket Tortoise
2 This crews and blocks decently enough, but it's the Treasure that is really intriguing here. Not only does it give you some mana and fixing, it can give you two artifacts for only two mana, something that many decks in the format are interested in.
Leonin Surveyor
3 This is hard to block for much of the game, which means it's good at building speed, and it often turns into a 2-for-1 in the late game.
2 The stats aren't great, but they are kind of okay, and being able to destroy Artifacts is some reall utility.
Gilded Ghoda
2.5 If you can get a treasure out of this and trade it off you're going to feel pretty good about stuff. If you can get more than one treasure out of it you'll feel great. And if you can't get any, it's going to feel kind of bad. Basically, this is really good on two, and less good thereafter.
Flood the Engine
2.5 This type of removal is never great because it's a little too expensive and a little too easy for your opponent to deal with.
Thornwood Falls
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 3 Pick 5: Broadside Barrage
Muraganda Raceway
1.5 As with the other start your engines! lands, this just isn't worth the hit to your mana base. You don't exactly need extra mana by the point you have Max Speed.
Broadside Barrage
4 This kills most stuff while giving you a very nice loot.
Dredger's Insight
2.5 Recursive spells like this have played pretty well lately, and I don't have incidental life gain stapled to it.
Kalakscion, Hunger Tyrant
1 The power is super high, but that doesn't do much to keep this from dying to lots of one mana cards, and with no other upside -- plus a challenging mana cost -- it's not a card you should play very often.
Trip Up
3 This 4-mana removal spell always ends up playing pretty well since it's a nice 1-for-1 trade, and this comes with Cycling upside.
Pedal to the Metal
1.5 This is too inefficient to be a trick you play regularly, even with the pseudo-fireball upside.
Glitch Ghost Surveyor
2 The Wind Drake stat-line is pretty bad, and while it helps you with Speed a little bit and can eventually be a 2-for-1, this card doesn't quite overcome that mediocre baseline.
Broken Wings
2 This has enough targets in the format for this to be main deck material, but it'll still be kind of a medium removal spell.
Dynamite Diver
3 A one mana 1/1 that pings when it dies is a solid card in most Limited formats, and in this one it works especially nicely with Speed. Being able to crew above it's weight class is great too.
Defend the Rider
2.5 This feels really good when it blanks removal or wins combat, and making a token with it isn't a bad failcase.
Pit Automaton
1.5 // 2.5 You can't really play this unless you've got a bunch of cycling and/or Exhaust, but even then this card's very one dimensional.
Sundial, Dawn Tyrant
3 It's a vanilla creature, but it's got good stats, it's good at crewing, and it's an artifact -- and those last two things really matter in this format.
Ride's End
3 Paying 5 for this is not what you want to be doing, but paying two is great. If you're an aggressive deck it's far less good, but it pulls it's weight in many decks.
Wreck Remover
2 The stats aren't great, but this hates on the graveyard fairly well and in the incidental life gain can add up.
Trip Up
3 This 4-mana removal spell always ends up playing pretty well since it's a nice 1-for-1 trade, and this comes with Cycling upside.
Bestow Greatness
2 This has some serious blowout potential, but it's a little bit too expensive to be a great trick.
Clamorous Ironclad
2 Casting this doesn't feel amazing, but there are board states where it's good. Cycling for only one mana really helps bail this out, though.
Roadside Blowout
3.5 Even if this always cost three mana it would be good, since you can get some nice tempo while drawing a card, so the fact this'll be one mana sometimes is really nice.
Amonkhet Raceway
1.5 Starting your engines early is good, but doing significant damage to your mana base isn't worth it, especially when the Max Speed upside is so mediocre.
Mutant Surveyor
2.5 The buff effect helps gets this in on many boards, and the fact you can exile it from your graveyard means it has 2-for-1 potential. Alternatively, it can feel pretty good when it gets milled too.
Daring Mechanic
2 The baseline's alright, but the activated ability is too expensive to be used reliably.
Starting Column
1.5 It's rare for mana rocks that cost 3 to be worth it in Limited, because you want to add to the board on turn three pretty badly. The Max Speed effect does mean it isn't always a dead card, but you won't always get there.
Skybox Ferry
1.5 A 5-mana 4/4 flyer that is always a creature isn't what it used to be, and this has to be CREWED. Cycling helps a little, but not enough.
Howler's Heavy
2.5 Cycling this is going to be "Plan A" most of the time since it generates a decent amount of value for the cost, and can even sometimes give you a 2-for-1. But, running this out as a 4-mana 3/4 when you have to is nice.
Bloodfell Caves
2.5 Gaining a bit of life helps make up for the fact that these always enter tapped, and they are pretty good at fixing your mana.
Pack 3 Pick 8: Mindspring Merfolk
Mindspring Merfolk
3 Not a lot of Merfolk in this set, but an Exhaust ability capable of drawing this many cards is pretty powerful.
Ancient Vendetta
0 This type of card usually does nothing in Limited, and even when it does something, it isn't worth the mana or not adding to the board.
Broadside Barrage
4 This kills most stuff while giving you a very nice loot.
Streaking Oilgorger
2 Even if this always had lifelink it wouldn't be insane, since the stat-line is pretty bad. Dying to lots of two mana card isn't where you want to be as a 5-drop.
Lightwheel Enhancements
1.5 The buff might help you get in for a hit and raise your speed, but it's pretty mediocre overall. Once you get to max speed it gets kind of sweet, but it's less likely getting the buff out of the graveyard by that stage is relevant.
Trip Up
3 This 4-mana removal spell always ends up playing pretty well since it's a nice 1-for-1 trade, and this comes with Cycling upside.
Thunderhead Gunner
2.5 It's a little expensive, but this ability is pretty nice even in a vacuum. It gets better in a set with lots of discard payoffs.
Pack 3 Pick 9: Memory Guardian
Rover Blades
1.5 This is too pretty bad cards stapled together. That's enough to make it somewhat playable, but most of the time you're cutting it.
Memory Guardian
3 Even casting this for 4 feels pretty good, and if you can go lower it feels even better.
Gearseeker Serpent
1.5 // 3.0 If you're a heavy artifact deck (most likely UW) this is good. If you're not, it's too tough to get a deal on it.
Lightwheel Enhancements
1.5 The buff might help you get in for a hit and raise your speed, but it's pretty mediocre overall. Once you get to max speed it gets kind of sweet, but it's less likely getting the buff out of the graveyard by that stage is relevant.
2 The stats aren't great, but they are kind of okay, and being able to destroy Artifacts is some reall utility.
Marauding Mako
1.5 // 3.5 This is a great payoff if you're in the Blue/Red deck, which will have lots of ways to trigger this. It's going to be a lot less impressive in other Red decks, though.
Broken Wings
2 This has enough targets in the format for this to be main deck material, but it'll still be kind of a medium removal spell.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Swiftwing Assailant
2 The baseline isn't very good, but if you're good at getting to max speed, it become a bit more palatable.
Trip Up
3 This 4-mana removal spell always ends up playing pretty well since it's a nice 1-for-1 trade, and this comes with Cycling upside.
Pack 3 Pick 11: Flood the Engine
Reckless Velocitaur
2 Hill Giant stats are bad, and while this Crew trigger is nice, the stuff it can crew can be crewed by lots of 2 drops in the format.
Haunted Hellride
3 This attack trigger is really good, and the vehicle isn't too shabby.
Flood the Engine
2.5 This type of removal is never great because it's a little too expensive and a little too easy for your opponent to deal with.
Maximum Overdrive
2.5 This is a quality trick that blanks removal and wins virtually any creature combat against another creature.
Pack 3 Pick 12: Flood the Engine
Ticket Tortoise
2 This crews and blocks decently enough, but it's the Treasure that is really intriguing here. Not only does it give you some mana and fixing, it can give you two artifacts for only two mana, something that many decks in the format are interested in.
2 The stats aren't great, but they are kind of okay, and being able to destroy Artifacts is some reall utility.
Flood the Engine
2.5 This type of removal is never great because it's a little too expensive and a little too easy for your opponent to deal with.
Pack 3 Pick 13: Pedal to the Metal
Pedal to the Metal
1.5 This is too inefficient to be a trick you play regularly, even with the pseudo-fireball upside.