Quick Draft LTR 12 July 2023

12 July 11:32 - Kaizeneca 7 Wins - 2 Losses
Pack 1 Pick 1: Call of the Ring
Pack 1 Pick 2: There and Back Again
Pack 1 Pick 3: Palantír of Orthanc
Pack 1 Pick 4: Mordor Muster
Pack 1 Pick 5: Denethor, Ruling Steward
Pack 1 Pick 6: Sam's Desperate Rescue
Pack 1 Pick 7: Haradrim Spearmaster
Pack 1 Pick 8: Rohirrim Lancer
Pack 1 Pick 9: Haunt of the Dead Marshes
Pack 1 Pick 10: Cirith Ungol Patrol
Pack 1 Pick 11: Swarming of Moria
Pack 1 Pick 12: Snarling Warg
Pack 1 Pick 13: Captain of Umbar
Pack 1 Pick 14: Took Reaper
Pack 2 Pick 1: Éomer of the Riddermark
Pack 2 Pick 2: Gollum's Bite
Pack 2 Pick 3: Mirkwood Bats
Pack 2 Pick 4: Mirkwood Bats
Pack 2 Pick 5: Troll of Khazad-dûm
Pack 2 Pick 6: Shelob's Ambush
Pack 2 Pick 7: Swarming of Moria
Pack 2 Pick 8: Sam's Desperate Rescue
Pack 2 Pick 9: Cirith Ungol Patrol
Pack 2 Pick 10: Lembas
Pack 2 Pick 11: Fire of Orthanc
Pack 2 Pick 12: The Black Breath
Pack 2 Pick 13: Stone of Erech
Pack 2 Pick 14: Stone of Erech
Pack 3 Pick 1: Goblin Fireleaper
Pack 3 Pick 2: Goblin Fireleaper
Pack 3 Pick 3: Rally at the Hornburg
Pack 3 Pick 4: Oliphaunt
Pack 3 Pick 5: Lash of the Balrog
Pack 3 Pick 6: Breaking of the Fellowship
Pack 3 Pick 7: Mirkwood Bats
Pack 3 Pick 8: Nasty End
Pack 3 Pick 9: Breaking of the Fellowship
Pack 3 Pick 10: Erebor Flamesmith
Pack 3 Pick 11: Orcish Medicine
Pack 3 Pick 12: Erebor Flamesmith
Pack 3 Pick 13: Rising of the Day
Pack 3 Pick 14: Rush the Room