Traditional Draft LTR 29 June 2023

29 June 09:58 - HappyEidolon 3 Wins - 0 Losses
Pack 1 Pick 1: Horn of the Mark
Pack 1 Pick 2: Mauhúr, Uruk-hai Captain
Pack 1 Pick 3: Dunland Crebain
Pack 1 Pick 4: Shadow Summoning
Pack 1 Pick 5: Cirith Ungol Patrol
Pack 1 Pick 6: Nasty End
Pack 1 Pick 7: Hobbit's Sting
Pack 1 Pick 8: Shire Shirriff
Pack 1 Pick 9: Haunt of the Dead Marshes
Pack 1 Pick 10: Took Reaper
Pack 1 Pick 11: Stone of Erech
Pack 1 Pick 12: Swarming of Moria
Pack 1 Pick 13: Shire Terrace
Pack 1 Pick 14: Deceive the Messenger
Pack 2 Pick 1: Book of Mazarbul
Pack 2 Pick 2: King of the Oathbreakers
Pack 2 Pick 3: Lash of the Balrog
Pack 2 Pick 4: Denethor, Ruling Steward
Pack 2 Pick 5: Lash of the Balrog
Pack 2 Pick 6: Nimble Hobbit
Pack 2 Pick 7: Mirkwood Bats
Pack 2 Pick 8: Mordor Trebuchet
Pack 2 Pick 9: Errand-Rider of Gondor
Pack 2 Pick 10: Surrounded by Orcs
Pack 2 Pick 11: Westfold Rider
Pack 2 Pick 12: Swarming of Moria
Pack 2 Pick 13: Gimli's Axe
Pack 2 Pick 14: Protector of Gondor
Pack 3 Pick 1: Oath of the Grey Host
Pack 3 Pick 2: Smite the Deathless
Pack 3 Pick 3: Lotho, Corrupt Shirriff
Pack 3 Pick 4: Samwise the Stouthearted
Pack 3 Pick 5: Théoden, King of Rohan
Pack 3 Pick 6: Breaking of the Fellowship
Pack 3 Pick 7: Uglúk of the White Hand
Pack 3 Pick 8: Protector of Gondor
Pack 3 Pick 9: Battle-Scarred Goblin
Pack 3 Pick 10: Nimble Hobbit
Pack 3 Pick 11: Now for Wrath, Now for Ruin!
Pack 3 Pick 12: Olog-hai Crusher
Pack 3 Pick 13: Esquire of the King
Pack 3 Pick 14: Captain of Umbar