Premier Draft KHM 21.februar 2021

21 February 02:33 - Razaele 7 Wins - 2 Losses
Pack 1 Pick 1: Search for Glory
Pack 1 Pick 2: Graven Lore
Pack 1 Pick 3: Iron Verdict
Pack 1 Pick 4: Snow-Covered Island
Pack 1 Pick 5: Karfell Harbinger
Pack 1 Pick 6: Bound in Gold
Pack 1 Pick 7: Gates of Istfell
Pack 1 Pick 8: Bound in Gold
Pack 1 Pick 9: Pilfering Hawk
Pack 1 Pick 10: Port of Karfell
Pack 1 Pick 11: Disdainful Stroke
Pack 1 Pick 12: Raiders' Karve
Pack 1 Pick 13: Story Seeker
Pack 1 Pick 14: Beskir Shieldmate
Pack 1 Pick 15: Funeral Longboat
Pack 2 Pick 1: Faceless Haven
Pack 2 Pick 2: Hengegate Pathway
Pack 2 Pick 3: Righteous Valkyrie
Pack 2 Pick 4: Barkchannel Pathway
Pack 2 Pick 5: Goldmaw Champion
Pack 2 Pick 6: Berg Strider
Pack 2 Pick 7: Bind the Monster
Pack 2 Pick 8: Funeral Longboat
Pack 2 Pick 9: Giant Ox
Pack 2 Pick 10: Weathered Runestone
Pack 2 Pick 11: Karfell Harbinger
Pack 2 Pick 12: Snow-Covered Plains
Pack 2 Pick 13: Strategic Planning
Pack 2 Pick 14: Annul
Pack 2 Pick 15: Run Amok
Pack 3 Pick 1: Magda, Brazen Outlaw
Pack 3 Pick 2: Stalwart Valkyrie
Pack 3 Pick 3: Shepherd of the Cosmos
Pack 3 Pick 4: Snow-Covered Plains
Pack 3 Pick 5: Vega, the Watcher
Pack 3 Pick 6: Tyrite Sanctum
Pack 3 Pick 7: Starnheim Courser
Pack 3 Pick 8: Story Seeker
Pack 3 Pick 9: Story Seeker
Pack 3 Pick 10: Valor of the Worthy
Pack 3 Pick 11: Undersea Invader
Pack 3 Pick 12: Pilfering Hawk
Pack 3 Pick 13: Beskir Shieldmate
Pack 3 Pick 14: Axgard Braggart
Pack 3 Pick 15: Story Seeker