Quick Draft LTR 12 July 2023

12 July 01:39 - Christian471 7 Wins - 2 Losses
Pack 1 Pick 1: Pippin, Guard of the Citadel
Pack 1 Pick 2: Landroval, Horizon Witness
Pack 1 Pick 3: Prince Imrahil the Fair
Pack 1 Pick 4: Faramir, Field Commander
Pack 1 Pick 5: Glorious Gale
Pack 1 Pick 6: Protector of Gondor
Pack 1 Pick 7: Hobbit's Sting
Pack 1 Pick 8: Bewitching Leechcraft
Pack 1 Pick 9: Captain of Umbar
Pack 1 Pick 10: Stalwarts of Osgiliath
Pack 1 Pick 11: Willow-Wind
Pack 1 Pick 12: Pelargir Survivor
Pack 1 Pick 13: Dúnedain Blade
Pack 1 Pick 14: Bombadil's Song
Pack 2 Pick 1: Horn of Gondor
Pack 2 Pick 2: Banish from Edoras
Pack 2 Pick 3: Esquire of the King
Pack 2 Pick 4: Eagles of the North
Pack 2 Pick 5: Westfold Rider
Pack 2 Pick 6: Arwen's Gift
Pack 2 Pick 7: Eagles of the North
Pack 2 Pick 8: Westfold Rider
Pack 2 Pick 9: Captain of Umbar
Pack 2 Pick 10: Isolation at Orthanc
Pack 2 Pick 11: Dúnedain Blade
Pack 2 Pick 12: Mushroom Watchdogs
Pack 2 Pick 13: Nimble Hobbit
Pack 2 Pick 14: Shower of Arrows
Pack 3 Pick 1: Frodo, Sauron's Bane
Pack 3 Pick 2: Fog on the Barrow-Downs
Pack 3 Pick 3: Birthday Escape
Pack 3 Pick 4: Lórien Revealed
Pack 3 Pick 5: Soothing of Sméagol
Pack 3 Pick 6: Arwen's Gift
Pack 3 Pick 7: Shire Shirriff
Pack 3 Pick 8: Captain of Umbar
Pack 3 Pick 9: Knights of Dol Amroth
Pack 3 Pick 10: Stalwarts of Osgiliath
Pack 3 Pick 11: Enraged Huorn
Pack 3 Pick 12: Second Breakfast
Pack 3 Pick 13: Took Reaper
Pack 3 Pick 14: Escape from Orthanc