Premier Draft BLB 3 August 2024

3 August 03:06 - Khronicus 7 Wins - 2 Losses
Pack 1 Pick 1: Driftgloom Coyote
Pack 1 Pick 2: Starseer Mentor
Pack 1 Pick 3: Seasoned Warrenguard
Pack 1 Pick 4: Dreamdew Entrancer
Pack 1 Pick 5: Knightfisher
Pack 1 Pick 6: Splash Lasher
Pack 1 Pick 7: Sugar Coat
Pack 1 Pick 8: Stickytongue Sentinel
Pack 1 Pick 9: Honored Dreyleader
Pack 1 Pick 10: Treetop Sentries
Pack 1 Pick 11: Stickytongue Sentinel
Pack 1 Pick 12: Peerless Recycling
Pack 1 Pick 13: Cache Grab
Pack 2 Pick 1: Dazzling Denial
Pack 2 Pick 2: Longstalk Brawl
Pack 2 Pick 3: Knightfisher
Pack 2 Pick 4: Sugar Coat
Pack 2 Pick 5: Druid of the Spade
Pack 2 Pick 6: Splash Lasher
Pack 2 Pick 7: Three Tree Scribe
Pack 2 Pick 8: Dire Downdraft
Pack 2 Pick 9: Long River's Pull
Pack 2 Pick 10: Druid of the Spade
Pack 2 Pick 11: Druid of the Spade
Pack 2 Pick 12: Finch Formation
Pack 2 Pick 13: Three Tree Mascot
Pack 3 Pick 1: Bakersbane Duo
Pack 3 Pick 2: Hunter's Talent
Pack 3 Pick 3: Three Tree Rootweaver
Pack 3 Pick 4: Fecund Greenshell
Pack 3 Pick 5: Sunshower Druid
Pack 3 Pick 6: Splash Portal
Pack 3 Pick 7: Lilysplash Mentor
Pack 3 Pick 8: Finch Formation
Pack 3 Pick 9: Thought Shucker
Pack 3 Pick 10: Skyskipper Duo
Pack 3 Pick 11: Seedpod Squire
Pack 3 Pick 12: Lightshell Duo
Pack 3 Pick 13: Rabbit Response